Belden had a lot of work to do related to the recent murders. She and
Erica had planned a major brainstorming session for later that morning,
but after three grueling days she was entitled, so she decided to sleep
in late. Ringgg. "Hello?" Click. She rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. Ringgg. "Hello?" Click. "Dammit!"
Trixie got up. She pulled on her sweats, socks and shoes, and started
to stretch. Ugh. I feel like I'm 60. She thought. It's been days since
I've worked out. She strapped on her gun, grabbed her keys, and headed
out. Ringgg. Trixie was down the stairs and up the street for what was certain to be a painful experience. X X X Trixie
let herself back into the apartment after a grueling workout. She took
out some clothes and headed towards the bathroom when she saw the light
blinking on her answering machine. YOU HAVE TWO MESSAGES. Beeep. Click. Beeep. Click What is going on? She wondered. She went in and took her shower. Less than an hour later Trixie was sitting at her desk in the detective bureau. "Belden?" "Yes Captain?" Trixie looked up from her computer screen. "Where's Lane?" "She's not here. It's her day off. But she's coming in later." "Since when does she get time off? Come into my office." Trixie
followed the Captain into his office. He closed the door and sat down,
but did not offer a chair to her. Uhoh. She thought. What happened now?
"I understand you and Sgt. Lane went up to West Point yesterday?" "Yessir." "Would you mind telling me what the hell you thought you were doing up there?" The Captain was yelling. "I, I don't understand." "Well
you said or did something to get half the U.S. Army on my case. Based
on what they tell me, you made some very serious allegations against
the Chief of the Post Military Police, a decorated combat veteran I
might add." "I, Captain! I didn't accuse anyone of anything. I just asked some questions." "Since
when does a rookie detective go asking questions? What was Lane
thinking? Didn't she tell you to keep your yap shut. And why are you
still standing there? Sit down!" "Yessir." Trixie sat down. "Listen,
Belden. I should have taken you two off those murders some time ago.
Proper procedure dictates they should be bumped to Sex Crimes or
Homicide. The ONLY reason we still have it is because those two
divisions can't decide who has jurisdiction. I want to solve them here
as much as you do. Damn. I know the parents of the one girl. But you do
not, and I repeat, you DO NOT talk to anyone at West Point again
without my prior authorization. Not unless you want to be on uniform
duty again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Trixie sat staring at her feet. She nodded. "Now get out of my office!" "Yessir." Trixie started to leave. "And Belden." "Yessir?" "Would you please get some rest? You're going to burn out." "Yessir." Trixie
went out to her desk. She knew that the meeting at West Point had not
gone well. She didn't realize that she'd created such a stink. Once
they got to West Point, Erica and Trixie had been escorted to Master
Sergeant Daley's office. Unlike their prior visit, Colonel Higgins was
not present. At first Trixie did exactly as Erica had instructed her.
She let Erica direct the discussion and ask the questions, while Trixie
took detailed notes. But as the meeting progressed and Erica wasn't
asking what Trixie wanted to know, she interrupted. "Master Sergeant. What's your first name?" He looked at her. "What do you mean?" "Is your name Edward Daley?" "No. What tha?" "Where'd you grow up?" He looked inquisitively at Erica. She said nothing. "What the hell are you getting at?" "Could you please make us copies of this autopsy?" Erica asked. "Of course." MSgt. Daley got up and took the papers out to a secretary, leaving the door open. "I told you to let me do the questioning!" Erica hissed at Trixie the moment he was out of the room. "But.." Trixie knew by Erica's stare that she shouldn't say anything more. "My secretary will have those for you. Ladies, I've enjoyed our discussion, but I have work." "Of course, Sergeant. And we have a long drive." Erica stood up and shook his hand. "We appreciate your time." Trixie had followed Erica out of the office silently. She knew her inexperience was showing. Erica
said nothing until they were in the car. "Belden! What did I tell you
BEFORE we went in there?" Erica wasn't exactly yelling, but she had
raised her voice. Trixie didn't respond. "I know
what you're after, but we can do our own checking about his name and
hometown and just about anything else we want ON OUR OWN. By asking him
those questions, you put him on the defensive. He'll never cooperate
now. I was able to catch him lying at least three times. Did you
realize that? No. You were too anxious to screw up the entire meeting."
"I, I'm sorry." "Yeah." Erica hadn't said a single word during the entire drive back into the City. X X X Dan
left the office and hurried home so he could shower and change before
dinner. The last thing he felt like doing was celebrating, but he would
not allow himself to put a damper on this evening. It obviously was
important to his Uncle Bill. He put on his best gray suit, the one that
Jen had insisted he buy for his interview with the Washington law firm
that had eventually hired him. It had been very expensive, looked it,
and he wore it exceptionally well. He hurried out to catch a cab to
Trixie's apartment. No subway tonight. When they arrived
outside Trixie's apartment the driver asked if he should wait. It was
fairly obvious he didn't want to. Dan looked at his watch. Hopefully
Trixie would be ready, but you never knew. "No. Go on." He felt
confident that they could catch a cab on the corner. He went up to the
entrance and buzzed Trixies apartment. "Yes?" "Hi, Trixie." Bzzzt. Trixie unlocked the entrance door. Dan jogged up the two flights of stairs. Trixie was waiting on the third flight. Wow!
Dan could barely believe his eyes. Trixie was wearing a sleeveless
black knit sheath that draped so that it enhanced every curve. She had
put her hair up with a silver clip and wore a silver serpentine chain
necklace. He wanted to grab her but resisted. Just looking at her did improve his mood. "Trixie! I'm. You're. Oh wow. You look...oh. Fantastic." Trixie
blushed. She usually wasn't comfortable hearing complements about her
looks, but from Dan, well she knew they were sincere. Placing her hands
on her hips, she looked at Dan, admiringly. "You certainly clean up
nicely too, Counselor." "Come on in. I'm almost ready." She
turned around and went into her apartment. She had on black sheer
stockings but no shoes. She walked across the room and, balancing
herself on the arm of a chair, slipped on high heels. She toddled a
little as she turned around. "I don't usually wear these, so." Dan
smiled in spite of himself. He just wanted to...how could he keep away
from Trixie all evening when she looked like that? He picked up her
coat and helped her into it. Trixie turned around and reached up to
kiss him. He backed away and pretended to not notice. Trixie picked up her purse. "Ready, Mr. Mangan?" Dan
held open the door and stood aside to let her out before following. He
waited in the hallway while Trixie locked the regular lock and deadbolt
and helped her down the stairs and up the block to the busier street
where they could catch a cab. "I guess I should have had the cabby
wait." "No Dan, you didn't know if I was ready." "I know, but you're not dressed for a long walk." "I'm fine." A cab pulled up. "See, here we are." Dan
helped her into the back of the cab and climbed in beside her. She
immediately grabbed his hand with both of hers. He stiffened, wondering
how he would ever make it through the evening. "I'm so excited for Regan and honored that he and Mary are including me." "Me too." Dan stared in awe at the beautiful woman beside him. X X X Regan
pulled Mary's car up to the restaurant entrance. The young valet rushed
up to her door and opened it. Mary got out and Regan gave the man his
key. He took her arm and led her towards the door. "I can't believe
this, Bill. How'd you ever get reservations on a weekend?" "Wellllll."
