"Rise and shine!" Diana Lynch said as she stuck her head into her fiancé's bedroom. "We have too many things to do for you to be laying in bed all day. " She walked across the room and kissed Mart Belden on the forehead.
"A little more of that and I might just stay here all day--as long as I have some company."
"Oh, my word Mr. Belden, but you do make me blush." Diana laughed. "Your mom is making one of her famous country breakfasts, my mother is busy with the caterer for at least half of the day and then your mother has promised to keep her busy for the other half. I just might have a few hours to spend with you! So get outta' that bed. I'll be waiting downstairs." Diana blew him a kiss as she backed out of the room and shut the door.
When Mart had taken Diana home that Tuesday evening, they explained to her parents how they had helped the police catch the teens who had been harassing them. Although both of the Lynches were concerned that Mart and Diana had been involved, they were relieved to know that there should not be any further vandalism or pranks. After Diana agreed to take a sedative and sleep in late the next morning, Mart left with Dan who had followed them in Mart's car. After dropping Dan off, Mart went directly home and to bed himself.
Mart and Diana both were kept busy running errands all day Wednesday. After spending the entire day apart, they attended a cocktail reception given in their honor by one of Mr. Lynch's business associates. Fortunately it did not last late and that evening they were able to take an abbreviated version of the drive up the river valley originally planned for Tuesday. They agreed that the short time alone was the best time they had spent together since returning from Ohio. It now appeared they all just might survive the week. Finally, it was Thursday; the last members of the wedding party were due to arrive that day, and the actual festivities were about to begin.
Mart rolled out of bed. He patted his stomach, moaned about another morning run being missed and stumbled into the shower.
When he walked into the kitchen a few minutes later, Diana was sitting at the table with his mother laughing and talking animatedly about the details of the wedding ceremony and reception. It was the happiest he had seen her all week. This is the Diana we all know and love. He thought to himself.
"Tell me what is on the agenda for today." He requested as he poured himself some coffee.
"Well, first I have a few borrrring errands where I could use a little hand-holding." Diana popped a piece of bacon into her mouth. "Jim and Honey are expecting us up at Manor House around noon for lunch. Brian and Trixie should get there in time to join us. Dan should be there too with his girlfriend from Rutgers. If not, he plans to meet up with the rest of you guys sometime today and he and Jim have something planned for tonight. Also, all of you guys are supposed to pick up your tuxes. And isn't Barry getting in sometime today?" Di asked about Mart's roommate at Ohio State, Barry White. "Is he going with you guys tonight? Are you guys including Bobby? Trixie, Honey and I are spending the night at Manor House. They talked about a real bachelorette party, but to do it right," Diana paused and grinned at Mart. "We'd have to exclude Jan and Jill. Anything appropriate for them...well, we decided to have a pajama party--just the three of us--like we used to! My mother is having some last minute tete-a-tete with the caterer and then your mother is taking her out to the Country Club for final arrangements for tomorrow night. How's that?"
"Whew!" I guess I'll let you lead and I'll just follow. What 'borrrrring' errands are we running?" Mart sat down at the table.
"I have to pick up my bridesmaid gifts and I wanted to check the bridal registry. I'm skipping my daily fitting (please don't tell my mother)," Diana folded her hands as if praying to him, "And just normal things."
"Normal things, sure."
"Mart..." Diana pleaded, jokingly.
"Okay, pass me some of that bacon." Mart took the platter and filled his plate with bacon and eggs. "Mmmm, Moms, this is heaven. Cholesterol heaven!"
"With the hectic schedules everyone has kept this week, I wanted to make sure everyone started the day with a hearty breakfast." Mrs. Belden answered. "I know it's too much fat and cholesterol, but it's okay as long as you don't make it a habit. Enjoy this week! Next week you pay!"
" Sex burns calories and I expect to burn a lot of calories next week," Mart whispered to Diana, causing her to look over at Mrs. Belden and blush. He also looked at his mother. She didn't appear to have heard his comment, "Barry is due to arrive sometime this afternoon, Moms. If I'm not home when you leave could you post a note on the door or something?"
Barry was also a native New Yorker, although he lived in New York City. His family, while not quite as wealthy as the Wheelers and Lynches, were of the same social circle. He and Mart had been introduced their first semester at Ohio State by a classmate who had made the New York connection. With mutual friends at home, they immediately hit it off and had roomed together for the past three years. Barry had made many visits to Crabapple Farm over the school breaks and became fast friends with all the Bob Whites. Mart was including him as an usher in the ceremony.
The screen door slammed as Bobby Belden walked in through the service porch, sweaty and still a little out-of breath from his "Fun Run" with the other members of the Sleepyside High School Cross Country Team. "Oh yum", he said as he grabbed two pieces of bacon from the table. "Pile it on Moms."
"Robert Peter Belden, you clean up before you come to the table." Mrs. Belden scolded although she smiled as her youngest child ran up the stairs.
"You don't plan to take Bobby anywhere he shouldn't be tonight?" She asked Mart.
"Moms, I don't have a clue as to what we're doing. But I think you can trust Jim, Dan and Brian. Although I doubt there's much we could show Bobby that he hasn't already at least talked about with his friends."
Mrs. Belden chose to ignore the last remark, getting up from the table and going over to the sink to scrape her plate.
