
Prologue | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 17 18 19 Epilogue


After Trixie Belden had put away the food she brought with her from Sleepyside and finished several routine housekeeping chores, she put a stack of CD's on the stereo. She sat at her desk and opened up the file folder holding all the photocopies from the Sleepyside High School annuals that Jim had made for her.





"I said I'd call."

"You didn't waste any time!" Trixie laughed.

"What shift are you working tomorrow?"

"I didn't tell you? As of tomorrow, I'm temporarily off rotation duty and full-time on the murders. I have some interviews tomorrow evening." Trixie had already told Dan about the murders; she thought she had told him about the Captain's putting her on the case full-time. "But I have to go in first thing in the morning, I have some other leads..."

"I told you, you are incredible. Have you been a detective a month, yet?"

"More than that."

"Excuse me. Two months? I bet you're solving every cold case in the 19th!" Dan joked.

"Not a chance." Trixie laughed.

"I'm in court all day tomorrow. That's why I had to get back."

"Any cases I might've heard about?"

"No. For now I'm getting all the exciting things like habitual DUIs and rotation on preliminary arraignments. I have to prove my stuff before I get anything tougher." Dan purposely avoided telling her about the case the previous week where he'd sat second chair.

"I know how that is."

"Umm, I should be able to get away by 5:30, 6 at the latest. Could you get away for a short dinner?"

"Sure, I'm entitled to eat, if I don't get caught up in something, and as long as I'm back before 8. My interview is scheduled for 8:30."

"I'll come by the precinct and we can go somewhere."

"Call first. Make sure I'm there. We may get called out or something."

"Of course."

"I'll see you then. Good luck in court tomorrow, Counselor."

"Thanks, Trixie. Good luck to you, too."


"Let's see Honey, your plane leaves from Gate 2." Jim was reading the Departure Board at Westchester Airport. "Looks like we have plenty of time." They all headed in that direction. Jim and Aggie had driven Honey to the airport.

"I wish we had more time together, dear." Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler also had come to the airport to see Honey to her plane before heading back into the City. The entire Wheeler family seldom got together any more and they decided to all go to the airport, spending as much time together as possible. "You promise, you'll come down for a weekend?"

"Yes, Mother."

"And you'll let us know as soon as you hear something from Virginia?" Her father asked.

"Of course, Father."

"Richmond seems so..." Her mother complained. "Provincial."

"Mother, we've been round and round about this." Honey pleaded. "They haven't even offered me the job. And if they do, I'm still not certain I'll take it. It's a big move for me."

"Exactly, dear. It's a strange city. You'll know no one and... Just be certain you make the right decision." Mrs. Wheeler had made it clear she did not want Honey moving. She still had not accepted her moving to Albany almost three years ago.

"Aggie and I look forward to seeing you next month, Sis." Jim tried to steer the subject to a different topic.

"I want you two to have some dates narrowed down by then." Mrs. Wheeler turned to Jim and Aggie. "I assume you wish to get married at St. Michael's." St. Michael's was the largest church in Sleepyside. "And we'll be sure to have the house in Sleepyside prepared for the reception if you'd like. Or, if you prefer, I'll make arrangements at the club...We have to book that well in advance."

Aggie looked at Jim guiltily.

"We'll talk about all that when we see you, okay Mom?" Jim carefully avoided lying to his mother.

"Aggie, dear, you don't have to worry about a thing. With no immediate family to help you, we'll take care of everything. Won't we Matthew?"

"Mmm?" Mr. Wheeler hadn't been paying attention.

"The wedding, Matthew. Jim and Aggie's wedding. We'll take care of it."

"We'll do whatever Jim and Aggie want, dear. It is their wedding."

"Of course. But Aggie doesn't...well I just don't want her to worry about it."

"I really appreciate everything you're offering Mrs. Wheeler, really. But you don't have to do anything."


"That's my flight!" Honey jumped up. "Saved by the bell?" She said as an aside to Jim.

Jim stood up, helped her with her bag and headed towards the loading area. He hugged his sister. "I'll call you, Honey. We may have to make some peace offering to Mom like that party you suggested. Maybe an after-honeymoon reception?"

"Whatever you want, Jim. Call me."

Honey turned to her parents and hugged each of them. "I'll see you next month...and I'll call if I hear anything from Virginia." She headed towards the gate. "Love you all!" She called back to them.

Jim turned to his parents. "Doesn't she look terrific?" He asked.

His mother didn't reply. Initially, she had been incredibly proud when her daughter developed an independent nature and shunned the traditional role she had chosen for herself, but she was becoming increasingly concerned that her only daughter was becoming too self-reliant and career-focused to ever marry. She especially feared that a move to Virginia would seal that fate.

"Shall we go, Matthew? It's a long drive into the City and week-end traffic..."

Mr. Wheeler got his coat. "Are you kids staying?"

"Yes, Dad. We'll wait to be sure the plane gets off okay." Jim was anxious to get his parents off before his mother started talking about wedding plans, again. He helped his mother with her coat.

"We'll see you in just a few days, Mom." He kissed her on the cheek.

"I look forward to it, Jim."

Aggie and Jim watched his parents walk across the terminal.

"Whew, that was close. Jim, I will not lie to your parents."

"No. I won't either. I honestly thought we would be able to just make our plans, do it and tell them afterwards. I didn't plan on my mother becoming so wedding obsessed. I guess we're going to have to tell them something...Honey and I talked about offering a reception after the first of the year as a compromise. Do you think you'd be up to that?"

"I suppose. I'm just not into the society thing ...and I worry about what their friends might think of me."

Jim hugged her. "They'll love you. Who wouldn't be charmed by you?" They walked over to the windows where they could watch Honey's plane taxi for take-off. "I love you Aggie. I love you like I never thought possible."

They stood holding hands while watching the plane take off.


Honey got off her plane in Albany and walked over to the lounge area. It was late and the airport was almost empty. She looked for Barry. He wasn't there. She walked out into the terminal area and looked around. Mmm...She thought. What could be the problem? She looked at her watch. No her plane was almost on time. She looked up and down the terminal. Could anything have happened? She began to worry.

She walked up to the airline desk. "Hello, my name is Madeleine Wheeler. Are there any messages for me?" The woman looked around the desk.

"No." She looked at the other woman working at the desk. "Do you have any messages for a Wheeler?"

"Nope. Don't have any messages."


"Thank you." Honey was becoming suspicious. Had it taken Barry such a short time to fall back into his old habits? "Could I have someone paged?"