He smiled. "I do have my connections." Mary laughed. Regan sobered a
little. "Matt Wheeler made them for us. But, honestly, it is easier to
get them for a Friday than Saturday. I don't know if even Matt could
have gotten them for tomorrow night." "Does Dan suspect anything?" "Of course. He doesn't know any details, though." They checked their coats and walked up to the Maitre'd. "Reservations for four in the name of Regan." "Yessir. We should have a table for you momentarily. Would you care to wait in the bar?" "How long will it be?" It wasn't quite 8 o'clock. The Maitre'd looked at his watch and then his book. "Less than ten minutes." "We'll wait here then." It
was far less than ten minutes before they were escorted to a table in
the premiere location of the restaurant. When Mr. Wheeler had made the
arrangements, he had made certain it would be a special evening for
Mary and Bill. No sooner had they sat down than Trixie and Dan came
walking through the restaurant. Regan jumped up. He thought he'd burst
with pride. His nephew looked every bit the successful New York lawyer
and Trixie was, well he hardly recognized her she looked so stunning. "My
word, who are these people?" He hugged Trixie and held her back with
both hands. "You've never looked more beautiful, Trixie." He shook his
nephew's hand. "You look good, too, Dan." Regan suddenly remembered his manners. "Oh! Trixie! Have you met Mary?" The two women shook hands and they all sat down. "Have you been waiting long?" "No. No." For
the next ninety minutes, the two couples enjoyed a meal and each
other's company. It was immediately obvious to Trixie that Regan and
Mary were devoted to each other. Seeing them so happy made her forget
all her worries of the day. She was animated and talkative. Regan could
barely contain his excitement with the news he was about to share. Mary
was equally as happy. Dan was unusually quiet, but everyone else was so
excited, it was barely noticeable and certainly did not to dampen the
spirits of the others. After everyone was filled with an
excellent dinner, Regan insisted on ordering dessert and champagne. He
poured each person a glass and sat up straight in his chair. Mary
grabbed his hand. "Mary and I have news to share." He was grinning ear to ear. Trixie looked over at Dan and smiled. His blank expression didn't change. "You know, Dan, that we've been talking about marriage for some time." Dan nodded. "We're making it official and have set a date." He looked at Mary. "Come Valentine's Day, Mary will become Mrs. William Regan." Dan
stood up and walked around the table. He kissed Mary on the cheek and
hugged his uncle. "I'm so happy for you both. I'm so glad." He reached
across the table for his glass of champagne but couldn't reach it.
Trixie handed it to him. He held up his glass. "To your happiness." People
at several tables around them had stopped to watch the scenario. Dan
announced to those watching. "They're getting married! Valentine's
Day!" Several people in the room applauded politely. Regan's face
turned bright red. Dan decided it was time to sit down. Trixie
bombarded them with questions. Mary and Regan held hands and smiled
while trying to make sense of her babbling. Dan sat back and watched.
He tried his best to be involved, to show that he truly was happy for
his uncle. "Where will you live?...Is Valentine's Day on a
weekend? No?...Are you going on a honeymoon?...Will you continue to
work at the stables?...Will it be a big wedding?" Somewhere in her
deluge of questions, Trixie was able to determine that they were having
a very small ceremony in the middle of the week. They would each take a
few days off from work for the ceremony and would honeymoon at the end
of the school year. They weren't sure exactly where they would live,
but no one was moving away from Sleepyside. Dan would be best man, if
he agreed, and Mary's sister would stand for her. They would be the
only attendants. "Isn't is all just wonderful Dan?" Trixie looked over at him. He was sipping champagne and staring away. "Huh?" "Do you feel okay?" "Yes. What do you mean?" Trixie shrugged. "I need to use the ladie's room. Would you like to come Mary?" Both ladies excused themselves. Dan
and his uncle sat sipping their champagne. Regan was concerned about
his nephew's mood. He had seemed tired the prior weekend, but at least
in good spirits. Something clearly was bothering him this evening.
"Trixie looks fabulous tonight, doesn't she Dan?" Regan finally
offered. Dan looked at his uncle and didn't say anything. "You will be my best man, won't you?" "Of course!" "Are
you feeling okay, tonight, Dan? I can't believe you'd be so distracted
when surrounded by two beautiful women." Regan tried to lighten his
nephew's mood. "I'm fine. Fine." Dan responded curtly. Regan wasn't convinced. "Dan, I know you better. What's wrong?" "I'm fine, Uncle Bill. I 'm so happy for you and Mary...so much so." "I know that, Dan, But if you aren't feeling well. We can take you home." "No! No! It's been a long week. A hard week. That's all." Dan insisted. "I want tonight to be perfect for you." "It
is, Dan. I'm here with the two most important people in my life. And I
couldn't ask for a more perfect date for you tonight." "Trixie?" "Yes. She's grown into a terrific woman. A beautful woman." "I
know, Uncle Bill. I know." He looked across the dining room and saw
Trixie and Mary approaching. Several heads turned as she walked by. She
was one of the most striking women in the room, for certain. Trixie turned to Mary as they walked back towards the men. "I'm sorry that Dan's behaving so strangely." "You shouldn't apologize for him. I'm sure he has mixed feelings about me and Bill." "Oh
no! He's told me that he's thrilled about you. He's always felt a
little guilty. You know that Regan sacrificed so much for him." "Bill wouldn't have done it any other way." "I know that." Trixie looked at him across the room. "I think Dan isn't feeling well. He's just not himself." Mary
and Trixie sat back down. "Is there any more champagne?" Trixie asked.
Regan looked a little surprised. "I'm joking. I'm joking, Regan. I have
to get up and go to work in the morning." "You do?" Mary asked. "Trixie's one of New York's finest. I thought I told you that." Regan reminded her. "I know. I just didn't realize she had to work tomorrow. Are we keeping you up?" She turned to Trixie. "No. No." Trixie laughed. "I couldn't sleep after all the excitement tonight anyway." "I think we might get Trixie home, Uncle Bill." Dan spoke up. "It is late." Thinking
Dan wasn't feeling well, he agreed and asked for the check. Upon
leaving the restaurant, Regan insisted on driving both Dan and Trixie
home. It was late and he was concerned about Dan. "I guess
you should take me home first," Dan said. "I don't live far from here
and Trixie's place is on your way heading out of the city. Just make
sure you drop her in front of her building. I don't like the
neighborhood." The valet brought their car and they got in. Regan drove
directly to Dan's building. Dan got out without saying a word. He
started to walk away when he turned and came back. He reopened his
door. "Thank you so much, Uncle Bill. For dinner. for
everything. And Mary," He placed his hand on her shoulder. "I can't
wait for you to become my Aunt. Really." He started to shut the door,
but Trixie slid across the seat and followed him into the lobby of his
building. Regan and Mary watched through the glass doors as Trixie
caught up to him. She grabbed his shoulder and said something to him.
He shook his head. She spoke some more and touched his forehead. He
took her hand away, turned and walked toward the elevators. Trixie came back to the car. "You can drop me at the subway." "No, Trixie. Dan insisted I take you home, He doesn't like your neighborhood." Trixie
sat in the back seat and didn't say a word. Regan looked in the
rearview mirror. She was staring out the window. It looked like she
might be crying. No, Trixie didn't cry that easily. Or was this
something more than it seemed? Trixie began to give
directions. Eventually they pulled up in front of her building. Trixie
leaned up and kissed Regan on the cheek. "I'm so happy for you. I've
wanted this for you for so long. And I can't thank you enough for
including me tonight." She turned to Mary. "You've got a terrific guy
here." "I know Trixie. And I'm glad you came tonight." Regan and Mary sat and watched as Trixie got out of the car and ran up to her building. She unlocked the door and went in. "What do you think that was all about?" Regan asked as he pulled away. "The scene in the lobby?" "That and Dan's moodiness all evening." "They're in love, Bill. They just don't know it yet." Regan looked at her. "They've just started dating. They aren't...At least I don't think so." "If
not, they will be," Mary predicted. "I saw the way Dan looked at her.
