Tribute to Trixie


Confessions of a Trixieholic | Summer of '61 | Always Reading | Favorite | Trixie Rules! | Not Perfect | Julie Campbell Tatham | Moving On | Legacies | Finding an Old Friend | The Elusive Number Ten | | TrixieFriends | TrixieCamp | The Real Sleepyside | Glen Road | Crabapple Farm | Ten Acres | Manor House | Lytell's Store | Wimpy's | Around Town | Famous Fans | Trixie Lives | Join Us | Rights Reserved


For the most part, they are adults, many professionals, who just can't seem to forget their good friends from Sleepyside. These Trixie people include a high school principal, bio-terrorism expert, Harvard undergrad, school psychologist, forensic psychologist, teachers, nurses, college professors, librarians, stay-at-home moms, a newspaper editor, a German lawyer, a Lutheran minister...and more.