"Dan told me that they had rented a private dining room at the Inn and plan to have dinner. He didn't say, but they might have beer or something." Diana offered.
"Moms, I'll make sure that we behave ourselves for my little brother. I don't want to do anything that a fourteen-year-old shouldn't. I can't afford a hang-over tomorrow."
"I just don't want any of this 'boys will be boys' mentality tonight." Mrs. Belden said as she left the kitchen. " I know that physically he's as big as you and Brian, but you forget how young he is."
Diana went to the sink to scrape and rinse her plate. Mart rose from the table, walked over, put his arms around her waist, and asked, "You're not concerned about this 'boy' are you, my Sweetdiana?"
"Let's get going or I'll 'Sweetdiana' you." She said as she pushed him away.
Mart ran up the stairs to finish dressing.
Brian Belden unlocked the door to his tiny one-room apartment and tiptoed across to the bathroom, trying to not disturb his sister who was stretched out on the sofa-bed. He had just finished a 12-hour shift at the university hospital, slept only a few hours since the weekend, and looked like it. His eyes were even darker and more brooding than usual. His scrubs were soiled and wrinkled, he had coarse stubble on his face and, in his fatigued state, he looked much older than his almost-24 years.
Just as he went to step into the shower he saw a pair of woman's thong underwear behind the commode. Ohmigosh. Joyce must have left those. Did Trixie see them? She doesn't miss much, he thought as he picked them up. Looking around the tiny bathroom, he tried to find a place to hide them. He decided to bury them at the bottom of the overflowing trash can.
The sound of the shower woke up Trixie. She looked at the alarm clock and realized Brian must have gotten home. She went over to the kitchenette to make some coffee and try to find some nourishment for her sure-to-be-exhausted big brother. Cupboards: Empty. Refrigerator: One bottle Corona; half-gallon milk; tub of Parkay; bottle of ketchup. I know he doesn't sleep. Does he not eat either? she asked herself.
And the bathroom. Should I ask him or not? she wondered. Whose underwear are those? I don't think Honey has ever been here. I KNOW she's never stayed over. And she doesn't wear anything like that. Or has she been here? What aren't they telling me? His bathroom isn't what you'd call clean, but it is clean enough for those not to have been there THAT long. I KNOW they don't belong to Brian. Perish that thought!. Should I ask him?.
No. Better left unsaid.
The shower stopped. Trixie went over to get some things out of her bag so she could take her own shower.
"Is that coffee?" Brian asked as he emerged from the steamy bathroom. He looked more tired and troubled to Trixie than he had the prior evening.
"I couldn't find much to eat for breakfast." Trixie replied. "Could we stop for something on the way out of town?"
"I'm getting in the shower, now."
"Whatever." Brian clearly was not in any mood to talk.
Trixie shut the door and checked behind the commode. The panties were gone.
Mmmmm, she said to herself. Verrrry interesting.
Honey Wheeler came running down the back stairs into the kitchen. Marjory Trask, who had once been her governess but was now manager of the Wheeler's homes in Aspen and New York City, as well as the Manor House Estate, sat at the table sipping coffee and checking her day planner against other papers.
"Isn't it a beautiful morning?" Honey asked as she hugged Miss Trask. She got her own orange juice and pastry from the sideboard before sitting down.
Miss Trask looked up. "And what could possibly be the reason for so much happiness this morning?"
Honey laughed. "As if you don't know. Brian and Trixie are coming home. And they'll be here for lunch. And I'll have Brian the whole weekend. Well, I won't exactly HAVE him, but he'll be here." And Trixie's coming home." Honey rambled excitedly. "And I don't have to go work for Chief Molinson a single day more. And the weather is beautiful. And Diana and Mart are getting married. They're in love! And Jim and Mother and Father are all home. And Brian's coming home. And you're here and not in the City, Miss Trask. And the sun is shining. And...
"Okay. Okay." Jim said as he came in through the rear door. " Aren't you the happy one? I've been out on the riding trails and you're right. It is absolutely gorgeous out there today. Not too hot and very little humidity." He went over to the hand sink to wash up.
"Are you going into the City with your father?" Miss Trask asked Jim. Jim had spent most of the summer working with his father. Although he had no desire to take over management of any of the Wheeler businesses, Mr. Wheeler felt it important that Jim understand finance in order to properly manage his own trust fund and the school he hoped to someday own. And Jim had welcomed the excuse to stay away from Sleepyside that summer.
"No, I have alot to do around here today." Jim went over to the sideboard and began piling food on his plate. "Once Brian gets in we're picking up our tuxedos and running a few errands. Then we're taking Mart out to the Inn this evening for a little dinner and, well, whatever." He grabbed a napkin and sat down at the table.
"Whatever?" Miss Trask looked up and directly into the eyes of her former ward.
"Just a little dinner, music and talk. Bobby Belden will probably be there so it will be PG-13 at best." Jim stuffed his mouth with food so he wouldn't have to reveal any more details of their plans.
"Or worse, depending on how you look at it." Honey added, somewhat sourly. Her expression had completely changed. She nibbled for a while on her pastry. "Are Dan and Regan around?" She asked her brother.
"I didn't see either of them when I was out," He said, thankful to have the subject changed. "But I heard someone up in the stables."
Honey got up from the table and walked toward the door. "If you'll excuse me, Miss Trask, I have something to do."