Did you?" Regan smiled knowingly at her. At one point in the evening he
thought Dan looked like a sick puppy. "But you don't need to
interfere." She looked over at him. "No. I, I can't imagine
anyone more perfect for Dan." He grinned slyly. "But they're both
adults. I'd never interfere. Unless I have to." Trixie ran up
the stairs. Either Dan was a total ass or he WAS sick. She wondered if
she should call him. She got to the head of the flight of stairs and
stopped. What the? Painted in big red letters across the door
to her apartment and on the walls was "Back off B..." Trixie looked
around. Grabbing her gun, she checked around and went up to the fourth
floor. The stairwell and top floor hallway were empty. She went back
down stairs. Nothing. She pulled out her cell phone and called 911.
"Yes. This is Detective Belden of the 19th Precinct. I've had some
vandalism at my home." Trixie went downstairs to wait for the
patrol car to arrive and take a report. Perfect ending to a perfect
evening, she thought as she waited. X X X Once word
got out that the threatening graffiti was on the residence of a fellow
officer, there were police everywhere. They searched every nook and
corner in Trixie's building and other buildings along her street. They
checked every possible hiding place in several alleys in the area and
all they found were the used paint can and brush in a trashcan. Of
course, there were no fingerprints anywhere. While Trixie appreciated
their concern for one of their own, she honestly just wanted to go to
bed. It was almost 4:00 a.m. when the last officer left. She overslept
the next morning for the first time since becoming a police officer.
Once she got to the police station, almost ten minutes late, she went
directly to the coffee maker. "Hey Belden. I heard there was
some excitement at your place last night!" One of the uniformed
officers greeted her. He was an older man who always made it clear he
cared little for women in police work. "Did someone draw their brush on
you?" "When did you hear that?" Trixie asked her co-worker. "As soon as I got in. You seem to the be number one topic this morning." "It
was nothing. I just wanted to be sure there was a record of it, but
they made a big deal about it. I was up past four o'clock." "Poor girl, didn't get her beauty sleep." "You need it worse than I do, Scerbo." Trixie headed back to her desk. Scerbo, She thought. Try Scumbo. "Belden!" "Yes Captain?" "In my office." "Oh
gee, what did I do, now?" Trixie thought as she followed him in. As the
Captain closed the door, she noticed Scerbo grinning at her from across
the room. "Don't worry Belden. I didn't call you in to chew
you out. Sit down." He almost smiled as he sat down at his desk. "I
heard that there was an incident at your home last night." Trixie sat down in a chair across the desk from him "It really wasn't..." "Any threat to one of my officers is serious. No matter how harmless it might seem." "Of course." "It may be nothing. It probably is. But I still want it checked out." "Sure Captain." "There
will be some detectives coming in this morning to talk to you. I want
you to cooperate fully. This may be nothing, but your cooperation may
help us to stop something happening to another officer." "I understand." The
Captain picked up a pile of papers and started reading. Trixie assumed
she was dismissed so she stood up. Just as she got to the door the
Captain looked up. "And Belden. I thought I told you to get some rest.
You look like shit." "I..." Trixie decided it best not to explain. "Yessir." X X X Later
that morning two detectives from the main bureau met with Trixie in a
private conference room. She was with them for over two hours. She
could not believe they were wasting so much time on some graffiti. "Detective Belden, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary recently? Anyone following you, making comments?" "No." Trixie tried to make herself comfortable in the hard chair they had provided. "Nothing?" Trixie shook her head no. "Obscene calls?" The younger officer asked her. "No.Oh. Well, I've had several hang up calls recently, but," "Here or at home?" He was scribbling frantically. "Home. Most of our calls here are screened." "Of course." He wrote something down again. "Do you know of anyone who might have a grudge against you?" The older officer asked this question. "No." Trixie looked at him. She was trained in interrogative techniques and didn't like where he might be going. "Not through work or your personal life?" "No." "Ex-boyfriends?" The younger officer spoke up. Trixie shook her head. "Ex-girlfriends?"
The older detective looked accusingly at her. Trixie wondered if he
shared the prejudices as Scerbo; that no "normal" woman would be
interested in police work. Trixie almost laughed out loud. "No." "What about arrests. Have you made any recently?" "Of course. But," "We'll
be checking to make sure no one has been released recently or has
family. Are you aware of anyone who has been released recently or.." "No." "What about your personal life? Have you been involved with anyone who might be unstable or angry with you?" "No.
I have a small circle of friends and. No. No one." The two officers
seemed to be trading questions now. Trixie was forced to look back and
forth between them. She wondered if this was deliberate; to keep her
spinning. Trixie thought about Jen. There was no way Jen
could have painted the graffiti. Didn't Dan say she was in South
Carolina? But what if they found out about her elsewhere. And how would
she describe her relationship with Dan? If she called him her
"boyfriend" word would be out in hours that another ADA and police
detective were linked romantically. Trixie decided not to mention Jen. "We need a complete account of where you were last night and who you were with. I saw you were off yesterday?" Trixie
sighed, relieved they weren't going to pursue the personal grudge issue
any further for now. "Yes but I came in and worked a few hours off the
clock. I left between three and three thirty." "Where did you go from here?" "It's so routine, it's boring." "We
need to know everything, Detective. We want to be sure that you aren't
being stalked or singled out. Any small detail might be helpful." "Of
course". Trixie inhaled as she thought about the prior afternoon. "Lets
see...From here I went to a CVS and bought stockings, deodorant and
cotton balls. Is this enough detail?" "Actually, its good you
remember every detail. It might help to make a connection. You never
know." The younger man assured her. "I stopped at Key Drycleaners to pick up two jackets, blazers actually, and went directly to my apartment." "And you didn't notice anything unusual?" "Nothing.
Some kid I didn't know rang up the sale at CVS, but it was the same
woman at Key whos been there since I moved to the area three years ago.