"See that green phone?" The woman pointed to the end of the counter. "Pick it up and dial 1 and tell them what you'd like."

Honey followed the instructions. In just a few minutes she could hear Barry being paged to come to the airline desk. She waited for some time before accepting that he wasn't at the airport. She walked over to the pay phones. She remembered his cell phone number from the many times she had called it in the past. Just as she picked up the receiver she heard someone calling her name.

"Honey! Honey!"

Honey turned to see a handsome young man running through the terminal towards her. He came up to her panting and gasping for air.

"Oh, Hon... ney... I, I'm so sorry." He choked out while trying to catch his breath.

Barry appeared so ridiculous first tearing through the airport with his coat tails flapping and now bending over trying to breathe that Honey quickly forgot any concerns she'd had and laughed aloud. Still bending over, Barry looked up at her askance.

"So you think I look funny?" He finally managed to say as he stood up straight.

"Oh Barry!" Honey laughed as he pulled her to him.


Dan Mangan stood at his desk scanning several file folders, eating a saltine cracker and sipping on milk. No matter how simple the case, or how light his load for the day, he had indigestion on trial days. He knew he had proven in law school and private practice to be a gifted trial lawyer, quick thinking on his feet and gifted with words-- he only wished he had the same gift for words outside of the courtroom, but he lacked self confidence just enough to be nervous before going into trial, no matter how routine the case. His phone rang.

"Dan Mangan."

"Danny, where were you all weekend?"

"Jen, where are you?" Dan was concerned.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Jen, didn't your mother..."

"I asked you a question!" Jen was yelling in anger.

"How did you get my direct line?"


"Jen, I thought, I thought you were in South Carolina."

"I am, but I just wanted to talk."

Dan didn't know what to say. He knew that if she were in a clinic, he was the last person they would want her calling right now, but he had to get into court. And he didn't have a clue about the name or even the exact location of her facility.

"Jen, you're not supposed to call me here."

"I know, Danny, but I couldn't get you at home and your answering machine wasn't working either."

"I can't talk, Jen. I have to be in court. I have to go." He hung up. He didn't know what else to do. He looked at his watch. Dammit.

Dan picked up the files, put them in his brief case and hurried out to court.


Trixie could barely contain her excitement. She had been in the office since 8:00 a.m. and had to wait until almost noon when Erica came in to share what she had discovered over the weekend. She was now showing Erica all the photos and materials she had spread across her desk.

"They were the golden couple in high school." She was describing the girl murdered two decades earlier in Sleepyside and her boyfriend who was convicted of the murder. "They had a fight and that night she was bludgeoned to death in the woods behind her home...with a bat. They never found the weapon, his bloody clothes, nothing." Trixie pointed out one of her photocopies. "He was convicted entirely on circumstantial evidence, all the while insisting he was innocent...And look..." She pulled out another photocopy. "Look!"

Erica looked inquisitively at Trixie. "Over Lisa's picture!" Trixie pointed. "Edward Daley."

"I don't get it Trixie."

"Don't you remember? The nasty MP at West Point? Master Sergeant E. Daley! That's our connection. The boyfriend didn't do it...HE DID."

"Whoa, Trixie. Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean he committed murder."

"No, Erica. You said yourself there are no coincidences. Two E. Daley's related to almost identical murders? And look...Life's Ambition: Join the Army. C'mon."

"I don't see much resemblance." Erica stared closely at the photograph.

"What did you look like twenty years ago?"

"I don't know." Erica was shaking her head. Her new partner was something else.

"At least let me investigate this further."

"Of course, Trixie. Don't drop it. But go slowly. I'm not convinced."

"Of course Erica. Do you want to drive up to West Point with me tomorrow?"


Dan Mangan walked into the 19th Precinct promptly at 6:00 that evening. "Detective Belden?" He asked the Desk Sergeant.

"Sure. Who's asking for her?"

"Dan, Dan Mangan."

Rudy picked up the phone to call Trixie. "Belden, there's a Dan Mangan here to see you." Setting the phone back down, he looked guardedly at Dan. "Are you the new ADA she's seeing?"

"Well,I'm a new ADA." Dan smiled weakly at the older man. He knew that he was being 'sized up'.

"We think highly of Detective Belden around here."

"I know that."

"Are you the fellow who sent the flowers?"


Rudy didn't respond. He openly stared at Dan, wanting to make it clear he was judging his worthiness for Trixie. All of the police officers respected Trixie's moxie, but the older men couldn't help but feel a little "protective" of an attractive young woman, if not on a professional level, at least where her personal life was concerned. After only a few moments, Trixie came out.


"Sure." She turned to the Desk Sergeant. "Rudy, I'm signed out for dinner. I'll be back before 8."

"Sure thing, Belden. Have a nice meal." He stared intently at Dan.

Dan held the door open for Trixie and followed her out. Once they were on the sidewalk he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. "Where to?"

"Well, there's a great deli on the next block ...and there's always Chinese."

"Know of any place Italian?"

"Sure thing. I know the perfect place. It's a short walk."

They headed down the block with Dan holding her arm. He was obviously in good spirits. He made several jokes and buried his face in Trixie's hair twice.

"What makes your hair smell so good? " He finally asked.

"What?" Trixie laughed.

"Every time I'm with you I get.... I smell peaches. I just realized it's your hair."

"Oh...it's just my shampoo." She laughed again and shook her head as if making the curls bounce, forgetting that it was pulled back and not loose.

"Well...I... I really like it." Dan grinned at her.

"Here we are. Great food and even better prices." They had stopped in front of a small storefront restaurant.

Dan opened the door for Trixie. "Ms. Belden."

"Thank you." Trixie went in. The small restaurant was like a scene from a movie. Tables were covered with red and white checkered cloths. At the center of each table was a Chianti bottle with a candle stuck in it and countless layers of wax dripping down the sides. Violin music played softly in the background. Although the restaurant was fairly busy, they were quickly seated. Six oclock is early for dinner in New York City, even on a Monday.

Throughout the meal, they talked and laughed. Trixie was in good spirits because she felt she was finally making progress on her first case. Without revealing too many details, she told Dan she was "on a roll." Dan shared his successes of the day with her.

"I've heard you're a terrific trial lawyer...that you have quite a presence in the courtroom."

"I don't know about that."

"No. Really. One of the guys from work was in court last week and saw you. He knows we're friends and told me he wants you for any future cases...."

Dan reached across the table and took Trixie's hand. "Thank you, Trix."

"For what? I'm just repeating what he said."