Jim and Miss Trask looked at each other. Neither had any answer for Honey's sudden change of demeanor and departure.
Dan Mangan had just finished exercising and currying the new horse, Hijinx, for his uncle. He looked around the stable to see if there was anything else he should do before showering and going to the airport to pick up his girlfriend, Jennifer Gordon, who was flying up from South Carolina for the wedding. Jennifer had met Mart Belden some time earlier, but had never been introduced to Diana. However, recognizing how much Jennifer meant to Dan, Mart and Diana both had insisted that she be included in the weekend events.
"Uncle Bill?" Dan called. "Uncle Bill?" He called out louder.
"He's not out here, anywhere." Honey Wheeler called out from the entrance to the stables.
"Honey! Don't you look great this morning? Something's different." Honey had trimmed her hair and curled the ends. The morning sun made it look golden as she entered the stable and walked towards Dan.
"I changed my hair. Do you think Brian will like it?"
"He'll love it!" Dan gave Honey a quick hug. "But you could do almost anything and I think Brian would like it. What brings you out here so early in the morning?"
"Oh, nothing really. I thought I'd come out and meet Hijinx." Honey looked down and dragged the toe of her left sneaker across the floor.
"He's right over there. He's a beauty, but I don't know if he's ready for you yet. I had alot of trouble handling him this morning." Honey was an expert rider, but didn't have anywhere near the strength that Dan had.
Honey and Dan walked over to the stall. They both climbed up on the gate to pet Hijinx. Dan waited patiently to hear the real reason Honey had come out to the stables.
"So what are your plans for the day, Dan?" Honey finally broke the silence.
"As soon as I shower, I'm going up to Westchester Airport. Jen's flying in this morning. I plan to bring her back up to your house in time to have some lunch with everyone. You know that."
"Oh sure. Are you taking her anywhere tonight?" It was obvious to Dan that Honey was fishing around for information.
"No. Uncle Bill plans to make a nice dinner for her and his latest girlfriend. And she has a room at the Inn. We're all taking Mart out for dinner. You didn't know that?"
"Oh. Of course. I guess I forgot. Where are you going with Mart?"
What is going on? Dan thought. "Honey, I'd swear I told you that we'd reserved a private dining room at the Inn," he said aloud. "We plan on dinner, music, a little beer maybe and alot of reminiscing. Just Mart, Jim, Brian, me and maybe Bobby. Oh. I think Barry will be there too. No big deal. We just thought we had to do something for Mart. And since he's such a party animal...." Dan was getting even more confused.
"Okay, I was just curious. I wanted to know before all of us girls make our own plans, you know."
"Sounds to me like you're more concerned about the plans of one girl--and the special guy who she hasn't seen in weeks and weeks."
"That obvious was I?" Honey laughed.
"Don't worry, Honey. I'd never let Brian do anything to embarrass or hurt you--as if he ever would. Don't you know how he feels about you and how he is about the commitment he's made to you?"
"Oh Dan. I wish I could be so sure. He never calls or writes--not even email. I've called him and he's always too busy to talk so I'm afraid to call anymore. He's never even contacted me about coming home today. All I know is what I've heard second hand. What am I doing wrong?"
Dan was a little surprised at Honey's emotional outburst, but it explained why she had come out to talk to him. "Honey, you're the sweetest person I know. You're not doing anything wrong. I won't make excuses for him, but I'm certain it's just the pressures of school. How much do you think you'll hear from me over the next three years of law school? "
"But Jen will."
"Jen will be right there with me."
Honey looked even unhappier with that comment. Dan was at a loss of words. He admired Brian more than anyone other than his Uncle Bill. He was certain Brian loved Honey. Brian had always loved her. What could Brian possibly be doing to make her so unhappy?
"Honey, why ask me and not Jim about Brian?" Jim was Brian's best friend.
"Jim thinks I'm imagining or exaggerating things. He thinks I'm demanding too much of Brian. I understand how difficult things are for Brian. I just want him to call or write occasionally. But he goes weeks at a time. It's been over two weeks. Is a simple phone call or email in that time asking too much? "
"No, Honey. Probably not. But, promise me, you'll talk to Brian while he's here." Dan tried to reassure her. "I know he doesn't want to hurt you. I KNOW that."
Someone needs to have a long talk with Dr. Brian Belden, Dan thought to himself. Dan wasn't blind. He'd seen how cool and distant Brian had been recently to Honey and everyone. If he doesn't straighten up he's going to lose the best thing that's ever happened to him. But is this weekend the right time to confront him?
Dan gave Honey a quick hug. "Honey, I need to head for the showers or I'll have a very angry southern belle on my case. You just enjoy every minute of your time with Brian this week. I'll keep him in line tonight and have him safe in your arms first thing tomorrow morning. How's that?" Dan promised her. And I'll put him in line before he heads back to Baltimore, too, Dan promised himself.
Dan had to break several speed limits to get to Westchester Airport on time and he now waited anxiously at the gate. Jen's plane had just been announced and people were filing off, one sullen-looking businessman or businesswoman after another. Finally! There! There she was!
"Jen!" Dan called out and waved.
The petite blonde pushed past the others and ran to him. They kissed and embraced as if it had been years and not just weeks since they'd last been together. The faces of several of the other passengers changed from somber stares to wistful smiles as they passed by the young lovers.
