
Prologue | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 17 18 19 Epilogue


Diana Belden lay in the arms of her husband. He was handsome, sexy and adored her. She felt warm and satisfied and thought she could stay like this forever. Someone was calling her in the distance. No, go away! I'm making love with my husband. The person kept calling.

"Wha?" Diana woke with a start. Her infant daughter was crying. It had been almost six hours since her last feeding and diaper change.

Diana rolled out of the warm bed and walked across the cold, dark room to the crib. She picked up Katie. Ugh. Her sleeper was soaked through. She removed the wet clothing and dropped it in a plastic pail. Katie continued to cry while her mother cleaned her, put on a dry diaper and fresh sleeper. Diana wrapped the baby in a blanket and herself in a cover and sat in the rocker to nurse the tiny infant. She rocked back and forth. The baby sucked contentedly. Diana looked down at the tiny child, marveling at this miracle, this physical proof of the love she shared with Mart. She held the most precious gift she'd ever received.

"Oh, my little Katie. What will we do? Your Daddy loves you too."

Katie looked up into her mother's face as she nursed. She had no way of knowing what her mother was saying, but she understood her love. Completely. She closed her eyes and continued to suckle.

x x x

Helen Belden walked into the dark kitchen and turned on a light. She had risen before dawn almost her entire life and, although it was no longer necessary, old habits were hard to break. She turned on the coffee maker and got out a skillet. She planned to make a big country breakfast for her son before sending him off that morning.

"Morning, Moms."

"Mart, you startled me!" Mrs. Belden gave her son a quick hug. "What are you doing up so early? Couldn't you sleep?"

"I heard you down here and thought I'd get up and run," Mart was dressed in shorts, t-shirt and an old pair of sneakers he had found in the back of his closet.

"It's still dark."

"I thought I'd go down to the high school track."

"Fine. I'm going to fix a big breakfast like the old days."

"Homemade sausage?" Mart grinned and licked his lips exaggeratedly.

"Of course. I defrosted some last night. Not as good as fresh, but still good."

"I guess I'll have to run twice as far this morning." He gave his mother a quick kiss as he went out the door. "I'll be back in a jiff."

Mart got in his car and headed for Sleepyside. He stopped when he got to the Lynch drive, looking up at the large residence in the distance. Was a light on in Diana's room? He wondered. Later. He said to himself and drove on.

When Mart pulled into the school parking lot there was a Mercedes convertible parked at the stadium entrance. "Well, whatdaya know?" He had heard of, but not seen Jim's new car. He smiled as he got out of his Taurus.

There were two people jogging around the track; a tall red-headed man and a slender woman almost as tall. Mart began stretching and waited for them to notice him.

"Mart Belden, What the?" Jim Frayne called as he jogged over to his friend.

"Hey Jim. Hey Aggie." Mart took off around the track with them.

All three continued to run together. They spoke little. One by one they slowed to a cool down walk. They continued around the track some more in silence.

"When did you get in?" Jim finally asked Mart.

Mart hesitated, unsure how much to share. "Thursday night." He finally admitted.

"Thursday and you haven't called? Is something wrong?" It was totally out of character for Mart and Di to return to Sleepyside without letting everyone know in advance, much less not call while there.

"It was late. Actually early yesterday."

"What have you been doing? Are Di and the baby with you?"



Mart ignored his friend and continued his cool down walk in silence.

Aggie left the track first and went over to the Mercedes to get jackets. There was a hint of autumn chill that morning even though it was only September. Jim and Mart left the track together. Jim grabbed Mart's arm.

"Hey, whats wrong? Is Di okay? Is anything wrong with Katie?"

"Di's staying at her parents. With Katie. I'm at." Mart couldn't finish what he was saying.

"You're where?"

"I'm at my folks'." Mart headed towards the cars.

Aggie handed Jim his jacket. He put it on and caught up with Mart, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "What are you talking about?"

Mart shook his head. He found it difficult to speak, even to an old and trusted friend.

"I don't know what's going on. Di walked out Thursday. I followed her here. We've been talking, but...I don't know. It's bad, Jim. Bad..." His voice was breaking. This was the first time he'd spoken about it other than to his mother and the counselor.

Jim couldn't believe anything could be that bad with Mart and Di. They were more devoted to each other than any couple he knew, maybe even he and Aggie.

"Mart, it...Every couple has troubles."

Mart stood in the cold and shared his fears with Jim and Aggie. Finally Aggie noticed he was shivering. His running shorts and t-shirt were soaked with sweat. She looked at Jim. He was aware of nothing except Mart's misery. She checked Mart's car, but he had no jacket to put on.

"Mart, you're shivering," she finally interrupted. "Let's go back to Jim's and get you some coffee."

"I need to get back. Moms..."

"It's on the way. Follow me," Jim said as he got into his car.

