Most of my fan-fiction writing to date has been a part of the “Bob-White Universe” that includes the “Bob-White Trilogy” and related short stories of “Sleepyside 10562”.
A Bob-White Trilogy
- A trilogy of stories about the three Bob-white girls—Trixie, Honey, and Diana—and their lives as young adults.
The universe is rated Jixemitri Yellow Star for content. Sleepyside 10562
- A group of (mostly) shorter stories, featuring the characters from the Trixie Belden series. They may or may not lead
into longer works in the future. Some of the relationships depicted follow a non-traditional arc.
Stories may be rated Jixemitri Blue, Yellow, or Red star for content. Butterflies Above Our Nation
- My most recent universe debuted in 2009. The young adult Bob-Whites face many challenges as they come of age during
the turbulent 1960s. Will their friendship survive or will they scatter like butterflies across our nation?
The universe is rated Jixemitri Yellow Star for content.
As a member of the Jixemitri Author community, I’ve participated in some group stories and writing challenges that are not related to my universes:
Breaking Murphy’s Law
- As part of the 2006 Jixaversary, I contributed to the Group Brian story, along with Anna, MaryC, and StephH. Rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
Understanding Moms
- For the 2008 Jixaversary, I contributed Chapter 16 to the Jixemitri group story, a brand-new, full-length Bob-white mystery using chapter titles from The Secret of the Mansion. The chapter index for Another Mansion, Another Secret can be found here. Rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
Ring of Fire
- For the 2010 Jixaversary, I contributed to the Team Dan story, along with Ronda, Ryl, and Wendy M. Rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
Chapter 1: Discovery
- To celebrate Jixemitri’s 11th anniversary, intrepid Jixers retold The Mystery at Bob-White Cave (#11) through the eyes of Trixie's friends. I wrote Chapter 1 from Linnie's point of view. Link will take you to my chapter; the group story index may be found here. Rated Jixemitri Blue Star.
Jixadekaphobia: Brian
- What happens when seven writers get together and plan a group story for the 13th anniversary of Jixemitri? Jixadekaphobia, that's what! The young adult BWGs are scattered across the country, and they are heading back to Sleepyside for a 13th Bob-White anniversary party. One tiny problem... they are traveling on Friday the 13th. Brian's story was written by me. Links to the other stories can be found at the end of his; not necesary to read in any certain order. Jixadekaphobia originally posted March 8-14, 2013. Rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
The Lucky Men Who Made the Grade
- My entry in the Jixemitri CWE#6: Trixie as..., features the Bob-White boys as a certain mop-topped rock-n-roll band during frenetic, rollicking tour and is an homage to the playful, surrealistic classic, A Hard Day’s Night. Originally posted October 24, 2013. Rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
On the Hudson
- Ronda, Ryl, WendyM and I teamed up to tell this story of a dashing young FBI agent who encounters an old acquaintance while working undercover. Written for the Jixemitri CWE#8: There is no “I” in Team. Originally posted October 31, 2014, and rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
Decembrance Time
- Written in collaboration with the awesome Deanna, in this story the BWGs recall special Christmases from the past. Originally posted December 15, 2018, and rated Jixemitri Yellow Star.
I've also made a VERY public confession of my addiction to all things Trixie:

As a Jix Author, I've participated in some writing challenges:

Please note: The stories located at this site contain minimal uses of profanity, sexual innuendo, or adult subject matter, and should not
offend most people. However, they are written for an adult audience and not for children. The Bob-Whites depicted in these stories are
responsible, moral individuals, but they are facing contemporary adult situations and decisions. The author has attempted to deal with these issues
sensitively, so as not to offend anyone. However, if you think you might be offended by reading about the Bob-Whites as adults, please don't read further.
As a proud member of the Jixemitri Author community, I have rated my stories according to the guidelines for the Jixemitri Star ratings. Visit the Jixemitri Story Ratings page for an explanation of the star system. Any story that is rated with a red star requires the Jixemitri password. If you would like the password, please email password@jixemitri.net with your name and assurance that you are over the age of 18. Upon receipt and review, the password will be provided. In the spirit of the original Bob-Whites of the Glen, we ask that you respond completely and honestly.
As a proud member of the Jixemitri Author community, I have rated my stories according to the guidelines for the Jixemitri Star ratings. Visit the Jixemitri Story Ratings page for an explanation of the star system. Any story that is rated with a red star requires the Jixemitri password. If you would like the password, please email password@jixemitri.net with your name and assurance that you are over the age of 18. Upon receipt and review, the password will be provided. In the spirit of the original Bob-Whites of the Glen, we ask that you respond completely and honestly.