A Mrs. Lu." "Fine. Then what?" Oh gee. How much
detail will they demand about my evening? Trixie squirmed a little in
her chair. "I was in my apartment for the next four hours oh so." "Did you get any calls or visits?" "Nothing. At least. No, nothing." "Did you leave your apartment at any time, for even a few moments?" "No." "What
kinds of things did you do?" The two detectives began trading questions
again. Realizing what they were doing, Trixie refused to become addled
and avoided looking directly from one to the other, all the while
knowing they were think she was being deceptive. "I did some housekeeping. Around six or so, I showered and changed." "Changed?" "I got dressed. I went out that evening with friends." "Of course. What time did you go out?" "I left the apartment around 7:30." "And were you alone?" "No. A friend came and got me." Well, here we go, Trixie thought to herself. It had to lead to my evening with Dan eventually. "And how did you travel?" "We walked up to the corner and caught a cab." "Do you remember the cab company?" "Mmm..I think it was Metropolitan," Trixie closed her eyes for a moment picturing the cab. "Yeah, Metropolitan." "Do you remember anything about the driver." "Ha. No. I really wasn't paying any attention." The younger detective looked up and smiled for the first time. Get your mind out of the gutter, Trixie thought. "And where did you spend the evening?" He went back to scribbling. "I had dinner with friends at La Petite Maison on 45th" The detective looked up again. "Isn't that a little pricey for your salary?" "My friends, I was there with friends who paid," Trixie noticed the older detective rolled his eyes at the younger man. "We'll need the names of the people you were with last night and addresses and phone numbers if you have them." "There were four of us. I have phone numbers and addresses for two, but not the third. But I can get it for you easy enough." "Who were you with?" "Daniel Mangan. He's with the Manhattan DA' office. The younger detective looked up and smiled again. "s he an ADA?" Oh
gee, w long will it take for the entire PD to know I was having dinner
with Dan at one of the priciest restaurants in Manhattan? Trixie
cringed at the thought. " grew up with Mr. Mangan. We were
dining with his uncle and his uncle' fiancée. William Regan and Mary
Adams. They both live in Sleepyside-on-the-Hudson." The detective looked up again. "That's my, our hometown. We were celebrating their engagement." He nodded as he continued writing. And
so the questioning continued. Trixie had to give every detail of the
evening short of the brand of champagne they had enjoyed. They did ask
her how much she drank. Of course she said two glasses. Any police
officer will tell you that when they stop someone they always admit to
two drinks. Never more. Seldom less. No matter how drunk they are and
what they might blow on the Breathalyzer. But Trixie had two glasses of
champagne that evening and that's what she said. By mid
afternoon, Trixie was exhausted. She had no idea how she was to
function the rest of the day. But she would. She always did. X X X Dan
was awakened that morning by pounding on his door. For once he had
slept in his bed. With one eye open, he rolled out and stumbled through
the apartment, wondering how anyone had gotten past the security in the
lobby. "Yes?" He asked through the locked door. "Hey Danno. Let me in." It was Alex. Dan opened the door. "Alex! What are you doing here? How'd you get past security? What time is it?" "You
look awful. Get in the shower and I'll make coffee. I brought
breakfast!" Alex showed Dan the box of Krispy Kreme donuts he carried.
"Not quite warm, but fresh this morning. Now move!" Without saying a word Dan headed for the bathroom. He knew what his friend was trying to do and he was grateful. When
Dan got out of the shower, Alex had found instant coffee and had water
boiling on the stove. He was sitting in the recliner. "Your apartment's a little Spartan, isn't it?" He greeted Dan. "I'm not here much. I'll get more furniture once I can afford it." Dan went into the kitchen to get coffee. Alex
was concerned. He knew that living conditions like this were not
contributing to Dan's mental health. "Is the pay really that bad?" "No."
Dan came out. His mouth was full of donut. "Mmm, these are good. You
know you can get them in New York now." He wiped his mouth on a paper
napkin and swallowed. "The rent is pretty high and I still have a lot
of school loans." He almost smiled at his friend. "I've had plans to
get more furniture. Really! Just not time to shop." "Well,
Dan, I came up to spend some timeaway from work, away from pressures
away from wedding plans. What would you like to do today?" "I
didn't have anything planned." Dan thought for a moment. "We can
explore Manhattan or...Say, would you like to drive out to Sleepyside?
I'm sure Uncle Bill would like to see you." "Sleepyside sounds great. I can see Manhattan any time." After
he'd finished dressing and had his fill of donuts, Dan took Alex to the
garage where he kept his car. He had driven an ancient Ford Escort in
law school and traded it for a Toyota Celica GT when he went to work in
Washington. Fortunately it was used and the payments were manageable
even after he changed jobs and took a significant cut in pay, but now
he paid almost as much each month to park it as he paid the bank. "At least you still have this car." Alex said as they got into the Toyota. "It costs so much to keep it in the City, I've considered." "Oh
no, Dan. This is the one thing that, buying this, well, I've seen you
become too responsible. You can't totally abandon the independent man I
met that first year in law school." Dan laughed along with
Alex. "I know, I know...And remember, you didn't know me when I was a
teen. Gotta' atone for all those..." "Sometimes I wish I had." "What do you mean by that?" "I dunno, Dan, You've always worked so hard...it would be so refreshing to know you weren't so, so damn perfect." They both laughed out loud again. Dan
and Alex spent the entire day in Sleepyside. They got there just in
time to have lunch with Regan who was delighted to see Dan in better
spirits than the night before and was always glad to see Alex. After
lunch, Dan gave Alex the grand tour of Sleepyside. After they drove
around the small town, viewing Town Hall, the High School, Main Street
with its shops and bank, Wimpy's, of course, and had driven along the
river, Dan took his friend for a hike up to the cabin he had once
shared with Mr. Maypenny. Alex couldn't believe what he saw. "You mean you lived up here with an old man? Did you have running water and electricity?" "Of course, Alex. It was really nice. Of course Mr. Maypenny would only heat with wood and he kept me busy splitting it." "Wasn't it lonely up here?" "Not
at all. At first I needed the isolation. And you can get up the drive
easily in a four-wheel-drive and not so easily in a regular car. We
kept horses and usually just rode in and out. After I turned sixteen, I
kept a car at the stables." Dan looked around the place. He could
almost hear the calls of his friends and smell the wood smoke. Alex shook his head. "And you went from here to UVa Law School?" "Well, not directly, remember. And I came from the lving on the streets of New York to this." Alex had renewed respect for his friend. He HAD come a long way. "It doesn't look like anyone lives here now. Who maintains the property?" "Mr.
Maypenny died a few years ago. I actually own the cabin and a small
piece of land around it--not much more than this cleared area. The
Wheelers donated most of the Game Preserve to the County--it's all
public land now. Before making his donation, Mr. Wheeler gave his son
Jim some land to add to the 10 acres he already had. Jim plans to start
a school for troubled boys someday. The rest is preserved." "I didn't realize that...you could sell your land to pay off loans." "Maybe,
but I don't want to do that...I'm doing okay. If I don't use this
myself, I want it to become a part of the game preserve. I'll probably
donate it to the county as well. " "Jim's your friend who's the school principal?" "Yeah.
But he plans someday to open a private school. He inherited the
property on that hill over there," Dan pointed in the direction of Ten
Acres. "I think with what his father gave him he now has at least 30,
maybe 40 acres. The Wheelers still kept quite a lot of land with the
estate house you saw. And down there," Dan pointed down into the
hollow. "There is Crabapple Farm where Mart and Trixie grew up." They were too far away for Alex to make out anything but trees. "They have an estate too?" "No.
Oh no." Dan almost laughed. He could imagine Trixie's reaction to
calling their home an estate. "It's what's left of a small family farm.