"Have I told you about Uncle Bill and Mary?" Dan wanted to change the subject. He was never comfortable talking about himself.

"Just that he's dating her...and I know she's into horses, too." Trixie only knew bits and pieces about Mary, after-all, Sleepyside was a very small town,and what she knew made it seem that Mary was a perfect match for the confirmed bachelor.

"He told me this weekend...well...I'm thinking this is serious."

"Really? Finally? " Trixie smiled. "Well, it's about time. How old is he now anyway?"

"Not THAT old Trixie," Dan turned serious. "He's 35. He gave up most of his youth for me, you know." Dan was very aware of the sacrifices the young bachelor had made to gain guardianship of his then-fifteen-year-old orphaned nephew.

"I know...but it's not like he didn't want to. Do you realize what all he went through to get custody of you?"

"How do you know?" All of Dan's friends from Sleepyside knew that Regan had gained custody of Dan after Regan's older sister, Dan's mother, had died. It had been a long and difficult struggle for Regan to gain custody. He was a twenty-two year old bachelor at the time and Dan had already been in trouble with the law. Dan and Regan had always tried to downplay the difficulties Regan had encountered and the rough times they'd had with each other initially, and had focused on the bond they'd established as a result.

"Moms told me all about it...back when you...when he...when Jeh..." Trixie didn't want to bring up the problems Dan had with his uncle over his relationship with Jen.

"It's okay, Trixie. You can say her name if you want...it won't bother me, unless you feel uncomfortable..."

"I just know how much you and Regan care for each other. It hurts to think about when you were fighting."

"I guess I acted pretty stupid," Dan said awkwardly.

"Yep!" Trixie laughed. "So tell me about Mary." Now she wanted to change the subject.

Dan filled Trixie in on what he knew about his uncle's girlfriend. Like Bill Regan, her life revolved around horses. She had been on the U.S. Olympic Equestrian Team when she was only sixteen and had been a strong competitor despite her youth. She had made the team again when she was twenty and was considered certain to medal, but when her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, she left the team and chose to stay at home, close to her mother. After her mother's death, Mary returned to college and focused her energies on teaching others, as an elementary teacher and riding instructor.

Bill and Mary had met a few years ago at a horse sale and ran into each other again several months ago. They'd been dating ever since and now Regan was talking marriage. Dan was thrilled. Despite his denials, Regan had made many personal sacrifices to raise Dan. He had done a commendable job, but it had left little time for any kind of personal life. Bill Regan was past due for a life of his own and Dan appreciated that more than anyone.

"I've met Mary several times and I really like her. Uncle Bill's making a big deal about our having this special dinner and he's been hinting, so I think they're going to announce a date or something."

"Oh, Dan! That's so great. She sounds perfect for him and..." Trixie set down her fork and thought for a moment. She realized that a change in Regan's personal life might also mean changes in his professional life. "He wouldn't be moving or anything, would he?"

"I don't know, Trixie. He's got a pretty good set up at the Wheelers'. Do you realize what kind of money he's making now from the breeding and training operation? He owns the business but not the building. That still belongs to the Wheelers. I don't know where else he'd ever find that kind of facility. I doubt he'd want to continue to live in that apartment, though. It's pretty small. I cramp him now when I come for a visit."

"But he wouldn't move far?" Trixie couldn't stand the idea of another of her childhood friends leaving the area.

"I doubt it--Mary has her teaching job in Sleepyside as well."

"That's so great!" Trixie could hardly curtail her excitement. It would be twice as wonderful if Regan could find happiness without moving.

"Please, Trixie, don't let on Friday that I told you anything. I'm mostly speculating and he'll kill me if I spoil a surprise."

"I'll try. I just can't wait for Friday. I can't wait to hear what they want to share!" Trixie thought for a moment. "Do you know, do I have to dress up?"

"You sound like that would be painful." Dan smiled at her. She might look beautiful and sophisticated, but Trixie was still most comfortable in old jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Oh, no. Just wondering. I want to look right if it IS a special occasion."

You'd look right in anything. Dan thought to himself. "I'll let you know what Uncle Bill says. He might get a kick out of your worrying about what to wear!" He checked his watch. "I guess I have to get you back to work." He looked for the waiter.

"I've really enjoyed myself this evening, Dan."

"Me too." The waiter came up to the table. "Check, please." He turned to Trixie. "I'd like to do this more often, Trixie."

"It's not easy for me to get away from work. I'm pretty well tied up the rest of the week."

"Me too, but there's Friday."

The waiter returned with their check and Dan stood up. He held Trixie's chair and helped her with her jacket. "Tell, me Dan, when did you become so gentlemanly?" Trixie asked as they headed towards the exit.

"What?" Dan did those things on reflex. He wouldn't have thought about doing anything differently.

"I'm kidding, Dan. It's just...well, you seem to know exactly what to do." She looked up into his face. Her eyes were twinkling in the light of the candles on the tables. "I kind of like it."

Dan paid the bill and escorted Trixie out onto the sidewalk. "I guess you just don't realize what it's like to date a Virginia gentleman, Trixie." He laughed. They headed up the street towards the police station, with Dan gently holding Trixie's arm.

"Yes, I've heard all about those Virginia gentlemen. Didn't Playboy Magazine once name it the best party school in the country?" She laughed.

"Oh Gee, that was years ago. Long before I got there!" Dan laughed with her. "Honestly, Trixie, they do have a way there. You're expected to excel academically, but... you're also expected to look and act a certain way. It's considered a very important part of the school's tradition. They really preach it to you when you first arrive and I guess it just becomes second nature."

They walked along in silence for a while. "Trixie, I'd like to show you Charlottesville sometime. It's...well it's certainly not New York, but it's a really neat town, for certain." Dan thought for a few moments. "My friend, Alex Barrett, is getting married next month at the University chapel. I'm going to be best man. Would you go down with me, Trixie?"

"I...Would I be welcome?"

"I know Alex and Beth would love to have you. It's not a big wedding. The bride's sister and I are the only attendants. Alex is...was my best friend at Virginia."

"I have to arrange to get off--what's the date?"

"It's the 20th--we'd have to drive down that Friday, there's a rehearsal that evening and the wedding is Saturday. We could drive back on Sunday." Dan took Trixie's hand. "Oh, please, Trixie, I'd love to show you Charlottesville and..."

"With this case, I don't know... " She noticed Dan's disappointed look. "It might be doable... yes... I might be able to do something."

Dan stopped and grabbed Trixie. "I...that would be great!" He kissed her. There were several people on the street who looked at the young couple and smiled as they passed. "There's so much I'd like to share with you."