"I've missed you so." Jen said as she pressed against him. "Promise me we'll never separate for this long again...Kiss me." Dan complied. "Kiss me again." Dan was more than willing to comply again.
"No more long separations." He mumbled as he pressed her against him.
Finally, they broke apart and, holding hands, checked for Jen's luggage. Dan grabbed her suitcase and led Jen to his car. Once they were in the vehicle he grabbed her and began kissing her again. "I cannot tell you how much I've missed you," He told her. "I can't tell you how much I want you."
Jen reveled in the words. She could not believe that she could have anyone as kind and loving and sexy as Dan Mangan. No matter what her father said.
"Tonight?" She asked, as she rubbed her hand across his jeaned thigh, then showing Dan what she had planned.
"I got you a room at the Inn." Dan pulled away and sat up in his seat.
"A room for me or for us?" Jen asked.
"Whatever you want. Whatever you'd like." He raised his eyebrows and smiled.
"I don't know if I can wait until tonight." Jen hinted.
"I'll see what I can do." Dan said as he started up the car.
Jen grabbed his thigh and squeezed.
Honey Wheeler jumped up from the chair in her suite of rooms when she heard a car come up the drive towards Manor House. She ran across to the window to see what car it might be. Her shoulders slumped when she saw it was "only" Mart and Diana in Diana's BMW. She walked over to her dressing room to check on her appearance one last time before going downstairs to greet her friends.
"One last kiss, before we go in." Mart reached across the console to pull Diana closer to him.
"Mart, what's gotten into you?" Diana pretended to resist and pull away, all the while giggling.
"I just can't get enough of you. It's like I have to keep pinching myself to be sure it's true that the most beautiful woman in the State of New York is marrying me in just two days," Mart said as he reached across the console once again. "Ugh. This car can really cramp a man's style."
"Perhaps it would be better if I just pinched you." Diana laughed and kissed her fiancé once more.
"Okay, what's with you two?" Jim said as he opened Di's door. "I thought making out in the driveway went out with high school."
"Do you have any idea how difficult it is to have even a few moments alone the week before you get married?" Di asked as Jim helped her out of the car. "How are you, Jim? Where's Honey?"
"She's spent the entire morning in her room primping for Brian."
Mart came around the car, grabbed Diana around the waist and gave her one more kiss. The three then proceeded up the steps of the main entrance of the house just as Honey came to the door.
"Mart! Di! Just two more days!" She welcomed them. "And just a short time until ALL the Bob Whites are together for the first time in ages and ages!"
"All the Bob Whites, or one particular Bob White?" Mart teased as they all entered the formal entrance hall.
"You know exactly what I mean, Mart Belden!" Honey said as she gave him a quick hug.
The four friends went into the den where the two young women sat and discussed wedding details while Mart and Jim got sodas at the bar. They then joined the women in their discussion. Just as they all began wondering when the others might arrive, Dan and Jen came into the room. Diana and Honey sat staring at Jen in total surprise, while Mart and Jim jumped to their feet.
"Dan! Jen!" Mart said. "Jen, Have you met everybody?"
Jen gave Mart a hug. "Well, I met Jim this mornin', but not these two lovely ladies." She walked across the room with her hand out.
"Honey, Di, I want you to meet Jennifer Gordon." Dan said. "Jen, Honey Wheeler and Diana Lynch-almost-Belden."
"Jennifer, Dan has said so many wonderful things about you," Honey said as they shook hands. "I'm so excited to have you here and especially when all Dan's Sleepyside friends will be together to welcome you."
Diana just sat with her mouth hanging open.
"And you must be Diana," Jen said. "You're as beautiful as Dan and Mart have said."
Diana shook the offered hand, still at a loss for words.
"Can I get you a cold drink?" Jim asked.
"Water would be lovely." Jen replied as she followed him over towards the bar.
Honey and Diana looked at each other, mouthing "Trixie?" and then looked at Mart to see his reaction. He glared at them to express his opinion of their unintentional rudeness. Both women got up and walked over to Jen.
"I'm so glad you're here," Diana said in a gushing attempt to compensate. "Mart and I want this weekend to be special for all our friends and Dan has said so many good things about you, we wanted him to share his fun or at least to have as much as possible and we thought he'd enjoy himself more if you were here. And if Dan thinks so much of you then we want you to feel a part of our extended family. And that's what we are, aren't we Mart? We're all like an extended family. But not too much of a family, then I wouldn't be marrying Mart would I? Coz' that would be like marrying a brother or a cousin or something. Oh, that would be yucky!"
"And there's nothing yucky about our relationship is there Sweetdiana?" Mart said as he came up from behind and put his arms around Diana's waist. "Chill. You're embarrassing yourself." He whispered into her ear before kissing her neck.
"Well, where are Brian and Trixie?" Honey asked. "Should we wait a little longer for them or should I tell the cook we're ready for lunch?"
"Let's wait just a little longer." Diana suggested as she pulled away from Mart. "It will be so much more fun if we're all together."
Everyone but Honey sat down in the chairs and on the sofa, asking Jen questions about herself and talking about the upcoming weekend. Honey walked over to the window and stared out at the driveway. The others noticed her, but felt it better to say nothing. They understood her impatience for Brian to arrive.