They have about 10 acres, maybe less." "They're farmers?" "Oh no. Mr. Belden is a banker. But they usually have a steer or two and a vegetable garden. They used to have chickens, too." "Well, tell me about this Trixie. You haven't said two words about her all day." Dan
and Alex headed back down the trail towards Manor House. Dan didn't
know what to say. He knew he was developing strong feelings for Trixie,
but he didn't want to admit to anything until he knew for certain
whether, whether he should get involved with anyone. "Trixie's
special, Alex. Really special. What more can I say?" Dan began as he
shared his feelings about her aloud for the first time and they headed
through the woods towards Manor House. On the way back into the City that evening, Alex insisted that he meet Trixie before returning to Washington the next day. She's working both today and tomorrow." Dan protested weakly. "She's not working straight through is she?" "No." "When is she off?" "I think she gets off at 8 or so tonight." "Then get out your cell phone and call her." "I don't know." "If you don't I will. Invite her for dinner when she gets off. Or drinks...or whatever you're supposed to do in New York." "I
told you I don't want to lead her on or anything." Dan protested
weakly. He wanted nothing more than to see her again, but he sincerely
did not want to involve her in a relationship if he
shouldn't...couldn't. Dan couldn't even think the words. "Dan, call the woman. I want to meet her, and she knows that I've met Mart." At the next light Dan got out his cell phone and called. "Nineteenth Precinct Detective Bureau." "May I speak to Detective Belden?" "May
I ask who's calling?" Rudy almost sang the words. Trixie had just
gotten out of her third interview of the day. Word had spread like
wildfire through the station that she had discovered the threatening
graffiti after having dinner at La Petite Maison with "her handsome
ADA". While there hadnt been any direct teasing, she was getting plenty
of looks. "Dan Mangan." "Dan? The man who was with her last night?" Rudy spoke much louder than he needed. "One moment." Rather than buzz her, Rudy called across the squad room. "Detective Belden? There's a Dan Mangan on the phone for you." Trixie turned bright red. She picked up the phone. "Detective Belden." "Hi Trixie." "Hello. What can I do for you?" Trixie tried her best to sound business-like. "Are you okay?" Dan worried if he had alienated her that much the previous evening. "Not really." "No? Is...What is it?" "I really can't reveal any of the specifics at this time." "Is it me?" He was almost afraid to ask. "Oh no. Not at all." Dan sighed relief. "I called, will you be able to get off on time tonight?" "I hope so." "Alex
came up from Washington for the weekend. He wanted, we thought you
might like to go for dinner or drinks when you get off." "That sounds good. I think it best you call first and confirm." "What time?" "What would you suggest?" "I'll call at 7:30. Would you like dinner?" "Yes. That would be good. Thank you for calling." Dan
hung up and chuckled. "Someone must have been listening. Trixie was
trying to make it sound like a business call. I doubt she succeeded. So
where do we go now?" "How about a few brews?" "I know of the perfect microbrewery." X X X Trixie hung up the phone. Half the officers in the room were staring at her. "Does Detective Belden have another date with her ADA?" Someone broke the silence. Trixie ignored him. "It's okay, Belden." Erica offered. Trixie tried to focus on her work. X X X
Once they had gotten to the microbrewery, Dan began swilling one beer
after another, while the two friends joked and enjoyed each other's
company. It wasn't until he started slurring his words, that Alex
realized what Dan was doing. "Whoa friend." He said as he
reached across the small table and grabbed Dan's hand. Dan was reaching
for the beer selection list to see what flavors he hadn't yet sampled.
"I know you need a release, but we still have to go pick up your lady
friend." "Oh. Gee." Dan put down the listing. "I guess you'll have to drive." Alex
looked skeptically at his friend. Dan stared back, his dark eyes
glassy. Alex wondered if Dan would be in greater trouble if he called
and cancelled or if he showed up the way he was. He looked at his
watch. "Damn, It's almost 8. We need to go, Danno." Too late
to call. He'd have to take Dan the way he was. They quickly paid their
tab and left. Alex grabbed the keys as they headed up the sidewalk
towards the car. Despite Dan's less than coherent directions,
Alex was able to find the police station with minimal difficulty. He
parked Dan's car almost directly across from the main entrance to the
police station. Dan climbed out and leaned against the side of the car.
"She'll be coming out there," He pointed to the glass doors on the
front of the building. Alex got out of the car and stood
beside his friend. He wondered if he should go in and forewarn Trixie.
He wondered what he could ever say to this woman to apologize for Dan's
condition. He had flashbacks of his undergraduate days, showing up with
friends for a date who threw things at him and refused to go out
because he'd stopped for a "few" beers on the way. It was unforgivably
inconsiderate then and now, now, they were both far too old for this
kind of behavior. "There! There's Trikshee!" Dan waved at a
petite young blonde coming out of the police station. "Aleksh, there
she ish. Ishn't she...." Dan grinned and waved again. Trixie
paused as she came out of the station house, wondering if she should
wait. Dan was supposed to call to confirm and hadnt. She looked up the
street for Dan and Alex before spotting them directly across from the
entrance. Dan was leaning against the side of the car. She caught her
breath. That gorgeous man was waving at her. He was waiting for her. Alex
was shocked. The woman coming out of the police station couldn't be
more than five feet two or three inches tall and 110 pounds. He refused
to believe that she was a cop. No way.... Trixie waved back
at Dan as she came down the steps and paused before crossing the
street. Her wide smile disappeared rapidly when she got close to Dan
and recognized his silly grin, glassy eyes and distinctive odor. "I'm
so sorry Trixie. Oh! I'm Alex." The other man offered his hand. Trixie
just stood there with a half grin/half blank expression on her face.
"Dan and I stopped and had a few beers...well he had more than a few,"
Alex was obviously uncomfortable. Trixie finally offered her
hand. She stood on tiptoe and kissed Dan on the cheek. "I see you've
had SIGNIFICANTLY more than a few," She said to Dan. Dan just grinned
at her. "I feel terrible Trixie. It was my idea to stop and....we weren't paying much attention." Alex tried to make amends. "Shorry, Trikshee. You know I don't...." Dan finally spoke up. He grinned sheepishly at her. "I'm shorry." Trixie
didn't know what to say. If it had been Dan by himself, she would have
said more than a few words. But she attempted to control her anger and
disappointment in front of Alex. She did want to make a reasonably good
first impression. "I think you should take him home, Alex. He's not in any shape to go out." "I'm so sorry. Trixie. Don't be too upset with Dan." Trixie just stood there. Dan continued to lean against the car and grin at her. "At least let us take you home," Alex offered weakly. "How much did you drink?" Alex didn't appear drunk to Trixie, but she had to be certain. "Would you believe I nursed the same beer the entire evening?" "No." Alex
laughed. "Scout's honor," He raised his right hand. "I finished one and
was barely into my second, maybe a sip or two, when I realized that
Danno here was...well it was time to leave." Trixie laughed. She looked somberly at Dan, again. "Let's get you home, Dan." Alex
and Trixie helped Dan back into the passenger seat of the car. Trixie
looked at Alex and then into the car. While it was supposed to seat two
in the rear, the back seat was not designed to fit even one full-grown
adult. Trixie knew she would fit into the back better than Alex, but
she didn't quite trust his driving. She put her hand out to Alex to
take the keys. "You don't expect me to fit back there?" Alex smiled and shook his head. Trixie
continued to hold out her hand until Alex finally relented and gave her
the keys. She waited while he squeezed into the back and got in behind
the wheel. She pulled the seat up as far as it would go to give Alex as
much leg room as possible. As Trixie drove to her apartment,
Dan sat in silence with his arm across the back of the seat. Trixie
noticed that twice he leaned over, nuzzled her hair with his face and
sighed. She didn't know what he was doing... but he had said something
about her peach-scented shampoo. Brother, Dan, you ARE drunk. She
thought. Trixie turned at the corner where she and Dan caught
the cab the evening before and drove towards her building. There was an
empty space right in front and she pulled into it. Trixie got out of
the car and turned to help Alex out of the back seat. Before he got out
of the car, Dan was trying to climb out onto the sidewalk. "Dan, what are you doing?" Alex asked as he stood up. . "I have to walk Trikshee up." "No you don't, Dan." Trixie told him. "I'm fine." Trixie wasn't the one needing assistance to her door that evening. "No. No. C'mon Aleksh," Dan headed towards the entrance of the building. Trixie and Alex looked at each other. "Humor him." Trixie said, shaking her head. "Geez...." Alex
and Trixie followed Dan. Trixie unlocked the door and turned to say
goodnight to the two men. Dan tried to go into the building. "Dan...." All
three stood there awkwardly. Finally, Trixie said, "C'mon, guys. Maybe
some food will sober Dan up a little," She went on in. Dan and Alex
followed her through the doors and up the stairs. When they
got to the third floor landing, the two men stopped abruptly. Someone
had attempted to cover the prior evening's graffiti with white paint,
but the red letters still could be made out. Trixie tried to ignore it.