"Dan?" Trixie pulled away. She was afraid one of her co-workers might see them that close to the station house. They continued down the street.

"I wasn't too excited about this wedding. Just couldn't get into it even though Alex and Beth are great together. Now all of a sudden I am...I can't wait for you to meet my friends." Dan was clearly excited about the prospect of Trixie going with him. "Mart and Di are the only Bob Whites who ever visited me in Virginia."

"Won't it be uncomfortable..." Trixie wasn't sure she should say it. "Your showing up with me...And not Jen?"

That question took Dan by surprise. He was thinking only about "showing off" this beautiful, intelligent woman to his friends, not how she might feel.

"Aren't they Jen's friends, too?"

"I'm sorry, Trixie." Dan's humor changed. He took her shoulders in his hands and looked down at her. "I didn't think that you might not WANT to go."

"No, Dan. I..."

"To be honest, Trixie, a few of the people who will be there might be considered Jen's friends. I dont know about them. But Alex never cared for her. And Beth, his fiancée... Well I know they both will be thrilled to learn I'm...That I'm... Well, you are one terrific woman."

They were in front of the station house. "I guess I should leave you with that thought, Dan," Trixie laughed. "I want to meet your friends in Virginia. I know that Jen's a part of your life--at least your past life I hope, and I can live with that." Trixie tried to be convincing. "I want to go. I'll see if I can work it out."

Trixie turned to go into the building. She wanted to kiss Dan goodbye, but just couldn't bring herself to do it where a co-worker might see her. She took enough ribbing as it was. She ran up the steps to the entrance.

"Call me!" She called to Dan as she went inside.

Dan turned and headed for the subway. He hadn't felt this good in months...no years.


Trixie no sooner walked into the Detective Bureau than her partner, Erica, told her they had to head out to a call for an assault in a luxury apartment building.

"I told you, Trixie, it's going to be a long evening!"

No sooner had Trixie and Erica arrived at the apartment building than they realized that they were dealing with a potential homicide and apparently the fourth committed by the same assailant. When they arrived, the front door of the upper story apartment was wide open. Paramedics were attending to a young woman spread out on the living room floor. Blood was splattered everywhere. A uniformed officer had stationed himself at the door attempting to keep neighbors out of the way.

"Mason." Erica nodded to the police office.

"Hello Sergeant. We've got a real mess in here."

"Have you met my new partner, Trixie Belden?"

"Detective." Officer Benson held out his hand. He was almost as new to the uniformed staff as Trixie was to the detective squad.

"Do you know if she's alive?"

"I'm not sure. She was breathing when I got here...but barely. As soon as I checked her, I searched the apartment to make sure no one else was there, either injured or...The paramedics arrived before I got back to her. They've been working on her for some time."

"Is there any other way to get into or out of the apartment?"

"Only onto the balcony and they...he'd have to jump from there. I checked and the sliding glass doors were locked. I went out anyway but couldn't see anything from the balcony. Someone might have climbed up, I couldn't see. I just made a cursory check. And I was as careful as I could be to not disturb anything Sergeant."

"That's fine. You did fine. We're going to go back into the apartment and make a second search. You stay right where you are. We want the crime scene disturbed as little as possible."

"Sure, Sergeant."

Trixie and Erica began a long night. Four assaults on their watch and still no suspect. But, perhaps, Trixie had a lead.


Dan sat in his recliner watching C-Span on television. He was only half conscious of what the reporter was saying. He truly felt better than he had in a long time. He had spent the evening with a caring, exciting and beautiful woman. He felt comfortable in her company. She knew his strengths, weaknesses, probably too many of his secrets, and yet she accepted him. And he would be seeing her again later that week. The only dark cloud in the sky was his problem with Jen, but even that didn't seem insurmountable. Her parents finally were committed to getting her the help she needed and maybe, just maybe, he would be able to get on with his life.

Ringgg. Dan got up and walked over to the kitchen counter to answer the phone.



"Hey Alex." Dan carried the cordless receiver back over to his chair and sat down.

"I'm sorry I'm just getting back to you, Dan. It's been a long day. But I wanted to touch base." Alex sounded serious.

Dan had tried to get in touch with Alex earlier that day to tell him about Jen's call that morning, but even her call had not dampened his good mood. His elation quickly evaporated when hearing the tone of Alex's voice. "What's up?"

"It's not that bad, friend. Jen's parents got her into a private clinic in Florence. I guess we'll have to wait and see about that. They still believe that her problems are fairly new...they're really trashing you, Dan."

"I'm not surprised."

"But I think this may be the beginning of the end of your problems."

"Oh, gee. I don't know. She called me this morning."

"She what? What happened?"

"I cut her off. I was late and on my way into court and I told her that. I said something like, I have to be in court. I can't talk. And I hung up."

"I understand that you had to do that."

"I just don't want to make things worse."

"That's almost impossible. Well, we both know that you're the last person her parents want her calling." Alex forced a laugh. "And I seriously doubt her doctor would want her doing that...at least not yet. I'll be talking to her parents later this week, so I'll make sure they know about the call...I bet they'll stop them!"

"I'd appreciate that. I don't want to interfere or..."

"Dan, you and I both know that there's a lot more to Jen's problems than you. Her problems go back long before you ever met her."

"I don't know that."

"Dan, you told me yourself about her past, her..." Alex struggled for a polite word, "Activities in high school. That's not the behavior of a well-adjusted teen-ager."

"I certainly haven't helped."

"Don't do this to yourself. She's getting the care she needs and that's all that can be done right now." Alex thought this might be a good time to change the subject. "You're still planning to make it down for the wedding, arent you?"

"Of course, Alex. I wouldn't miss it for anything. But I do have a new favor to ask."

"Anything for you, Dan."

"I'd like to bring someone with me. I want to be sure we won't be putting you out."

"What's that? A date? I thought you said you were too busy for women."

"Well, this is, I'd like to bring Trixie. Mart Belden's sister."

"I remember Mart. I didn't realize he had a sister. Oh, the cop?" Alex pictured a beefy New York cop in a dress. "Are you dating a policewoman?"

"You haven't met this one." Dan smiled to himself. He knew what Trixie looked like.

"Ohhh... So you are dating her?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that exactly." Dan thought about his budding relationship with Trixie. "Well, I guess I am. Trixie and I go back a long time. Since she was 13 and I was 15. You know that. We've always been friends. My word, she's Marts sister! But, well, we've seen a lot of each other since I got back up here and."

"She's not 13 any more." Alex laughed.