Mart followed the Mercedes back through town and into the parking lot of the condominium complex. They all went up to Jim's unit.

Aggie went directly into the kitchen and returned with two steaming mugs. "I'm going to leave you two to talk." She patted Mart's shoulder and gave Jim a quick kiss before going out the door. "Call me later, Jim."

Jim and Mart sat at the dining table. At first Jim just listened, but, eventually, he did less listening and more talking, finally giving Mart direct advice. "Mart Belden. I've never known a couple better meant for each other than you and Di. I'm not in Ithaca and have no idea of what it's like for you two there, but I know you're on the right track and that you two can work it out. You keep your counseling appointments and you follow the advice the doctor gives you. Understood?"

"Yes Sir, Mr. Principal Sir." Mart smiled weakly at his friend. "How about more coffee?"

Jim stood up. "Sure," he offered as he carried the mugs into the kitchen. "Anytime you want to talk, you know Im here for you. Call me collect if you need."

Mart noticed brochures and tickets spread out on the table. A cruise? How nice. He thought. Then he saw the heading on one brochure, "The Wedding of Your Dreams, Sunset Cruise Lines", and a strange looking document, "Application for Marriage Certification". What are Jim and Aggie up to? He wondered.

x x x

Trixie waited for her partner in front of the station house. Erica was getting the car to take up to Highland Falls for the day, where they had scheduled an interview with the local Chief of Police and one of his detectives. They also wanted to meet with the recent assault victim, if they were able.

Erica pulled up to the curb and Trixie got in. "Do you have a map?" Erica asked.

"I don't need one," Trixie responded. "I've been out there dozens of times." She opened up her satchel and pulled out papers.

Trixie and Erica reviewed every possible answer to every possible question as they drove up the Hudson River Valley. Erica had not been overjoyed when she was assigned an inexperienced hot shot as her new partner, but she was quickly becoming impressed. They were forming a perfect team. Erica had several years of experience, which Trixie lacked, of course. Trixie provided fresh ideas, and, more importantly, renewed enthusiasm and determination to the team.

Eventually, Erica changed the subject to a lighter subject. "So tell me, how do you know that new ADA?"

"Dan Mangan?"

"Is there any other drop-dead gorgeous ADA that everyone's linking romantically to you?" Erica looked over to see if there were any reaction. "I saw him when he picked you up the other evening...everyone saw him."

"They're what?" Trixie was honestly concerned about any rumors.

"Everyone's talking about him. And you."

"That's ridiculous. Dan and I are." Trixie fumbled for words. "Dan and I grew up together. In Sleepyside. He's my brother's best friend."

"Detective Belden. You're blushing." Erica teased.

"I told you. We're friends." Trixie objected, but for the first time she wondered if there could be something. Dan? No. It was just too weird. He was like a brother. But he was. He had. What did that secretary say, hormones oozing out of every pore? She wasn't oblivious to that.

"I know, Belden. We're all just friends."

The two women rode in silence.

x x x

Dan Mangan whistled as he struggled with several bags of groceries. It was the most he had bought at any one time since before moving to New York. He had steaks, fresh and frozen vegetables, a cherry pie, sodas, gourmet coffee and a variety of staples. He was ready to stock his kitchen. He entered his apartment building, walked across the lobby and hit the elevator call button.

"Hi Danny."

"Jen. How'd you get...? What are you doing here?" Dan didn't know whether to be surprised or angry.

"I came all the way to New York to see you Danny. After that little misunderstanding Friday, I thought I'd let you stew a little, but I have a few more hours before I have to go back. I can't go back without seeing you. We need to talk Danny."

"Jen, I keep telling you. There's nothing left to say." Dan turned away from her and focused on the elevator doors.

The doors opened. Dan didn't know whether to get on or not. He looked across the lobby to see if anyone else was around.

"Take me up to your apartment, Danny. I just want to talk." Jen stepped on to the elevator. Dan looked around the lobby once more. No one was around. He got on.

"Tenth floor, isn't it, Dan?"

Dan nodded, wondering how she knew.

x x x

Mart Belden had returned home, showered and enjoyed one of his mother's infamous country breakfasts. He sat with his parents at the kitchen table having a final cup of coffee.

"Thanks for that wonderful meal, Moms."

"It was nice having you home to cook for. Although..."

"I know Moms. I wish I were here for a different reason too." Mart sat and stared into his mug. "I guess I should try to call Di. I want to say good-bye to her and Katie." He looked up at his parents. "I wish..." He shook his head.

His father cleared his throat. "Your mother and I have had our moments over the years, but we always worked them out. You listen to Diana. You listen with your heart and your head. And then do whatever it takes to resolve these problems."

"I will Dad. When I married her, it was a lifetime commitment. I'm not quitting. Never."

