Prologue | Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 17 18 19 Epilogue

A Bob-White Trilogy
Part Two

"Beatrix" takes place five years after, "Diana", the first part of "A Bob-White Trilogy". All of the former Bob-Whites of the Glen are pursuing careers and encountering the challenges of being young adults. Like the first part of the anthology, this second story includes the adventures of all the characters created in the original series, but the primary focus is on its title character, Beatrix Alicia "Trixie" Belden. Her story is that of a young woman who believes she must sacrifice personal relationships to pursue her career, but learns otherwise.

A new detective with the New York City Police Department, Trixie becomes involved in an adventure and mystery that is solved primarily using traditional investigative techniques and a lot of instinct. Despite misunderstandings and wrong assumptions, in the end, Trixie gets her man.

PLEASE NOTE: This story has minimal uses of profanity, sexual innuendo, or adult subject matter, and should not offend most people. However, THESE STORIES ARE WRITTEN FOR AN ADULT AUDIENCE AND NOT CHILDREN. The Bob-Whites depicted in these stories are responsible, moral individuals, but they are facing contemporary adult situations and decisions. The author has attempted to deal with these issues sensitively, so as not to offend anyone. However, if you think you might be offended by reading about the Bob-Whites as adults, please don't read further.

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This picture is from the 1961 "Cello" edition of "Black Jacket Mystery". It is exactly how the author envisioned Trixie Belden when reading the series as a child.

Trixie BeldenĀ® is a registered trademark of Random House. This page and its author are not affiliated with Random House in any way. This is an unauthorized fan-fiction site and no profit is being made from anything listed at it. These stories are written solely for the enjoyment of the reader.

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