"I don't know. I'd just like to take her down to Charlottesville. Show her around. She's never been there. Your wedding would be a great time for her to meet everyone."

"Show her around or show her off?" They both laughed. "Bring her, please Dan. Beth has been worrying about what to do with you that weekend. Apparently, you'd be the only unattached male. It'll solve one of her problems, at least. And you two can stay with my folks. They have plenty of room."

"Youre sure it's okay? We, we'd be needing separate rooms." Dan didn't know why he felt awkward saying that.

Alex chuckled. "That's fine, Dan. We have plenty of room. I can't wait to meet her."

Alex paused. He'd been trying to find the right way to speak frankly to Dan about Jen's promiscuity. He felt guilty he'd never said anything before now. But if Dan was starting to date someone.

"There's one more thing I need to tell you. I have to tell you, Dan. I've been trying to find a way to say this for some time." Suddenly Alex sounded dead serious and Dan was alarmed by the change in his tone.

"What is it?" Dan managed to ask.

"I'm not sure how to say this, but, ah, did you know Jen was fooling around on you?"

"Well, I told you about that time in Charlottesville."

"I know, but did you know there were other times?" Alex was thankful he was on the phone. He wasn't sure he wanted to see Dan's face. He knew his friend would be devastated by what he was about to say.

Dan didn't answer. He thought he knew what Alex was leading up to and wasn't sure he wanted to hear it.

"Dan. After you moved to DC...I, well I'm pretty sure there were..." Actually Alex knew there had been other men. "I, I'm not telling you this to make you angry or embarrass you or...I'm telling you as a friend. I just want you to...I honestly think there were, well there were more than one and, if you haven't been checked by a doctor, well..."

Dan sat in stunned silence.

"Dan, I'm sorry to say this...I wish I'd said something sooner, but, and if you're seeing someone now, Dan, I guess it's even more important. I'm saying this as your friend so you don't need to say a thing to me. Geez, I should have said something before but...But if you haven't been checked by a doctor, you need to be."

Alex could hear Dan's breathing over the phone lines.

"I just...I just want you to take care of yourself, okay?"

"Do you know how many?"

"Dan." Alex didn't think he'd ever heard Dan use that flat, emotionless tone.

"Just tell me, were there many? Are you sure?"

"I wish I knew what to say, Dan." Alex offered. "I know you're upset."

"I asked you. Damn evasive lawyer. Your not answering me is speaking volumes."

Alex thought awhile before finally answering. "Yes, Dan. There were several. She, I know for certain there were, aah, at least a couple. She, aah, she wasn't very discreet, I'm sorry to say. And neither one of us knows how safe she was, and only you know if you need to be checked. I'm sorry if I've upset you."

Alex didn't know what else to say. He knew Dan well enough to know that he had been totally loyal to Jen and had believed the same of her. Alex was certain that Dan had never even considered the possibility that Jen would be unfaithful and he also knew he had just devastated his best friend.

"No, Alex. Nothing about Jen would surprise me any more."

The two men sat in silence for a few moments.

"Would you like me to come up there? I can clear my calendar and come up on the shuttle first thing in the morning."

"NO! Alex. I don't need you to hold my hand." Alex was thankful for the loud reaction. At least Dan was showing some emotion. "I know what I need to do."

"Somehow, Dan, I don't think you're handling all this too well. I know I wouldn't."

"Alex, I'd handled more troubles by the time I was 15 than you will in your entire life." Dan was a little short.

"I know that, but."

"Alex, I'll take care of it. Yes,I'm a little upset right now, but I'll be okay. You've done more than enough the past few weeks with Jen. And I know you're just being a friend by telling me."

"Okay, Dan."

"I need to go. I had a long day in court."

"Sure Dan. Call me? And you bring Trixie to the wedding, okay?" Alex wasn't so sure that Dan would be okay, but there wasn't much more he could do long distance.

Oh gee. Trixie. Dan thought about her. What have I done? Should I even have kissed her? "I'll talk to you later, Alex."

Dan clicked off the phone. He sat and stared out the window for several minutes before getting up and going to the kitchen. He got a beer out of the refrigerator and headed back towards his chair. He started to sit down but stopped. He threw the bottle across the room and it shattered against the wall. Dammit! Damn! Damn! DAMMIT!


The sun had already risen when Trixie and Erica stumbled back into the detective bureau and over to their desks. They had spent the entire night at the crime scene and in the Emergency Room of a local hospital. They were present when the emergency room physician informed a kind looking middle-aged couple that their beautiful 18-year-old daughter had failed to survive a brutal and senseless assault. They would have to go to the morgue for the autopsy later that day.

"I'm going to go home to take a shower and nap. I'll meet you back here at 2:30, Trixie."

"Sure, Erica." Trixie seemed distracted.

"You're not planning to drive up to West Point today?" She asked. "That can wait one day."

"No. It'll have to wait until tomorrow."

"Then go home. Get some sleep. You won't be any good unless you get some rest."

"Sure." Trixie didn't sound convincing.

Erica left Trixie sitting at her desk. She was certain that the turmoil of the past twenty-four hours had been too much for the new detective and hoped she'd follow her advice to get some rest.

Actually, Trixie's mind was racing with all she'd absorbed and she wanted to clear it before heading home. She started making notes to herself on the computer. After almost an hour she saved her work, turned off the computer and left. She was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time.


What sleep Dan got that night was once again in the recliner chair. It was still dark when he got up and headed to the YMCA for a brutal workout before going into work. The first thing he did once in the office was to call a doctor.

"Yes. This is Dan Mangan. I was wondering if Dr. King could see me today?" Dan found speaking the words were painful.

"Have you seen the doctor before?"


"Is it an emergency?

Emergency? Dan almost laughed. "Not really, but I need to see him as soon as possible and I can't...my schedule won't allow it the rest of the week."

"Dr. King is completely booked today, but his associate Dr. May has an opening for 1:30."

"That's fine."

"What was your name, again?"

"Mangan. M-A-N-G-A-N. Daniel."

"Do you know your chart number Mr. Morgan?"

"No. And it's Mangan, M-A-N-G-A-N not Morgan.

"Okay, Mr. Mangan. 1:30 with Dr. May."

"Thank you."

Dan hung up the phone. He sat and stared at the wall. I wonder how long the test results will take? He thought to himself. What the heck am I going to tell this doctor? Gee, doc. You see I was living with this girl and she screwed half the men in Virginia. Like he'll believe that! Oh, gee. He'll want me to name names so they can...How far back? I can't name anyone recent but...Will he believe me? Wait. They only ask that if you test positive. Maybe..."