Mart went into his father's study and shut the door. He dialed the familiar number.

"Harrison, this is Mart Belden." Mart cleared his throat in an effort to show his resolve. "May I speak to my wife? Just tell her I'm calling. She's expecting my call."

Mart tapped his foot while waiting for what seemed an eternity. She had said she'd talk to him if he called.

"Di?" He sighed relief. "Would it be okay if I came up there? To see Katie? And you? I, Ill keep my distance. I just, I can't go back without saying good bye." Diana agreed to see him. "Oh, Di. Thank you. I'll be there in five minutes. Okay, fifteen. And Di, I love you."

Mart hung up the phone and ran out of the room and up the stairs. He brushed his teeth and checked in the mirror. He looked rather ragged in the old clothes his mother had provided, but he was clean and presentable.

He ran back down the stairs. He grabbed his mother and hugged her. "I'm headed to the Lynches and then home. I'll call you," He started out the door.

"Wait, Mart." He stopped and looked at his mother. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked up at her son. "You're not out of this yet. You've got a lot of mending. Don't forget to call Anna."

"I won't Moms." He gave her a quick kiss. "And I'll be back the end of the week."

Mart ran out to the Taurus, climbed in and took off, forgetting to fasten his seatbelt. He got halfway down the driveway before stopping to buckle up. The crisis wasn't over yet, but he wasnt going to do anything to jeopardize the welfare of his family. Not anything.

x x x

Diana hung up the phone. Katie had just had her daily bath and was sweet and clean for her Daddy. Di hadn't felt this anxious about Mart coming in months, no years. She felt like a teen-ager waiting for her date to arrive. She looked in the mirror. Too bad I don't look like a teen waiting for my date. She applied some make-up and sprayed Marts favorite perfume. She looked in the mirror again. She stepped back and smoothed her pants over her hips. I guess this broad butt's here to stay. She looked in the mirror just one more time. Hmm...Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.

The doorbell rang. Diana ran to the door of her suite. No I'll make him wait. She smiled to herself and walked over to a chair by the window. There was a tap on the door.


"No. It's Mom."

Diana went over and opened the door. "Mart's here. Do you want to see him?"

"I'll be right down, Mom."

Diana picked up Katie. She looked in the mirror again. She started to button her collar, but decided to leave it. She would show as much of that cleavage as she could without sending her mother into orbit. And thanks to Katie, she had plenty to show.

The Belden girls went down stairs and entered the formal parlor. Mart was sitting across from her mother. When he saw them he jumped up.

"Di!" He resisted the urge to grab them and run. "You look...You look great. He walked to them and looked into the cherubic face of his daughter. "Katie. How's my Katie?"

Diana handed him their daughter. He carried her over to the chair and sat down, tickling and kissing the smiling, gurgling infant.

"I don't know what to say, Mart. We're not going back with you."

"I know. That's not why I'm here. But you will talk to Dr. Kurtz?"

"Two-thirty tomorrow." She smiled weakly.

"Good. I'll be waiting for the call."

Diana sat and watched Mart play with Katie. Oh, Mart I want to come back, but I won't. I can't. Not unless something changes. She thought.

x x x

Jen followed Dan up to his apartment and waited while Dan made coffee for them both. She sat in his only chair while he pulled up a box to sit on.

"Danny, this is all a misunderstanding. If you'd only listen...

"Jen, for years, you did all the talking and I listened." He handed her a mug.

"Don't be silly. I live just to hear your voice."

"Jen, I've told you so many times. It's over. There's nothing left to say. I never wanted to hurt you, but we're through. I'm through. I'm making a new life for myself."

"We can make a new life together. If you really want to stay here, I'll quit my job. I'll move here. I've changed. Promise." Jen looked around. "But we might want a bigger place."

"Jen. No." Dan looked away. "I don't want you here."

"You what? Oh no." Jen gave an odd laugh. "You want me, Danny. I know you do. You've proven that over and over. Danny, dont tell me you dont want me. After all we've had? I know what you want. Nobody can do for you what I do. Look at you. You can't even look at me. I..."

Jen stood up and grabbed at Dan, pulling him up off the box. He pushed her away, gently and firmly. "Danny, don't do this. I love you. Let me show you." She started to tear at her clothes. "Look. Look at me! You want me. Say you do." She ripped open her blouse.

Dan pushed her away while trying not to look at her. He knew how beautiful she was and feared the power she once had over him. "Get out, Jen." He headed towards the door. "I don't want you here. I don't want you anywhere."

Jen grabbed his shirt from behind. "You want me, don't you? You want me badly. You can't live without me. Say it. Say it Danny."

"Jen. Don't." She kept pulling at him. He turned around and grabbed her shoulders. "Stop it. STOP!" Dan shoved her towards the door. "I DON'T want you! I don't want you here! Get out. Get out or I'll call the police." He shoved her again. "I will Jen. I'll file charges."

