Tribute to Trixie


Confessions of a Trixieholic | Summer of '61 | Always Reading | Favorite | Trixie Rules! | Not Perfect | Julie Campbell Tatham | Moving On | Legacies | Finding an Old Friend | The Elusive Number Ten | | TrixieFriends | TrixieCamp | The Real Sleepyside | Glen Road | Crabapple Farm | Ten Acres | Manor House | Lytell's Store | Wimpy's | Around Town | Famous Fans | Trixie Lives | Join Us | Rights Reserved


WHAT A PANDORAS BOX I OPENED. I couldn't begin to count the websites devoted exclusively to Trixie. There also were even more devoted to all the series books I read as a child. Of course, I began clicking on some of the sites. I found a wealth of information about the books, the authors and fans. There are numerous Trixie websites for sharing information and fan-fiction (a totally new concept to me), as well as Trixie Moments (when someone experiences something from a book) and Trixie Sightings (where a book or character is referenced). I found that there even is a Trixie Belden Convention held each summer. Once a year these women AND men meet at a location where Trixie and her friends solved a mystery. Each of the people who post on these sites share the same love of the books that I have and they really aren't a bunch of kooks refusing to grow up.