Dan pulled out a file. He stared at it. His head was pounding so he couldn't ever see the words. He searched through his drawers. He knew he had some aspirin in there somewhere.

He got up and went out to the secretary. "Janet, do you have any aspirin?"

"Is Tylenol okay?"

"Yeah." She found a bottle in her desk and handed him two tablets. "Thanks."

"Are you okay, Mr. Mangan? You don't look well."

"I'm..I'm okay. Just the headache." Dan lied. "But I do have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Am I completely clear from 1 until say 3?

You have nothing scheduled all afternoon. You asked me some time ago to keep it clear since you'd be in court every day this week EXCEPT today."

"That's right. Thank you Janet." Dan turned to go back into his office area.

"Mr. Mangan. Why don't you go home if you're not feeling well?" Janet was concerned. She knew Dan to be rather quiet but he looked unusually somber and ill this morning.

"I'll be okay. It's easier to get to the doctor from here than home. If I'm not better I'll go home after my appointment."

"If you can't go to court tomorrow, let me know. I'll take care of all the rescheduling if you need."

"Oh, I'll be fine by tomorrow." Dan said as he went back into his office. Sure, Dan, you'll be just fine tomorrow.


Diana Lynch was cleaning up her tiny kitchen after preparing a light lunch for herself. Katie was sound asleep in her crib in the one bedroom of the apartment when the phone rang.

She grabbed the phone before it rang a second time and woke up Katie. "Hello?"



"I got your message."

"I found a studio!" The excitement was obvious in her voice.

"That's great!"

"It's near the campus!"

"Even greater! Tell me about it."

Diana leaned against the counter. "It's more a store, right in the commercial district. The front room, I guess it would be called the retail area, is kind of small but it has a large room in the back, two stories high with lots and lots of windows with southern exposure. Great natural light. I can't wait for you to see it."

"I want to see it, but I'd rather see you at work in it." Mart laughed. He was happy for Diana.

"That'll come. Do you think, well I scheduled to look at it again tomorrow afternoon, after your last class and before you're scheduled for the lab. Would you go look at it with me?"

"I'm free. That'll be great. But anything you choose will be fine with me."

"I know, but I want you to see it before I sign a lease or anything."

"That's fine, Di. We'll look at it tomorrow." Mart paused before continuing. "I have news, too."

"You do?"

"Yes. Where do you think I was when you called?"


"With the Dean."


"And I am now officially full-time. No longer part-time. I have full benefits and retirement and working towards tenure and everything I wanted."

"Oh Mart." Diana could barely restrain the tears.

"Well, there is one drawback. I'll be carrying a full teaching load next semester."

"Aren't you now?"

"It'll mean one more class and more responsibilities. But that's not the best part."

"What could be better than a full-time teaching position with Cornell?"



"If, and thats a big if, I get my doctorate, I'll be upgraded to Associate Prof. with all the perks that go with that."

"You're kidding."

"Would I kid about that?"

"No. Oh Mart I knew you'd get it." Diana was truly crying now.

"I don't have it yet."

"But you will."

"I wish I had your faith." Mart could tell that Diana was crying. He could barely contain the tears himself.

"You've worked so hard for this. We'll celebrate tonight. What would you like?"

"Oh one gorgeous brunette and a fair haired infant waiting anxiously at the door would be enough!"

"Seriously. Should I splurge on steaks?" Mart could hear her sniffling.

"No need to take Katie out. I'll buy some on the way home."

"Good. Oh Mart, I am so proud of you."

"Diana, none of this would have been possible without you."

"I don't know about that."

"It's true. I need to go. I'll see you tonight."

Mart hung up the phone. He sat and stared at it for awhile. I'm blessed. He thought. Blessed.


Somehow, Dan managed to make it through the morning at work and to the doctors office, despite a throbbing headache that had refused to respond to either Tylenol or the aspirin he managed to finally find in his desk. After waiting what had seemed an eternity in the doctor's waiting room, he finally was led back to an examination room. He sat on the end of the examining table until the doctor entered.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Mangan. I'm Bill May."

"Hello, Dr. May."

Dr. May was looking at Dan's chart. "What can I do for you today?"

"I...I called because I need to have some tests run. I'm not sure what all you can do..."

Dr. May sat down on a short stool.

"I found out that a woman...the woman I lived with for several years...she may have been having unprotected sex with other men." Dan swallowed hard. He couldn't believe how difficult it was to say those words.

Dr. May nodded. "Has she been diagnosed with anything?"

"No...I mean I don't know. I don't think so...I just found out myself about her, aah...I didn't know she wasn't faithful...and..our relationship...well I can't really call her right now. I thought the best thing is to just get checked. Regardless of what she might or might not admit to me." Dan was stuttering. He couldn't even look at the doctor.

"Have you had any symptoms? Any..." Dr. May wrote in the chart as he recited a long list of possible physical complaints.

"Oh, no. Nothing. I...I just need to know...you know, peace of mind."

"That's good. We can go ahead and run some tests. I'll also need to do a physical examination...and ask some questions that might make you feel uncomfortable."

"I understand. I just want to do what's right...for me and..." Dan could feel his face getting warm. He was actually blushing.

"Mr. Mangan, please let me assure you that there's no need for you to feel embarrassed by this. I see people all the time with similar concerns...you'd probably be surprised by how many. It's the ones who aren't taking care of themselves that need to be concerned." The doctor pulled a paper gown out of a drawer. "Now you need to undress and put this on. I'll be back in a few minutes...and if it will make you more comfortable, I'll draw the blood rather than have one of the women nurses in here."

Throughout the physical examination, the doctor succeeded in making Dan feel less uncomfortable if not at ease. Once Dan was dressed he met with the doctor again in his office.

"Your physical exam shows nothing out of the ordinary. I'll be sending these off to a lab and we should get the results back in about a week to ten days."

"Ten days?"

Dr. May smiled. "Yes, I'm sorry you will have to wait for complete results. Hopefully everything will come back negative, but, if not, well you do know that we are required to notify the Department of Health. Are you aware of that?"

Dan nodded.

"You will be required to notify anyone...and I do mean anyone...you may have been intimate with."

"There won't.... There hasn't been anyone else."

"I see." Dan could tell he didn't believe him.

"And how long has it been since you last were with her?"

"Six months."

"That long? Are you certain?"

"Yes." Dan felt a little frustrated.

"And there's been no one else?"

"No one...But I...I just started seeing another woman...I've kissed her, but nothing else. Do I...should I be concerned?"