"Yes. That's right. You'll call your little friend, Trixie. Won't you Dan? And she and her police buddies will run up here and take me away so you two can, I know. I know what she's doing. She thinks she's so smart, but I know."

Jen opened the door. "I know what's going on and you won't get away with this. I promise. You can have your little slut, but not for long." She stepped out into the hall and slammed the door.

Dan stared at the closed door. He walked over and turned the dead bolt. He went to the intercom and pounded his fist against the wall several times before buzzing the front desk. "Security?"

x x x

Erica pulled the unmarked car in front of the small building just as the church across the street began to chime noon. POLICE was painted above the door. "Well, we know there aren't two in this little town."

The two women got out of the car and went in the main entrance. The front room was a reception area with a desk on one side and several chairs lined up in front of windows that faced the street. A door leading into the rest of the building was open, but the building appeared empty.

"Hello?" Trixie called. She and Erica looked through the doorway. "Hello?"

They heard a toilet flush somewhere in the back and a young man appeared from behind a row of file cabinets. "Sorry. Can I help you?"

"Im Detective Sergeant Lane and this is Detective Belden with NYPD. We're here to meet with Chief Robinson."

"Glad to meet you." The young man offered his hand. "The chief is expecting you. He should be here any time." He looked at his watch. "Church should be letting out about now. Have a seat."

Trixie and Erica sat in two of the chairs. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Are you both detectives?" The young man asked, his eyes wide. "In New York City?"

"That's right." Erica smiled. She had experienced this type of admiration and awe before, but never from an adult.

"Wow! My life long dream is to be a detective!" He grinned ear to ear.

"Are you a patrol officer?"

"Oh no. I'm too young. Gotta be twenty-one. I'm working part-time while I'm going to school. Criminal Justice." He continued to grin.

"Thats great," Trixie commented. "That was my major in college."

Just then the exterior door opened and one of the biggest men Trixie had ever seen walked in. He had to be at least six feet seven or eight and weigh 275 pounds. He was dressed in a dark blue suit and his red tie barely reached across his chest.

"Detectives? Saw your car out front. Knew it had to be NYPD. Howdyado." He stuck out an enormous hand. "I'm Chief Robinson. Dave Robinson." They all shook hands. "Have you met Billy? He's our best wannabe. Studying to be a policeman at the Community College, aren't you Billy?"

The chief headed through the building. He continued talking, seeming to not even pause for a breath. "Come on back to my office, ladies. Billy, give Inspector Gibson a call on the radio. See what's taking him."

Chief Robinson led them to a private office in the rear of the building.

"I hope you didn't wait long. When we spoke last night, I forgot it was Communion Sunday. Services always run late. Hope Billy didn't bore you. He's a good kid. Dying to be a police officer, so I hired him to work the office on Sundays. He's happy and unlikely to get into too much trouble. Sundays are always quiet around here. Especially since we went to countywide dispatch. Have a seat." He pointed to two empty chairs in the cluttered office.

Trixie smiled at Erica as the women sat down, wondering if they would ever get a word in?

"Now I understand you've got some cases in the city that you think were done by the same crazy who did a number here on Friday night?"

"We don't know for sure, Chief." Erica offered. "But your case looks remarkably similar. We'd like to compare." She and Trixie pulled notepads out of their satchels almost simultaneously.

"Well, let's see..."

Trixie and Erica outlined the two recent cases in the city. The similarities and apparent pattern of a serial rapist-who-doesn't-actually-rape his victims. Based on their telephone conversation the previous day, the Friday night assault might be by the same person.

"Anything for DNA?" The Chief asked.


"We haven't found anything, either," The Chief nodded agreement. "Fingerprints?"

"Everything clean. Appears to have worn gloves."

"Same here. Description of the attacker?"

"Both women were attacked from the back. We have a possible description of the second attacker and for now we're assuming the same person has committed both attacks. Male or at least probably a man. Medium height and build. Black clothing. Nothing much to use."

"Our girl is still unconscious." The Chief's tone turned from serious to concerned. He shook his head, almost in disbelief.

"We were hoping..."

"Doctor says she, there appears to be significant brain damage."

"Oh gee."

"You called her a girl?" Trixie had let Erica do most of the talking up until now, but she needed to ask.

"Well, not exactly. Nineteen but looks younger. Tiny thing." The Chief kept shaking his head, almost as if to rid himself an image. "She's a local girl. I've known her since she was a toddler. Know her folks."

"Neither of ours were that young, although they were both small. Five feet, five two at the most," Erica noted.

"So there might be a new twist." Trixie thought aloud. "Our suspect might like young girls, or at least women who look..."

There was a tap on the door.