"They're here! They're here." Honey called out excitedly as she tore across the room.
Dan pulled Jen up from her chair as Jim remained sitting. "C'mon, Jen. Time to meet the infamous Trixie Belden and her reliable true-blue older brother."
Dan and Jen followed Mart and Di out of the room. Jim continued to sit, gathering the strength to handle the next few days. This was the first time he had seen Trixie since their break up. He had given a lot of thought about what to say and do, but still wasn't sure. At least most of his anger had subsided. Finally, he sighed audibly, stood up, and followed the others.
As Jim came down the steps of the main entrance of Manor House, he saw total chaos surrounding Brian's ancient Subaru. Di and Trixie were hugging each other and jumping up and down. Honey had pulled open the passenger door and was leaning in, trying to kiss and hug Brian. Everyone was talking at once. Even Jen was caught up in the excitement and, with Trixie present, everyone seemed to forget about the uncanny physical resemblance between the two. After getting out of the car, Brian pulled away from Honey and shook Mart's hand while slapping him on the back. He then kissed Diana on the cheek before walking over to Jim.
Jim was shocked at how tired Brian looked. After being roommates for four years, Jim knew Brian better than almost anyone, including Honey. He knew there had to be more than lack of sleep contributing to the dark circles around his eyes and apparent weight loss.
"Jim." Brian offered his hand to his good friend.
"Good to see you, Bri. But man, you look awful!" Jim tried to laugh while returning a firm grip.
"I'm pretty tired. I had no idea how difficult it would be to handle working at the hospital in addition to taking classes. But there's no choice."
"Well, we'll fatten you up this week-end and make sure you relax. Honey is anxious to take care of the TLC."
"Yeah." Brian replied turning away from his closest friend and walking toward Dan.
"Dan, who's this gorgeous woman beside you?" Brian asked as he shook Dan's hand.
"Brian, I want you to meet Jennifer Gordon. Jen, this is doctor-to-be Brian Belden. One of the best friends anyone could ever have."
Honey waited anxiously as everyone greeted each other. Her quick kiss and hug from Brian had been entirely too short. She also had noticed how tired and gaunt he looked. Finally she could wait no longer and grabbed Brian away from Dan and Jen.
"I've waited too long for a real reunion." She said as she pulled him to her.
"Honey, everyone..." Brian pulled away and looked at their friends.
"To hell with everyone." Honey said as she put her arms around his neck and kissed Brian. He placed his hands on her waist and attempted to return her affection, but found it impossible to respond. He felt nothing but exhaustion.
The others began heading towards the house in order to allow Brian and Honey at least a few moments alone. With all the excitement and talking at once, Jim and Trixie had managed to not say a single word to each other.
"Honey..." He shook his head.
"No Brian, just kiss me. It's been so long. Too long." Honey refused to let go.
"The others..."
"No. Kiss me."
Brian kissed her once on the cheek before pulling away and heading towards the house.
The young adults had decided to have lunch and a quick swim in the spring-fed lake on the Wheeler estate. Over the last decade they had enjoyed countless picnics and swim parties and they were thrilled that Miss Trask had asked the cook to prepare them a picnic lunch and have it set up at the lake. Everyone except Jen had brought swimsuits, but she managed to find a yellow bikini of Honey's that fit.
For over an hour they swam and enjoyed the crystal clear, fresh water. They even attempted races out to the diving platform in the middle of the lake. As always, Honey was the strongest swimmer and, even though Jen came close a few times, she won each and every race. Finally, the group collapsed on towels and lounge chairs spread out along the dock.
"I'm starved. Where's lunch?" Mart asked as he fell into one of the chairs.
Everyone laughed. Mart wondered what was so funny.
"You're always looking for food!" Trixie said when he looked at her.
"We've just had a work-out. Isn't everyone hungry?"
"Yes, Mart, but just like old times, you're the first to say something!" Diana explained.
"Well, you can laugh all you want, but I'm eating." He got up from the lounge chair and went over to the table. "Mmmmm, fried chicken or sandwiches......" Mart began digging into the several baskets of food that had been carried down from the house.
The others quickly joined him. Just as with past picnics, there were several kinds of salads and sandwiches, fried chicken, and, for dessert, chocolate cake. Conversation was at a minimum as everyone ate as if it had been years since their last meal.
Honey sat next to Brian on a bench, making certain he had seconds of everything. Brian ate silently. He was hungry, not famished, and he felt totally at a loss as to what to say to Honey. She sensed his discomfort, but could feel only total joy at being so close to him.
Trixie and Di ate sitting on the side of the dock with their legs hanging over the side. There was so much for the two friends to share and they were engrossed in eating and catching up with each other.
Mart ate quickly and stretched out on a lounge chair situated so he could look directly at Diana. He marveled at his luck in finding anyone as beautiful, both spiritually and physically, as Diana. It was satisfying also to know how much his sister and family loved her too.
Jim also stretched out on a lounge chair, watching Brian and Honey. He had been best friends with Brian for close to half his life and the two could almost communicate without words. Jim recognized that something was seriously wrong with his best friend, and, forgetting entirely about Trixie, wondered what he could say or do to help Brian.
Dan and Jen sat side-by-side on the side of the deck with their hips touching, Jen whispering things to Dan or feeding him morsels from her plate. Dan was clearly enjoying the attention. Jen rubbed Dan's leg constantly and, occasionally he would kiss her. Once, as if on impulse, he pushed her flat against the deck and rolled on top of her until someone complained loudly about "PDA's".