"Let's see what the tests show. The chances of transmitting disease by kissing are very remote, but not impossible. You should refrain from any unprotected sex until we have the results." The doctor looked directly at Dan. "Do you understand?"

Normally, Dan would have been defensive about such a suggestion, but he could only nod his understanding. "That won't be a problem." Dan shook his head. "I don't...want to be responsible for anyone..."

"Mr. Mangan, there's not much you, or anyone can do until we get back the test results. I have some brochures for you." The doctor handed him several pamphlets. "We'll make an appointment for the end of next week and we'll know better what we have to do then." Dr. May stood up and offered his hand. "I don't want to mislead you, but the odds are still in your favor...try not to lose any sleep worrying, okay?"

Dan shook his hand. "Thank you, Doctor."

He took the papers from the doctor and went out to the appointment desk. After he was given a time for his follow-up appointment, he headed back towards his office. As he stood waiting at a corner, he decided what the heck...He pulled out his cell phone and called into his office.


"Mr. Mangan."

"I've decided to take the rest of the afternoon off. Could you check my messages for me?"

"Sure Mr. Mangan. Hold on."

Dan waited.

"There are only two. One is from William Evans, a defense attorney."

"I know what he wants, I'll call him."

"The other is from Detective Belden. It says, 'Just touching base'."

Dan was certain he couldn't talk to Trixie. "Okay. Give me Mr. Evans' number."


Diana looked in the mirror once again. Her hair was straight and her make-up fresh. While she still wasn't happy with her figure, it was slowly returning to its pre-pregnancy state. Her deligent exercize was paying off. She checked on Katie who was waiting contentedly in her playpen for her Daddy to come home. She went into the kitchen to check on dinner.

"Diana?" Mart called as he came into the apartment. Di ran out to greet him. She threw herself into his arms.

"Congratulations, Mart. I'm so proud of you." Di smothered him with hugs and kisses.

"I'd like to come home to this more often." Mart tried to hug her but his arms were full. "Let me put down the groceries."

Mart had purchased Porterhouse steaks and champagne to complete the celebratory dinner Diana was preparing. He took his packages into the kitchen, set them on the counter and grabbed his wife.

"How about a late dinner?" He asked.

"Katie's wide awake."

"She can watch." He kissed his wife passionately.


"Okay. But let's eat and get her to bed early." He took off his coat, threw it across the back of a chair, and went over to his daughter. "Hello Katiekins. Have you been waiting for Daddy to come home?" He picked her up. "Do you want help, Diana?"

"No, everything is ready except the steaks. You watch her and I'll call you when I'm ready for you to open the wine. Just remember, I can only have a sip or two."

Mart watched his wife head into the kitchen. He wanted so badly to provide her with the material things she deserved. While he could never provide for her in the manner of her father, at least he was achieving stability. It was a long time coming, but perhaps... "When do you want to start looking at houses?" He called.

Diana stuck her head out of the kitchen. "Mart, we don't have a down payment and let me get my studio first."

"We can rent, and we have got to get a bigger place for Katie. And you."

"One day at a time."


Dan went home and stretched out in his recliner. He had no idea where he would find the strength to get through the next few days. He felt like a dying man, reliving all the events of his life. Memories of his mother, including her terminal illness and death, ran through his mind. He could barely handle the thought of a similar fate for himself. He recalled each and every time he had disappointed his uncle, who'd made so many sacrifices for him. Would this be how he repaid him? Not in being a success, but...

Eventually he fell asleep. It was a fitful sleep, but a welcome one. He was awakened by the phone ringing. He stumbled into the kitchen to pick it up.



"Hello, Uncle Bill."

"Are you okay? You sound groggy."

"I fell asleep."

"I'll bet you were sitting in a chair."

"You know me too well, Uncle Bill."

Bill Regan laughed. "I wanted to confirm for Friday night. You and Trixie are still on, aren't you?

Dan hesitated. "Of course. Trixie's really excited about it."

"Great. We have reservations for 8 o'clock at La Petite Maison."

"You're kidding."

"No. I said I wanted this to be a special evening. Mary and I'll be driving in so we could pick you up somewhere. Or do you want to pick up Trixie and meet us there?"

"I'm not sure what Trixie's schedule is for that day. Why don't I make arrangements with her and we'll both meet you at the restaurant?"

"Fine. You know, I'm really glad you're bringing her."

"I know." Dan did not feel like talking about Trixie. "Now tell me, why is Friday so special?"

"I think you can guess...but I don't want to spoil our surprise."

"I've waited a long time for some little cousins to play with." Dan had begged his mother for some cousins when he was a little boy. He's shared that when he first met his uncle and, over the years, it had become something of a family joke.

"You're still going to have to wait."

"Just not too long, I hope."

"We'll talk about it."


"Maybe. I'll see you then."

Dan hung up the phone. He decided to take a shower and try to sleep in a bed for a change.


Fortunately the next two nights were quieter than Monday and Trixie Belden and her partner were able to head up to West Point on Thursday morning. Erica napped while the younger woman drove.

Trixie ran through all the details of the four recent homicides in her head. It was obvious to her and Erica that the same individual had committed them. It was equally apparent that the same individual had attacked a West Point Cadet and young woman in nearby Highland Falls. Only one of the six victims had survived and she was so severely injured, she wasn't expected to ever regain consciousness. Trixie knew that if they did not get a break soon, all four cases would be taken away from them. This was Trixie's first case and she was determined to solve it herself.

There had to be some connection between the recent attacks and the brutal murder of a Sleepyside teen twenty years ago. Trixie knew it was no coincidence that the crimes were virtually identical and the Chief of Military Police at West Point may have gone to high school with the Sleepyside victim. Her mind was racing. She wasn't sure exactly how she and Erica should approach Master Sergeant Daley.

"Mmm? Did you say something Trixie?"


Trixie focused on her driving. "Are you awake?"

Erica sat up. "I guess I am now."

"Have you thought about what we'll say to Master Sergeant Daley?"

"I have a plan. You just need to follow my lead."

"What's that?"

"Trixie, they paired us so that you could take advantage of my experience. You need to do that."

"I know."

Erica laughed. "I do wish I had your determination."

"Oh, I think you do. You just hide it better."

They both laughed.

"Could I ask you a personal question, Erica?"


"How do you manage it all? I mean how do you manage marriage and a family with being a detective?'

"It's no secret, Trixie. This is my second marriage. The first was a disaster and I'm still learning myself."

Trixie hadn't known that. "So you...your first marriage ended in divorce?"