"Come in, Gibson." Chief Robinson called to his officer.

A young man in blue uniform came into the office.

"Ladies, I'd like you to meet Matthew Gibson, our Investigator. Matt, these pretty ladies are um Sergeant Lane?" Erica nodded. "And Detective Belsen."

"Belden." Trixie corrected as she shook his hand.

There were no more chairs so the officer moved over some papers and leaned on the corner of the desk.

"The detectives and I were comparing notes about the Monroe case and two similar ones in the city. How's she doing by the way?"

"Still unconscious. Doesn't look good, Chief. I think we're going to have a homicide."

The Chief shook his head. "We don't see much of that here. Not one homicide in, I don't know, seven, eight years."

"Certainly not since I've been here. It's all the more reason to stay on this." Gibson reminded him. "Now if youd get someone else on patrol."

"I know Matt, but we're so short. You should be thankful you only patrol on Sundays." The Chief turned to Trixie and Erica. "We're so short-staffed right now, I can't keep the town covered. Matt here is forced to patrol in addition to being our only Investigator. All our officers are working double shifts."

"Why the shortage? Funding?" Trixie asked.

"No," The Chief said. "They've had big turnovers at the Point. We can't match the pay or benefits. Those are federal employees."

"I thought they used Federal Agents and Military Police at West Point." Erica pointed out.

"They do. Apparently they're so short on regular MPs they're hiring civilians for all the other security related jobs, dispatch or whatever. Unless they're dedicated like Matt or Billy out there, well as I said, better pay, better benefits, better hours. And no one shoots at dispatchers, right Matt?"

Matt Gibson nodded. "Now, fill me in on what you've discussed."

x x x

Later that morning, Aggie Nolan let herself into Jim Frayne's apartment. "Jim?"

"Hey babe!" Jim called from the back of the unit. "Be just a moment."

Aggie shut the door behind her and walked over to the dining table. The two mugs she had given Jim and Mart earlier that morning were still sitting out. Scattered all over the table were the brochures and travel reservations she and Jim had been studying the evening before.

Jim came out of the bedroom. "What's up?"

"Oh, I just wanted to..." She looked up and smiled. "Did Mart see these?" She held up a brochure.

"I don't know. He didn't say anything. I don't think he was aware of much except his own misery. Don't worry. He won't say anything even if he did."

"I just want it..."

"I know. They'll all be surprised. We'll keep our little secret and surprise everyone."

Jim and Aggie had begun making their plans months earlier. They had agreed not to have a big wedding, but to do something small and intimate, deciding to take a cruise and get married on some romantic tropical island. The details were now final. Over their winter break from teaching, they would fly to Nassau and take a cruise ship from island to island in the Caribbean, taking their wedding vows along the way. They also had decided not to tell any of their friends or family, but to leave quietly and alone. They would make a formal announcement when they returned. Aggie had no immediate family and Jim had been orphaned when very young. He had been adopted at fifteen by Matthew and Madeleine Wheeler and he knew that they and his adopted sister, Honey, would be disappointed to miss the wedding, but anything that involved his adopted mother would be an extravaganza that he and Aggie did not want. Aggie and Jim knew what they had planned was best for everyone. If they could pull it off.

"What about Mart? Is he okay?" Aggie was flipping through the papers absent-mindedly.

"He'll be okay. He and Di have alot to work out, but I think they will. They've been in love since they were kids. They have some problems, but...I wish I could lighten his load a little, though."

"What do you mean?" She put the papers back on the table.

"All his pressures with work, school, finances. He's struggling. I'm so lucky."

"No I'm the lucky one." Aggie put her arms around Jim. "Now, show me what you had planned originally for this morning."

Jim led her into the other room.

x x x

Trixie and Erica thanked the two fellow police officers and left the station house. They promised to keep each other apprised of any developments.

As Erica drove off, she and Trixie looked at each other and laughed. "Welcome to Small Town, USA." Trixie said. "That operation is so much like Sleepyside."

"Do they do much other than investigate reports of strange dogs?"

Trixie stopped laughing. "C'mon Erica, I know they seem laughable, but these operations can be every bit as good as NYPD. Sometimes even better. The state requires training that can be more demanding than what we have and I'll bet Chief Robinson knows every resident of Highland Falls and half of their extended families. If anything were amiss in that town, he'd know, probably BEFORE it happened! We don't have anywhere near the understanding of our community that he has."

"I know, Trixie. I didn't mean to criticize him. Or your home town."

"You might not be laughing when Chief Robinson and his part-time Investigator solve our case!"

"I think they're as clueless as we are."

"Yep. We need that one break...one little clue."

"It'll come."

"I know. But how many girls will have to be assaulted first? And how many might die?"

"Don't get emotionally involved." Erica warned.