"Trikshee," Dan slurred. "Whah's this." He pointed to the white paint. "Nothing." "Nothing?" Even intoxicated, Dan was alarmed. "Come in and I'll explain," Trixie held the door open and Dan and Alex went in. After
they had removed their coats and sat in the small living area, Trixie
explained what she had found when Regan and Mary had dropped her off.
She tried to assure the two men that it was just some prank and that
the police had no reason to believe she was in danger. Dan and Alex
weren't convinced. Dan sat and listened to Trixie. He looked horror-stricken. Once she finished talking he turned to Alex. "Jen?" "No Dan, she's..." "It's Jen, I know it is. She...DAMMIT. DAMMIT TO HELL!! " Dan was yelling now. Alex started to get up from his chair. "Dan, she's in a hospital. How could she do this?" His voice was forcibly calm. Trixie sat and looked from man to man. Jen was in a hospital. In South Carolina. Why did Dan think Jen might have done this? Dan slumped over with his head in his hands. "Oh, Trikshee....I ...I hope thish ishn't Jen." Trixie got down on the floor in front of Dan. "How could she...I don't know what you're saying Dan." Dan
looked at Alex. He then looked at Trixie. His head was pounding. Damn
those beers. He needed to think clearly. Trixie deserved some kind of
explanation. "Help me here, Aleksh." Alex half smiled. "You talk, Dan, I'll help." Trixie
sat back cross-legged on the floor as Dan and Alex proceeded to fill
her in on the details of their recent conversations, the Gordons' trip
to Virginia and Jen's commitment in South Carolina. As far as he and
Alex knew, Jen remained in the clinic in South Carolina. "So why would you suspect her of this?" Trixie asked. "Oh,
Trikshee. I don't know, but...the stalking, the phone calls in the
office, and she's shown up other places too... the dog the other night.
She might have learned where you live." "But if she's in a clinic?" Trixie looked up at Dan. Will you ever find peace from her? She thought to herself. "That's what we need to confirm," Alex offered." And I plan to be certain she doesn't have anyone doing these things for her." "Oh shit." That was all Trixie could think to add. They
sat and shared more details with Trixie about Jen's history of
emotional problems. Now, Alex did most of the talking. It was clear to
Trixie that Alex did not have a high opinion of Dan's former
girlfriend. After a while, Trixie offered to get up and fix them
something to eat. "You don't need to, Trixie. We never intended to come up..." Alex offered. "No. I have some casseroles frozen. Let me zap something." Dan got up and went into the bathroom. Alex followed Trixie over to her kitchenette. "He's a mess," Trixie looked directly at Alex. "And you know more than you're telling me." Trying
to ignore the second comment, Alex looked towards the bathroom. "He's a
good guy, Trixie. Don't rush to judge him. And I encouraged him to
drink tonightloosen up a little. I should have paid closer
attention..." He grinned guiltily at her. "I'm not angry
about tonight. I've known him even longer than you, and I know hes been
pretty stressed." Trixie took the foil off the casserole dish. "Chicken
and rice. My moms' recipe. Is that okay?" "Sure." Alex looked over at the bathroom door again. Dan came out, walked over to the sofa and sat down. "Chicken and rice okay, Dan?" Trixie asked. "Your mom's?" He looked up at her apologetically. "Yep.
She makes double batches and freezes it for me. She still doesn't trust
my culinary capabilities," Trixie tried to smile at him. He didn't
appear to notice. Trixie looked at Alex. He smiled knowingly.
She put the casserole into the microwave and programmed the settings
before opening the refrigerator to check the crisper. "I was
hoping to make a salad, but I only have carrots and lettuce. Is that
okay?" She looked up. Alex nodded agreement. They both looked over at
Dan. He was curled up on the sofa, asleep. Trixie stood up and slumped against the counter. Alex stepped to grab her. They laughed. "I'm fine, Alex. Fine. But what are we going to do about? She nodded towards the sofa. "I came up to check on him. He's had one hell of a week." "I
can tell. He.... We went out Monday evening and he was really up...then
last night he was silent and brooding. He said he didn't feel well, but
I could tell it was more," Trixie rinsed and dried the lettuce and
began shredding it into a bowl. "Trixie, I've talked to him several times recently. About the only thing keeping him going right now is you." Trixie looked at him with disbelief. "Me?" "Jen
has been putting him through hell. For years...long before he finally
left her. When he finally did leave, he swore off women, which was
probably the best thing to do then...Lately, he's been totally absorbed
with his new job and succeeding at it. But he still hasn't been very
happy, even though he's done everything he could do to put Jen behind
him." Trixie shook her head in silent sympathy, but Alex thought she was disagreeing. "No,
Trixie. Jen's....She won't let him go...She's been a total... Then out
of the blue, in the midst of this hell he's been living in, Dan starts
talking about running into some old friend." Alex paused and smiled at
her. You can hear the excitement in his voice over the phone when he
talks about you.....all the while protesting, oh, no, Alex. She's an
old friend..." Alex was teasing now and Trixie blushed appropriately.
"Then I get up here this morning and he's walking death, again. Totally
miserable. Or at least until he starts talking about you...and there it
is...my old friend's back. Smiling, telling me about your teen-age
adventures...All your friends.... And about your successes and.." Alex
didn't want to reveal too much about Dan's current feelings so he
teased. "I know what you did prom night, Trixie." Trixie
looked at Alex, at first confused. "He didn't...." Trixie put down the
knife she'd been using and dumped the carrot slices on top of the
lettuce. "He did...and you know what he said?" "Oh,
geez...." Trixie wasn't sure she wanted to hear, but she certainly
didn't want someone else to know something about her past that she
didn't. "He said the dumbest thing he's ever done was to not follow-through on that kiss." Trixie
stopped and stared at Alex. She was blushing at the memory. Alex was
telling her in so many words that he knew about that "stolen kiss"
between Trixie and Dan at her Senior Prom. Trixie was a senior at the
high school and Dan was a freshman at the local community college. When
Jim Frayne, who was her steady boyfriend at the time, couldn't get away
from college to escort her, she'd asked Dan to go with her. He'd
happily obliged. They'd had a terrific evening together, just as
friends, at the prom and at Honey Wheeler's all night after-prom party.