The relaxed mood finally was broken when Diana reminded everyone why they were together. "I have a wedding in two days, " she announced. "And I have at least two weeks worth of work to do."
With alot of mumbling everyone began to gather their things and clean up. After a quick check to make sure nothing was left behind, they headed up the hill towards Manor House. Halfway up the hill, Jen stopped. "Oh! I think I forgot my blouse," She tugged on Dan's arm. "Dan, come with me to look for it."
Dan promised to meet up with the other young men at Crabapple Farm that evening before he headed back down the hill behind Jen, still carrying a basket. The others carried their baskets and coolers into the Manor House kitchen before leaving. Brian and Trixie headed off to Crabapple Farm where their mother was waiting. Diana and Mart followed them down the drive. Honey and Jim disappeared into the house.
In the kitchen, Celia Delanoy counted the baskets. There appeared to be at least one missing. Kids! she thought to herself. Still kids at heart! Just then her husband, Tom, came into the kitchen.
"Lunch over and everyone gone?" He asked his wife.
"Ummhuh," She responded. "Tom, would you mind walking down to the boat house? I think they left a basket there."
"Sure." Tom said. He headed down the hill where the others had just been, laughing to himself about how just when you began to think of them as responsible adults, they'll remind you that they're still young.
Tom walked around the corner of boathouse and onto the dock. There in plain view was a picnic basket. Thrown near it were a pair of blue swim trunks and a yellow bikini. What the....? He asked himself.
Just then he heard laughter out on the lake. Shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun, he looked out across the water. There were two people on the diving platform. He thought it might be Trixie and Dan and started to call out but suddenly stopped. What the...? Are they nude? Oh! Ohhhh, he said to himself as he quickly headed back up the hill without the basket. Wait until Celia learns why she's missing a basket, he thought.
"Where's Dan?" Brian asked.
"Don't worry. He had to take care of Jen before he came."
"I know, but he helped with all the plans."
"Don't worry."
It was past the time the young men had planned to leave for the Sleepyside Inn and Brain was sitting at the kitchen table with Jim, Mart and Barry. He looked and felt significantly better after taking a nap that afternoon and, after Jim had shared the plans for the evening with him, he was anxious to throw his brother a party.
"Brian, Jim, can I have at least one beer tonight?" Bobby pleaded as he came down the stairs into the kitchen.
"You've got to be kidding." Brian shook his head.
"One, just one."
"One is just as illegal as two or three or..." Jim reminded Bobby.
"Besides, I won't be drinking anything." Mart told his younger brother. The other three men looked at each other and laughed.
"Mart, I came tonight specifically to make sure you got knee-walking drunk." His roommate and best friend from Ohio State said.
"Barry, I've never been drunk in my life." Mart said. "You know that better than anyone."
"All the more reason to enjoy your final night of freedom." Barry joked.
"Oh boy. If I can't have a beer, the next best thing would be to see Mart..." Bobby added.
"Why are you guys hanging around here? There's a parteee tonight." Dan said as he came through the back door.
The men all headed out the door as Brian called upstairs, "Thanks for letting us use the van tonight, Moms. The keys to my car are hanging next to the kitchen door." They piled into the Mrs. Belden's mini-van and Brian headed up the drive and towards Sleepyside village.
They were all talking at once. While Barry had not grown up with the others, after three years rooming with Mart and visiting on breaks, he fit right in. There was a lot of "off-color" ribbing but all the young men respected Di and were familiar with Mart's possessiveness in regards to her "reputation". They carefully avoided becoming too personal or specific in their joking.
Brian pulled into the lot of the Sleepyside Inn. The restaurant was extremely popular with local residents and provided excellent meals and party facilities at reasonable prices. It was the perfect location for an evening of good food and good company.
"C'mon Bobby. Not many guys your age attend bachelor parties--even when they're this tame." Mart held the door open for his brother.
Little did they all know that the party would be pretty tame--except for the guests scheduled to arrive later.
Despite his promises to Diana and his mother, Mart drank beer. Lots of beer. If he were someone who drank fairly regularly, he would have been no more than "tipsy", but since Mart was a virtual teetotaler, he was more intoxicated than he'd ever been in his life. All the other young men, except Brian, the designated driver, and Bobby, obviously, were feeling the affects of their beers as well, despite the large steak dinners they had enjoyed earlier.
"Mart, I can't believe you're drunk." Bobby said to his older brother who was slumped in a chair at the end of the dining table.
"I'm not drunk. I've never been drunk in my life." Mart mumbled. "Where's Barry? Barry, tell him. Do I drink?"
"Straight as an arrow--usually." Barry said as he patted his friend on the back.
Just then the door to the room flew open and a man in blue uniform entered, blowing a whistle.
"Telegram. I have a special delivery telegram for Mr. Martin J. Belden." He announced. He placed a small CD player on the table and turned it on.
He held a small piece of paper in front of his face and began to sing. Just as he got into the second line of his song, the music changed to an eastern tune. A young woman dressed in harem pants, cropped-top and veils entered through the same door the man had used. She began doing a belly dance around the room, paying special attention to Mart. She draped veils across him and made several "suggestive" moves.