"I'm not. I won't." Trixie rode along enjoying the scenery while pondering the case. It was a beautiful September afternoon. "Listen, Erica. Would you mind if we took a little detour?"


"Sleepyside. I'll give you the grand tour. I'll show you both traffic lights and Wimpy's Diner and we can stop by Crabapple Farm for some homemade cider."

"Just two traffic lights?"

"Well, we have more than that." Trixie laughed. "But Wimpy's does have the best burgers anywhere!"

"Sounds fine to me. Which way?"

"You want to take 9W back towards the City. Pick up US 6/202 towards Peekskill. Then take 9 south to Sleepyside. It'll be about the same driving distance, but we can stop for lunch in Sleepyside."

Less than thirty minutes later, Erica and Trixie were sitting at one of Sleepyside's FEW traffic lights when Trixie saw a white Chevrolet Suburban parked a block down the street. She could make out the tag number of 111 and the familiar profile of the driver. "Oh Erica, please. Can you peel out?"

"What? Peel out?"

"Squeal your tires. An old friend is sitting in that Suburban up ahead." She pointed up the block.

Erica laughed. I"'d better not get a ticket for this." The light changed to green. SQUEEEL. Erica tore off and headed up Croton Avenue. VROOOM. Two blocks later, blue flashing lights came up behind her and she pulled over.

Chief of Police Wendell Molinson got out of his car and walked up to Erica's window. "Excuse me Ma'am, but.."

"Hey Chief!" Trixie called as she leaned across the front seat.

"Trixie Belden! I should have known. I have half a mind to..."

"I'm not driving, Chief. Sergeant Lane here was."

"It's a good thing you're not. Sergeant? Are you NYPD, too?"

"She's my partner, Chief."

Wendell Molinson smiled and offered his hand through the window. "Sergeant, you have my deepest respect working with Ms. Belden, here. Trixie, I was just getting ready to take my lunch break. How about joining me?"

Trixie looked at Erica for consent. "Sure. We were heading to Wimpy's. We'll follow you."

Erica followed the police car to the 1940's era diner situated on the edge of town. They parked in front. "You've got to be kidding!" She looked at Trixie. "This is...this is an antique!"

"Yep, Sergeant. This is the one and only Wimpy's Diner. And they have the best burgers and shakes in Westchester County...outside my mother's kitchen, of course."

The two young women followed Chief Molinson into the diner and to a booth in the rear.

"Burgers and chocolate shakes?" The Chief asked. Both women nodded. "Three of the usual," he called to the waitress.

"Now tell me, what brings two bigtime NYPD Detectives out to little old Sleepyside?"

Trixie and Erica told him briefly about the cases they were investigating. Of course, there wasn't much to tell that wasn't common knowledge to anyone who'd read a New York newspaper recently; two brutal assaults with very few clues. But when Trixie began to point out some of the troubling details, the Chief interrupted her.

"Mmm...Trix. They sound exactly like a case we had here in Sleepyside about 15, 20 years ago. I was just a rookie then and it was before you and your friends starting nosing around all the time, so you probably don't remember it. Funny. I just have this feeling. But, we got an arrest AND conviction on that one. It was the girl's boyfriend, I believe. Hmm..." He rubbed his chin.

Trixie and Erica listened to every word. Trixie knew the Chief well enough to trust his intuitions. This just might be their break. "Could you research it some for us, Chief?" She asked. "Make sure that guy is still in prison?"

"Sure Trixie. But I'm pretty certain he's still locked up. It was a terrible thing he did and they put him away for a long time. And the girl. So young."

"Did she survive?"

"No, Trixie. Devastated the whole family; the whole town. If you don't remember it, I'm sure your parents do. Family moved away right after the trial. Can't say I blame them. He really savaged her. I can still see..." The Chief grunted and shook his head. "Let me check my files and get back with you."

"Great Chief. Now tell me what mysterious things have been going on recently without me around to help."

"Has she told you about her teen-aged adventures?" He asked Erica. Erica smiled and shook her head no. "They're something, let me tell you. She's been my cross to bear since she was thirteen."

x x x

Brian Belden arranged boxes of books along the wall of the motel room he had rented the prior evening. His clothing was spread out over one of the two single beds in the room. The room was dark and smelled of stale cigarettes. The carpet was threadbare and the bathroom had mold growing in the corners, but it was within his budget. And it was only for a few weeks.

Brian opened up the curtains to let some sunlight in. It's not THAT bad. He thought. Convenient to the hospital and probably doesn't get alot of business. Hopefully it will be quiet.

A fifteen-year old Lincoln Town Car pulled up next to his Subaru. A woman in what was obviously a blonde wig was snuggled up close to the driver. A balding man with a fairly large gut got out of the car and helped the woman out. They helped each other up to the room next to his. The man was stumbling a little as if he might be drunk and the woman could barely manage in her stiletto heels.