However, standing on the veranda of Manor House watching the sunrise,
Dan and Trixie had shared a passionate kiss, actually several
passionate kisses. Dan had immediately apologized and neither of them
had ever mentioned the kisses again. Trixie had thought that Dan had
forgotten, but...obviously... he hadn't. Alex realized he'd embarrassed Trixie. "Im sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you." "No... no... I just thought he'd forgotten..." Trixie smiled at the thought that Dan still remembered... Alex
took Trixie's hands. "My honest opinion? You're the best thing to come
his way in a long time....Maybe ever. I just hope this Jen thing can be
put aside," Alex looked directly at her. Dan was right. Trixie is
special. He couldn't afford to lose her. "I think that now, now that
her parents have taken her back to South Carolina, he might have some
chance for happiness. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" "Do you really think I'm going to let some crazy southern belle come between me and..." She stopped mid-sentence. "Your man?" Trixie looked over at the sleeping figure on her sofa.... Yeah, she thought to herself. My man. Ding. The casserole was ready. X X X Trixie
and Alex made a half-hearted effort to waken Dan for some dinner, but
failed. They spent the next hour sharing the casserole and getting to
know each other. Alex became increasingly convinced that a relationship
with Trixie would be good for Dan, as long as they could get him
through his current "crisis". Finishing what was a surprisingly good
meal, Alex aroused Dan enough to get him to the car and home. After
putting Dan to bed, he rummaged through his closets and boxes until he
found a blanket and extra pillow. He stretched out on the living room
sofa and settled in for the night. The sun coming through the
open windows woke him up the next morning. Since there was little to
prepare for breakfast, he quietly showered and dressed before going out
to look for a market. There was a nice supermarket just a block away
and Alex purchased everything necessary for a good southern country
breakfast except grits. Born and raised in Virginia, Alex had never
understood what all the hoopla was about grits anyway. He'd never even
tasted them until he went away to college. Dan woke up to the
smell of ham frying and something baking. His head was pounding and he
was certain he was hallucinating. He rolled out of bed and headed
towards the kitchen. Alex had heard him getting up and had a
mug of coffee and two aspirin ready when he walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning, Danno." "Ugh." Dan took the aspirin and mug.
He went over to the stove to check on what Alex was cooking. "Eggs,
ham, and what's this?" He pointed to something white simmering in the
skillet. "Red Eye Gravy. And there are biscuits in the oven." "Ugh." "Sit
down and drink your coffee." Alex looked around and laughed. "I mean
stand there and drink your coffee." Dan laughed in spite of himself. He
sat down o one of the barstools. "Alex, I...you didn't have to do this." "Guess
I'm just my mother's son," Alex replied in his best southern accent.
"Soothe a troubled spirit with some good home-cookin'." "You're a good friend." "That
I am...and don't you ever forget it!" Alex looked in the oven and took
out a pan of biscuits. " Sorry they're refrigerator and not home made.
I said I was my mother's son, not my mother. Get a plate," He looked at
Dan. "You do have plates?" "It's not that bad," Dan smiled as he opened a cupboard. "See and they're clean." "They're clean coz' no one is using them." "Got me there." The
two friends filled their plates and went into the living room to eat.
They sat facing each other, not doing much but eat for some time. Alex
was pleased to see that, despite being hung-over, Dan got up and
refilled his plate twice. Once they were finished and had
returned to the kitchen to clean up, Alex felt it was time for him to
have the gut talk he'd put off all weekend. "I've been here over twenty-four hours and we still haven't talked, Dan. Man-to-man, friend-to-friend." "I didn't..." Dan began piling dishes into the dishwasher. "I'm really glad I came up. You know that?" Alex went over to the sink and began filling it with water. "I'm glad you came.... you don't know how much I appreciate.." "I
came to give you some company while you...well, wait to hear back from
the doctor. Geez, Dan, you have got to be dying inside." "Well put," Dan grabbed a rag to dry the pot Alex was handing him. "But what I'm seeing is.... I don't know. You need...work isn't everything, you know?" Dan dried the pot silently. "You
know you're one of the nicest guys I've ever met.... I wouldn't have
stayed your friend all these years if I didn't think otherwise. You're
more than just a good friend to me...you're a good person, too." Dan nodded. "I really envy you too." Dan looked surprised. He started to speak. "No. Just wipe and listen," He handed Dan another pot. "I
thought Jen was trash the first time I met her. Couldn't understand
what you saw...you had too much going for you. But, who was I to judge
what was between you two? I've never been happier than when you woke up
and moved out of that apartment in Arlington. And at first you seemed a
totally changed man...free for the first time." Dan nodded. While his emotions were mixed when he first left Jen, he was more relieved than anything else. "And
while I hated to see you go and I didn't completely understand why you
left the dream job to move back here, I was glad you were making
decisions about what you wanted for yourself for a change. To hell with
Jennifer Gordon!" Alex smiled weakly and looked at Dan. Dan's face was
a blank. "I'm sickened by what's been going on recently. But,
and I believe this, I think even this is past. I think that once her
parents get her some help, Jen will be history. Either she'll
straighten out and leave you alone or...I hate to say this... or she'll
be locked away in South Carolina somewhere." Alex began wiping down the stove. He was trying to keep busy, to force Dan to stay in the kitchen and listen to him. "And
based on what I saw yesterday, what you told me, seeing Sleepyside, and
especially meeting Trixie...I think you've got the opportunity to find
happiness...real happiness for the first time since I've known you." Alex stopped wiping, turned around and looked at his friend. Dan continued to show no emotion. "For
the first time since Ive known you I think you have a chance to be
happy." Alex enunciated each syllable as he glared at his friend. "I'm, I've been trying." "Not
hard enough, Dan. I wouldn't want your job, but I know it's your dream.
And despite the pay, there's a certain prestige that goes with working
for the Manhattan DA. This would be a great apartment if you had some
furniture." Dan nodded agreement. "You've made amends with your uncle." Dan nodded again, without looking directly at his friend. "And, my lord, you've got a woman like Trixie Belden interested in you." Dan looked up and shook his head. "I'm not sure I have anything with Trixie." Alex
placed his hand on Dan's shoulder. "I understand your reluctance to
pursue the relationship until you know more...but Trixie and I had
quite a long talk after you passed out last night." "I, you, you didn't tell her...why'd you bring her into this?" Alex could hear the start of panic in Dan's voice. "I
didn't tell her anything you haven't already," Alex tried to reassure
him. "But it's obvious how much she cares about you. Dan, she's been
your friend for a long time. Long before any romance came into the
picture. She'll stick by you no matter what. Of that I'm certain. Dan,
look at me." He paused and waited for Dan to look at him. "Don't alienate her. She's the best thing youve got right now. With or without sex." "There's no. We haven't." "I
know. That's not what I'm saying. If for whatever reason you don't
pursue this thing, you're still going to need her as a friend. Dammit,
I'll need her to help me keep you in line." Alex tried to smile. "I guess youre right. I just." "Go
shower, pal. I'll finish in here. You smell like stale beer." Alex
laughed. He finished up in the kitchen and put away the blanket and
pillow while Dan was in the shower, whistling the whole time. He was
confident that Dan had listened to him. He also noticed that Dan hadn't
protested much when he told him to hang on to Trixie Belden. Alex had
been impressed by what hed seen the night before. Trixie was
attractive, but, more important, she seemed compassionate as well as
strong. Exactly what Dan needed right now. Also, seeing Trixie in
person, he finally understood what Dan had seen in Jennifer. There was
a striking physical similarity. Dumb Dan had gone through hell to live
with a Trixie Belden-look-alike. Dan emerged from the
bathroom looking significantly better. "Alex, I thought a lot in there
about what you said." Alex leaned against the windowsill and looked at
his friend. "You make a lot of sense. I don't deserve a friend like
you." "You just need a swift kick in the butt once in awhile." "Yeah. I sure do." X X X Despite
the late hour when Alex and Dan finally left, Trixie had difficulty
getting to sleep. Her mind was spinning with what she had learned about
Jennifer and Dan. Based on Alex's comments, she wondered what Dan had
ever seen in her in the first place. She only hoped that Jennifer
Gordon was in the past, once and for all. But that left her
wondering where she fit in all this. Dan had made it very clear to her
that he was attracted to her and wanted to carry the relationship past
the just friend stage. Alex had hinted that Dan had always felt that
way. Could they fit in a normal relationship between the scrutiny of
their friends and families, two demanding careers, and Jennifers ghost?