Mart sunk a little lower in his chair. While he was just drunk enough to enjoy the dance, he was still sober enough to worry how or if he could explain this to Diana or--oh no--his mother. Where's Bobby? he thought as he looked around the room. There across the room stood his "little" brother with the biggest grin he'd seen since they'd gone to Disney World the summer Bobby was eight.
The same door flew open again. Whistles blew as Wendell Molinson and Spider Webster came running into the room. They were in uniform and had their nightsticks drawn.
The belly dancer stopped abruptly and the young man with her grabbed his CD player. They both tried to push past the policemen and out the exit door.
"No one leaves the room. I see several violations of state law underway, including operation of a bawdy house, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, public drunkenness. Whose party is this?" Chief Molinson yelled. Everyone stared in surprise as Bobby pointed at Mart.
"His!" he said.
Chief Molinson crossed over to Mart taking his handcuffs out. "Read him his rights, Spider."
Mart sunk further down in his chair and closed his eyes. Oh no. Oh no, he thought as he fell forward onto the table.
At the same time, Trixie, Diana and Honey were spread out in the sitting room of Honey's suite. There were several scrapbooks open on the coffee table and the girls were giggling hysterically. There were three wine goblets, a half-empty bottle of wine and several bowls of nibbles spread out around the room.
"Did he really say that? My BROTHER said that to you?" Trixie asked. Honey had just related the gist of one of her "obscene" telephone calls from Brian.
"Mart has never said anything like that on the phone. You can believe it." Diana giggled.
"But Mart can say those things in person. You two have never been apart." Honey was serious.
"What about Senior year?" Diana tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.
"You were seventeen. He'd have been arrested!" Honey grabbed a handful of Chex Mix and popped it into her mouth.
"Mart gets THAT dirty?" Trixie cried in disbelief.
"No! No! I just meant. What about Brian?" Di tried to change the subject.
"I told you, we don't say anything that explicit. It's mostly things like, "I'm kissing you. I'm holding you. Pretty tame."
"Right." Diana refused to believe her friend.
"Really," Honey pleaded as Di shook her head in mock disbelief. "Okay, Di. What has Mart said to you?" Honey confronted her friend.
"Oh no. I'm not going there."
"Why not? Is he that bad? I KNOW Mart Belden is never at a loss for words." Honey pretended to glare at her friend.
"Mart doesn't talk, he acts." Diana and Honey laughed together.
"Enough already! You're BOTH making me sick! Do you know how icky it is to hear this kind of talk about your BROTHERS?" Trixie couldn't take any more.
"Yeah, but you have sexy brothers." Honey giggled.
"Oh GROSS!" Trixie buried her face in a large pillow.
"Okay. Okay. It's my bachelorette party. We'll change the subject." Di turned to Trixie. "Now Trixie, tell us about this Chris Anderssen or whatever his name is. And spare no details. He's not anyone's brother."
"Maybe we should talk about my brothers..." Trixie looked up and then put her face back into the pillow.
"Trixie. Cough up!" Diana pulled the pillow away from Trixie.
"There's really nothing to tell. Tre was one of the summer interns and we worked together. That's it." Trixie crossed her arms in front of her.
"Then why did he answer the phone when I called on Sunday?" Honey asked.
"We're friends. Friends do visit each other."
Honey and Diana both moaned. "C'mon Trixie. We know when you're not telling the truth."
"Well...truth be told," Trixie began. She told her friends all about the young man she'd worked with that summer. How he was bright, and handsome, and a good person, and how they'd developed "feelings" despite their agreement at the beginning of the summer to be "just friends".
"Oh, I've heard about that before. 'Just friends' NEVER means 'just friends'."
"Di, we had to work together."
"Well, you're not working now."
"I know and since Sunday..."
"Since Sunday?" Di practically leaped up off the floor.
"Well we kissed and well, just kissed. But we are going to write and call. He's in law school at Georgetown so I don't know if it will mean anything. But it's nice. He's nice."
Honey remained silent during Trixie's "confession". Unlike Di, she had witnessed Jim's unhappiness all summer and had conflicts with being loyal to both her brother and best friend. No one had wanted them to be together more than Honey. She found it difficult to imagine either Jim or Trixie with anyone else.
"Well, I think if it's meant to be it will be. Despite separations or whatever. Just like Brian and me." Honey finally added. She shook her head and began sobbing and trembling.
Both her friends rushed over to her and hugged her.
"Oh Honey. Oh Honey. Don't cry. Are you upset I'm thinking about Tre and not Jim?" Trixie asked.
"No. No It's Oh..." Honey continued to sob.
Trixie and Diana looked at each other in bewilderment. They were clueless as to why Honey had become so upset so quickly. The three women sat on the floor in an embrace as Honey continued to sob. Finally, when she began to hiccup uncontrollably, Honey's sobs broke into laughter. Trixie and Diana looked at each other again wondering what to say or do.
"Honey, you have to tell us why you're so upset." Diana begged.
"I don't know. HIC. If I can. HIC," Honey tried to speak. "It's Brian. HIC. Something's terribly. HIC. Wrong."
"Honey. Brian looks terrible. He's over tired. Nothing else." Diana started to speak.
"No it's more. HIC. Than that. He's HIC. He's..." Honey began to cry again.