"Now what was your name, kitten?" He asked the woman.

"Brenda. Brenda Starr."

"Just call me Johnny."

Brian pulled the curtains closed. Well, it's only for a few weeks. He started to change for work.

x x x

Several young men had stopped to watch two women practicing Tae Kwon Do. The one was slow and obviously strong, while the other was slender, almost waif-like, and quick. The trainer led them through a grueling exercise.

"Okay, girls. Okay!" He stepped between them. "You both looked good. Pamela, you're still a little slow. Maddie." He shook his head. "Maddie, you're doing great. I'd like to see you in my Wednesday evening class."

Madeleine Wheeler grabbed a towel and wiped her face. She smiled at the coach. "Really? That good? But I still don't have much power."

"I like what I saw today." He handed her a bottle of water. "So, Wednesday?"

"I guess, coach. It depends on work."

"Sure Maddie."

Honey headed towards the locker room. A young man was waiting for her as she stepped off the mats.

"Barry!" She exclaimed in surprise.

"Honey. Wow! You looked good. I'm glad I never got you too angry when..." Honeys ex-boyfriend, Barry White, shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh, I think you did your best sometimes." She laughed.

"I just finished my work-out and saw you up there. Thought I'd watch. When did you start this?" He waved his hand towards the area where she'd just been.

"I started when we, ah, I've had some extra time lately."

"Honey, it's past lunch time. Would you like to join me?"

"I can't go out like this." Honey was dressed in sweats and needed a shower.

"I'll wait while you clean up." Barry gave his most beguiling smile. "I'd really like to talk."

Honey hesitated before responding. "Well, okay Barry. I'll only be a few minutes."

Honey scurried into the woman's locker room and took a quick shower. Since cutting her hair short, she only had to comb it out and put on the change of clothes she had brought with her; jeans, a turtleneck sweater, and boots. Barry was still waiting when she came back out of the locker room.

"You look great."

"Right, wet hair and all."

"No really, Honey. Your new hair cut looks great." He shook his head in awe. He couldn't believe the transformation. Barry White had dated Honey Wheeler for over three years. He had always thought of her as the ultimate in femininity. She'd dressed and acted the part and he'd always treated her like the gentle yet sophisticated lady that she was. It had been less than six months since they had broken off their relationship, but this woman...different hair, different clothes, even a different hobby. Honey used to swim for exercise. He had to find out what was going on.

"Where to, Honey?"

"The Sports Bar here in the Mall is okay."


They found a table as far away from the wide screen television as possible. There was a Giants game on that afternoon and Barry wanted to talk. Actually he wanted to listen. There was a story to be told here.

"How's work?" He tried to start by asking something neutral.

"Great. I got the promotion."

"I knew you'd get it. You'll probably run the whole show some day."

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Barry." Honey wondered if she should tell him about Virginia.

"Not flattery; just the truth, Honey. And you got your M.S.?"

"In May."

"Wonderful! You're obviously looking great, and doing great too." He looked at her, wondering if they could ever rekindle what they once felt.

"How's your work? The Governor seems to be more popular than ever."

"Polls look better every week. Looks like I have a little job security."

Barry was a political analyst for the Governor of New York. He'd been in graduate school at Columbia when Honey was a senior at John Jay and they began dating. He took a semester off from school to work on the campaign of a dark horse candidate and, after that candidate won the election, found himself offered a high level job in the new administration. Deciding he could finish his Masters anytime, he accepted the position and convinced Honey to move with him to Albany. She got a job with the State Police Crime Lab and he worked long hours at the Executive Mansion. While they had no complaints about their relationship, they were both too busy to give it the attention it needed to grow. Six months earlier they agreed to separate.

"I miss you Honey," Barry blurted out.

Honey was startled by this sudden confession. She still had feelings for Barry and often wondered if they had made the wrong decision when they broke up.

"Barry." She shook her head.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress came up and asked Barry.

"Give us a minute," Barry replied. She walked away and he turned back to Honey. "I...Honey, I'd like to start seeing you again."

"Barry, I dont know what to say."

"I 'm not forcing anything, Honey. I just wish...I've been so miserable the past few months. I realize how I screwed up and what I've lost. Just say you'll think about seeing me again. " He smiled shyly. "It was good, Honey. It was so good."

"We'll see." Honey held up the menu and looked over the top of it. He was so...If he would just... It had been good. Some of the time.

x x x

After the trip to Highland Falls and Sleepyside, Trixie headed home to catch up on her usual weekend chores. She had just finished purging the refrigerator when the phone rang.



"Dan! I was just thinking about you." Trixie sat in a chair and threw her legs over the arm.


"Yeah. I was up in Sleepyside this afternoon."

"I didn't know you were going up there."