One thing Trixie did know was that no one had ever looked at her the
way Dan did, or made her feel the way he did, even when he was blue or
drunk. When Trixie got up that Sunday, it seemed every muscle
in her body was stiff. She decided to forego a run that morning, sleep
in a little, and take a nice hot shower. X X X By
the time Dan put Alex on the shuttle back to Reagan National Airport
that evening, they had taken a quick tour of Manhattan discount
furniture and second-hand shops and purchased bookcases, end tables and
some lamps. Alex was confident Dan would have an apartment that looked
like someone lived there by the following week. The two men got sodas and sat in the airport lounge area waiting for Alex's flight to be called. "I really appreciate all you've done this weekend, Alex," Dan offered. "The
day may come when I'll need your help, Alex shrugged his friend off.
"And I will be needing you for the wedding in a few weeks. Someone
needs to give me some support that week-end!" "I know, but I've really stretched the bounds of friendship the past couple of weeks." "You haven't seen my bill for Jen's legal work, yet." "I'll pay for it, you know that." "Geez, Dan, I was kidding." "I don't want you to get in trouble at the office." "Forgetaboutit."
Alex's effort to mimic a Wise Guy got a laugh from Dan. "Hey, when in
Rome. Seriously, Dan, I want you to promise me you'll take care of
yourself. Call Trixie when you get home and take her out to dinner.
Just be sure you show up sober this time." They both laughed. "Im going
to call the Gordons this evening, just to check up on Jennifer. Old
friend concerned about her blah blah blah, and I'll let you know what I
find out." "Sure." "When do you go back to that doctor?" "Thursday." "Okay, I'll stay close to the phone Thursday waiting for your call, okay?" "Sure." "And I'll let Beth know that Trixie will be at the wedding. I INSIST you bring her with you. Understood?" "Yes SIR!" "Ha ha. I'm serious. You bring Trixie. Beth will want to meet her and my mom will welcome her. You know that." "FLIGHT 1203 FOR REAGAN WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT NOW BOARDING AT GATE F." "There's your flight," The two men stood up and shook hands. "Thanks, again, Alex. Thanks so much." Alex
walked over to the counter without comment. He sincerely hoped he
hadn't wasted the trip. He looked back over at Dan who was actually
smiling. No. He'll be cool...as long as he calls Trixie. X X X Almost as soon as she got to work that morning, Trixie wished she hadnt gone in. Officer Scerbo was waiting at her desk. "Who were those two men waiting for you, yesterday, Belden?" "When?" Trixie pretended to be engrossed in something on her desk. "When? When you got off work. I saw you ride off with them in that rich looking sports car." Trixie
looked at the man, fire in her eyes. "Exactly WHAT are you getting at,
Scerbo?" She was fed up with his condescending attitude and constant
sexual innuendo. She'd put up with it since coming to this precinct and
was ready to put an end to it. "Nothing, Belden. Nothing. I'm
glad to see you setting yourself up with some rich lawyer. A pretty
thing like you shouldn't settle for anything less." He leered over his
shoulder as he walked away. "Grrrr." Trixie literally growled in anger. "Don't let it get to you, Trixie," Erica offered. "After the past few days, I'm not in any condition to put up with that. That.." Erica made an obscene gesture from behind a file folder. "EXACTLY!" Trixie yelled. Everyone in the office looked at her. She sat down. "So what's on the agenda for today." "Put on your coat, Trix." Trixie
and Erica spent the next nine-and-a-half hours following up several
leads, all of which led to nowhere. They never got a chance to discuss
much less accomplish anything else towards solving their murder-spree. X X X Brian
Belden finished his shift that afternoon and treated himself to dinner
at a half-way decent restaurant. He left the restaurant feeling
satisfied for the first time in months. His stomach was full, he was
wrapping up all his loose ends in Baltimore, and in just a few short
weeks hed be embarking upon a new life, a new adventure. He
returned to his motel room and for the first time since moving in,
didn't feel depressed when he entered. He immediately picked up the
phone to let his parents know that he had finalized all the details
about his move to Richmond. "Belden residence." "Hey Dad." "Brian! It's Brian." His father told his mother. She ran to pick up an extension. "Hi Brian." His mother was on the line. "I just wanted to check in. Let you know that things are going well." "That's good to hear, son." His dad's voice was always so strong and reassuring, even now that he was a man himself. "I had a lot of loose ends here in Baltimore and I've pretty much taken care of everything." "Good." "And I found a place to live in Richmond." "That's really good to hear." "It's
not much. A one-bedroom apartment, but it's in a nice area of the City,
not too far from the hospital. You'd like it Moms, lots of trees,
flower beds. I think it will be pretty in the spring." "I've
heard it's really beautiful in Richmond in the spring. The azaleas are
supposed to be spectacular." His mother offered. She had mixed feelings
about his moving even further away from home than he was already. "Yeah, I've heard that too, Moms. I think spring comes a lot earlier than you're used to, though." "Well, you'll be a lot further south." "I'm really feeling good about all this. For the first time." "That's good Brian." Once again, his father was offering his support. "And when will you be getting here?" "I'll
be coming up that Friday. My apartment will be ready on the ten days
later, but I have a full two weeks off between jobs, so I figure I'll
stay with you and then head down on the a day or two before I start
work. I have training and orientation for several days, so that will
give me enough time to unpack and get settled." "I can't tell
you how delighted I am at that you'll be here, Brian. I think this is
the longest you will have spent with us at one time in years." His
mothers voice was suddenly cheerful. "I know, Moms. I, I really look forward to a nice long reunion." "Mart
and Di plan to come down from Ithaca while you're here. Bobby will be
home over the weekend, too. Trixie has promised that she'll get by,
too." "That will be great, Moms. Great. Well, I just wanted to check in and let you know things are going pretty well here." "I'm glad to hear that, son." "Thanks, Dad." "Me too, Brian." "Thanks Moms. I'll call again to finalize everything, soon." X X X Mrs.
Belden hung up the phone and returned to the family room where her
husband was sitting. "Do you think we should have told him Honey
Wheeler might be moving to Richmond?" "Why, Helen?" "Well, he has left Joyce. If the two of them end up moving to a strange city...Not knowing anyone." "Helen. Their relationship was over years ago." "I
know. I know." She sat down, put on her reading glasses and picked up
her mending. I've never believed in coincidences. She thought to