"It comes with the territory. Alot of cops...You know that. It's probably even worse for women. My husband just couldn't accept my work...the long hours, the danger...and I refused to understand that he SHOULD be concerned."

"Yeah. That's why I was asking."

"Are you and the ADA thinking...?"

"NO! I..." Trixie turned bright red.

"I thought so. Rudy told me you went out with him the other evening."

"Erica, he's a friend. He's my brother's best friend. I...Well, we thought we might try dating. But...I'm afraid to get involved with anyone when I want.... Nothing's going to interfere with this job."

"Trixie, the reason my first marriage failed was I never admitted how important my work is, even to myself. I only realized it after my husband left. Like you, I finally accepted that, fortunately before I even began dating Bill. He knew that from day one and married me anyway. Our relationship is not what you'd call traditional, but it works for us. You may have to work out something similar."

"I think I understand."

"Your ADA will need to understand, too. His job is every bit as demanding as yours."

Trixie nodded her head.

"And dealing with the criminals can really put a strain...on any relationship. Think about that. What kinds of people do we deal with all day long? Who does he deal with? Sppend too much time with murders, rapists, thieves, and it's easy to forget that there really are good people out there, too."

"You make alot of sense, Erica...Thanks."

"So, when are you seeing the ADA again?"

"His name's Dan. And we're supposed to have dinner tomorrow night." Trixie wondered about dinner. She hadn't heard anything from Dan since Monday.

They rode in silence for a while.


Madeleine Wheeler was intent on the work in front of her. She was known for becoming totally absorbed in whatever she was doing and was well respected for the quality of that work.

"Ms. Wheeler?"

She looked up. Her new assistant, Victor Scott, had just entered the lab. "You asked me to get you at 10:30. You have a meeting?"

"Thank you, Vic." Honey closed up the identification kit she was using and put it away. She left the lab and went up to her office. There was a management meeting scheduled for 11:00 but she wanted to check her voice mail first.

She picked up her phone and punched the appropriate numbers. "You have two messages." She hit 1. "Ms. Wheeler, this is Dr. Imani at the Virginia Institute for Forensic Science. Could you please call me at your earliest convenience? My number is 804..."


Honey hung up without waiting for the second message. She knew it was probably Barry. She looked at the clock and decided she had just enough time to call Dr. Imani.

"May I speak to Dr. Imani, please? This is Madeleine Wheeler returning his call." She waited to be connected.

"Ms. Wheeler? Thank you for returning my call. I have good news."

Honey's heart was pounding.

"The selection committee indicated they would like to re-interview you."

"Thats wonderful."

"We are interviewing three candidates and would like for all of you to be here on the same day. Our first choice would be Friday the third, with an alternate date of Monday the sixth. Would either of those work for you?"

"Yes." Honey glanced at her calendar. "Yes, I believe they both would." Honey could barely contain her excitement.

"Good, I will have my secretary get back with you to confirm."


"And we will be sending you a confirmation letter detailing what to expect when you get here, as well as several questions we are asking each of the finalists to prepare answers to."

"Oh? That's fine. Fine."

"Ms. Wheeler?"


"I want to add on a personal note that I was quite impressed with our interview. I look forward to meeting with you again."

"Thank you, Dr. Imani. I look forward to coming down."

Honey hung up the phone. She couldn't believe it. She was one of the finalists! She'd never been in Richmond before last week and now...now she might be making it her home.


Honey grabbed some papers and headed to her meeting.


Jim Frayne sat in his office at the high school, finishing up some reports. He couldnt believe how much paper work he had as Assistant Principal and he knew there would be much more once he became head of a private school someday.

"Youre working late!"

"Aggie! Come in!" Jim looked at his wristwatch. 5:30. He had lost track of time completely. "How'd practice go?"

"Fine. They really are a good group of girls."

"Think you'll go all the way?"

Aggie grinned and nodded yes. "This team is so focused and they work so well together that barring any big surprises like injuries, we'll see no competition until we get to the state semi-finals."

"What's there?"

Aggie laughed. "Albany South!" Jim laughed too. He knew that school's reputation for almost every sport.

"They've been Capital Region champions every year for almost a decade and it was a true upset when they lost to Sleepy Hollow in the semi-finals last year. But to even go that far..."

"I know Aggie." Jim starting putting away the papers he had on his desk. "Well, guess who called this afternoon?"

Aggie shrugged.


"She got the job?"

"No, but she got called back for a second interview. It's not until November, though."

"How do you feel about all this? If she gets it, she'll be pretty far away."

"To be honest, Aggie, I'd hate to see her move so far away...But it's her decision. I only want her to be happy." Jim got up and came around the desk. He put his arms around Aggie. "I'd be having a lot harder time if I didn't have you. I can promise that."

Aggie put her arms around Jim. "I can't believe we found each other. I've never been, you've made me so happy."

"I hate to destroy the mood, but I also heard from my mother."


Jim had spoiled the mood. "I think we need to tell her our plans and ask her to put together a party after the holidays."

"If that's what you want."

"It's not exactly what I want, but..."

"Make your mother happy, Jim. She loves you so much and this is a way for her to show it.

"It's a way for her to show you off, too. She really loves you."

"I'm hungry." Aggie did not feel like talking about Jim's social-conscious mother and her desire to show-off a daughter-in law. "Do you want to stop and get something to eat?"

"Let's get something and take it back to my apartment."

"That sounds good. I can go home and shower and meet you there. How about Chinese?"

"I'll pick something up and meet you in say 45 minutes." Jim kissed Aggie. "And wear something sexy." He whispered in her ear. "Red, maybe?"

Aggie laughed. "Okay. Red it will be."

Jim kissed her. "I love red."


Trixie entered her apartment. It had been over twenty-four hours since she had slept and she was exhausted. Her physical exhaustion was made worse by many disappointments at West Point. She hit the playback button of her answering machine.


Beeep. Click.

Beeep..."Hi Trixie. This is Dan. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Uncle Bill has reservations for 8 o'clock tomorrow night at La Petite Maison Yeah. THE La Petite Maison. I thought I'd come by your apartment around 7:30 unless you want to do something different. If I don't hear from you, I'll be there at 7:30."


Two hang-up calls. Mmm...Selling something I'm sure. It was nice to hear Dan's voice. I wonder if I should call him? No. It's late. La Petite Maison? Regan IS celebrating. What in the world can I wear?

Wait. Trixie Belden, since when did you worry about what to wear? Trixie thought as she rummaged through her closet.

Continue to