"I wasn't planning to, but my partner and I were in the area. We had lunch at Wimpy's and went by and saw my parents."

"It seems like eons since I've been there." Dan sounded almost wistful to Trixie.

"It HAS been eons. Listen, the next time I go up you're going with me. Okay?"

"I don't know."

"Why not? It would be so much fun. We could, I don't know, explore our old haunts a little. Would your uncle let us ride?"

"You know all you have to do is call and Uncle Bill would have a horse waiting when you arrived."

Trixie laughed. "He might saddle the horse for me, but he'll never clean up after me."

"You might be surprised, Trix. He misses seeing you. He's always thought highly of you. In fact, he asks about you all the time."

Trixie smiled to herself. She valued Bill Regan's opinion. "Ah, Dan? Trixie wasn't sure how to ask the next question."


"Your birthday's this week isn't it?"


"Are you doing anything to celebrate?"

"I've never been into that sort of thing, Trixie. You know that."

"I have Wednesday off. Lunch or dinner?"

"Trixie." Dan pleaded. He knew a Detective's salary didn't go far in New York City.

"Lunch or dinner?" Trixie was insistent.

Dan smiled to himself. He knew Trixie well enough to know not to argue.

"I'm in court all day. Tuesday and Wednesday. It will have to be dinner."

"I know exactly what we can do. I'll get back with you and let you know where and what time. Okay?"

"Trixie. You dont have to..."

"Wednesday dinner. I know I don't have to. I WANT to. I'll get back with you later."

"Sure Trix. Later."


Trixie hung up the phone. Wait a minute. He called me. Why?

Dan hung up his phone. He had no idea why he had called her. But it sure had made him feel better.

x x x

After hanging up the phone, Trixie immediately called Mart and Di's number.

"Mart and Diana can't take your call right now but you know what to do."


"Mart? Di? This is Trixie. Where have you two been all weekend? I hope nothing's wrong. Give me a call. You know the number."

x x x

A few minutes later Trixie's phone rang. She picked it up immediately hoping it was Mart or Di.



"Honey! I was just thinking of you,or at least everyone from Sleepyside."

"Of course. Great minds think alike," Honey quipped. "I made my travel arrangements for the twenty-first. I had trouble getting a return flight so I'll be staying over a few days in Sleepyside. The house is closed up, so I'll be staying with Jim. Mother and Father fly in from London that Saturday so they're coming out Sunday and we'll all have lunch at the Club before I head back. I was hoping you might get out to Sleepyside while I'm there."

Trixie laughed. "I was just talking to Dan about getting out for a weekend. That sounds great. I'll talk to Dan and try to make time in my schedule. How are Jim and Aggie?"

"They're great. Her field hockey team may take the State Championship this year."

"That's neat. She's a good teacher and coach. At least that's what I keep hearing. And she sounds so right for Jim."

"Oh, she's great. She's perfect for him. Absolutely perfect." Remembering that Trixie and Jim were once a couple, she tactfully added, "Trixie, I'm sorry, don't take that wrong."

"I'm not offended. My word, it's been years since we...All I want is for Jim to be happy. Sounds like he is."

"I do wish they'd set a date. I can't wait to be a bridesmaid."

"Oh don't worry, Honey. They won't do anything without you. "

"Guess who I saw today?" Honey couldn't withhold her news any longer.



"THE Barry? How is he?" Trixie's mood darkened a little. Barry had been her brother Mart's college roommate and while she liked him enough, she felt he had never treated Honey the way she deserved. The Governor came first and Honey hadn't been even close as second for his attention. Honey never complained, but Trixie always thought she had deserved better...especially since she'd been treated much the same way when she was engaged to Trixie's brother, Brian.

"He looked good. I ran into him at the gym and we went for lunch."

"That's nice. He had the afternoon off?"

"Then we went for a drive out into the country. I really enjoyed myself."

"I'm glad."

"He's taking me out again tomorrow night."


"Yes. Do you think it's too soon? Should I make him stew a little?"

"I don't know Honey. I just want you to be happy."

"Oh don't you worry about me. I'm so happy right now I could burst."

"I know, Honey." Trixie was concerned. Honey's luck with men wasn't much better than her own. "Promise me one thing. That you'll insist he treats you the way you DESERVE?"

"I will, Trixie. I do believe I've learned, well, we're running up a bill. I'll e-mail you with all the details of today and the date tomorrow."

"Do that, Honey. Bye." The sudden cut-off was not missed by Detective Belden.

x x x

When Mart Belden got home to his empty apartment that evening, he played back all the phone messages from the weekend. There were two from his sister in New York City. I have to call back. He said to himself. She'll think something is seriously wrong if I don't. But what do I tell her? Her detective's instincts will know something as soon as I say hello.

He walked over to the pile of letters and bills on the table. Maybe I'll read the mail, first.

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