Diana looked at Trixie. Knowing she must look guilty, Trixie turned away. Diana remained clueless but knew Trixie was hiding something.
"Oh Honey. Please. Please don't be so upset. Brian loves you. What is it?" Diana pleaded.
Honey swallowed hard and asked for more water or, better yet, wine. Trixie refilled her goblet with what was left in the bottle and gave it to her. Honey sipped at it for awhile and, after finally calming down, she related her fears to her two friends.
"Brian has not called or written in weeks. Not even email. I called him several times and he was always either too busy or never returned my message. NOTHING. I heard about the change of plans for this week from Jim! Nothing from Brian. Even you emailed me Trixie, and took my call when Tre was there. Then when you arrive this afternoon he gives me one quick peck on the cheek. I practically assault him in the driveway and he pushes me away. He avoided me at the lake. Did you see him touch me once--even once--all afternoon? Then when the two of you left for Crabapple Farm, Trixie, he promised to come back up here, 'later'. Well that was almost twelve hours ago. Where is he? Tell me where is he? He never came by or even called."
Diana and Trixie just sat and listened. Neither of them had any explanation for Brian's behavior and weren't overly anxious to defend him, either. Trixie was especially upset knowing about the mysterious underwear in his apartment. She began to feel very angry at her oldest brother.
"Honey, his behavior is inexcusable. But I know Brian loves you. I know that. I've heard him talk about you," Trixie offered. "Jim took him into town to pick up their tuxes and, and he fell asleep this afternoon. I'm sure he didn't mean to avoid or neglect you."
"Me too. I mean I know how much he loves you. Mart talks all the time about how devoted he is to you." Diana offered.
"Oh, it really makes me feel better to know he talks about me behind my back."
"No! No Honey! I just meant how his face looks when he's with you or.. or... Oh Honey! He loves you! You know, I have half a mind to march down to the Sleepyside Inn and tell him just what I think of him. I don't care how tired he is, he can't ignore you totally. Especially not this week!" Trixie was trying to convince herself as much as Honey.
"Oh Trix," Honey was aghast at the idea of Trixie raiding her brother's party. "That would be worse. I'll just talk to him tomorrow. I'll DEMAND he talk to me. "
"That's my girl. No pushing around Belden-Wheeler detectives! Now do we have any more wine?" Trixie squeezed Honey in a tight hug and looked around the room.
The three young women found the wine bottle empty so Trixie tiptoed downstairs for more. As she walked through the darkened rooms, she felt totally disheartened. How, in the midst of celebrating the love shared by Mart and Di, could Brian be acting like such a total jerk? She wondered to herself. And what were those panties doing in his bathroom? She'd have to have a long talk with him.
Trixie found the wine. She took out one bottle and decided to get a second. None of the three friends ever drank, but tonight, well, tonight was an exception.
Brian Belden turned off of Glen Road onto the gravel drive. Leaving Dan in Sleepyside, he had just dropped off Jim and was returning home with Bobby, Barry and Mart.
"Oh, gee thanks, guys. That party was the greatest. Promise you'll give me one just as much fun. I don't care if we drink or not. That was so much fun. And this is the latest I've ever been out. Oh wow. It was fun." Bobby Belden couldn't stop talking and Brian and Barry were getting just a little tired of his chatter.
"We just tried to make it an evening for Mart to remember. Just don't tell Moms about any of it, please, Bobby. Let me tell her." Brian pulled the van up next to Dan's car and looked over at his brother. "The less she knows the better."
"I won't tell her a thing. Promise. But do you think he'll remember any of it?" Bobby pointed to their brother who was passed out in the back of the van.
"Well, Bobby, the whole idea is for him to remember just enough. Just enough!"
The two brothers laughed as Barry helped them get Mart out of the van and into the house. Yes, it was certainly a night to remember; or in Mart's case, to forget.
The horizon was beginning to show light when Dan crept into the apartment, trying not to wake his Uncle Bill. He knew he smelled of beer and woman's cologne and hoped he didn't smell like the cab that had just brought him home. He was still slightly drunk and managed to bump into a lamp and trip over an ottoman before his uncle came out of his bedroom.
"I thought you were just having a dinner for Mart." He said, scratching his head.
"Yeah, well..." Dan set the ottoman back up. He had never been able to lie to his uncle.
"What happened?
"Nothing. Nothing happened." The two men stared at each other in silence.
"I heard Jim come in hours ago." Regan paused and waited to see if he got any reaction. Dan continued to stare. "You spend the night at the Inn?"
"What do you think?" Dan glared defiantly at his uncle.
Bill Regan turned around and went back into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him just hard enough to express his disappointment and disgust.
Dan shook his head and went into the second bedroom, shutting the door behind him in exactly the same manner.
At the same time, Jennifer Gordon was stretched out contentedly across the bed in her hotel room, totally satisfied with herself. Yes, Dan Mangan was the man for her. She thought. Triple "S": sensitive, smart and sexy. No he was NOT getting away, no matter what she had to do. This one was a keeper.
Jennifer was a planner. She made detailed plans for every aspect of her life. She had daily plans, weekly plans, and long-term plans. And right now all of her plans included Dan. Yes, he was a key part of her plans.
Jennifer stretched again, and rolled over on her side. Her last waking thoughts were of just what she had planned for Dan this weekend. And her father would never approve.
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