Diana found that she enjoyed spending the morning with her mother, sisters and Honey Wheeler. After meeting for a light breakfast, they all trooped into the Sleepyside Bridal Salon for their fittings. Honey convinced Diana to spend the rest of the day with her doing girl things. Mrs. Lynch returned to the Lynch home with Diana's sisters, Jill and Jan, who were anxious to go home, change and head over to the public pool. Despite having a large heated pool at their home, the thirteen year-old twins and their older brothers had spent every spare moment that summer at the Sleepyside pool. Since the pool had opened three years earlier, it had become something of a tradition in the community for all young teens and pre-teens to spend the entire summer there. Bobby Belden and the Lynch twins were not exceptions. They wanted to be at the pool each and every day from the moment it opened until the moment it closed.
Honey and Diana spent the rest of the day shopping for the last minute odds and ends needed for the wedding and setting up housekeeping. Honey was determined to keep Diana away from her mother and as relaxed as possible, and she did an excellent job. The two friends had a terrific time.
"I'm so glad you convinced me to do this today, Honey," Diana told her friend as they carried her packages from Honey's car into Dianas house. "The ONLY thing missing was Trixie."
Honey didn't respond. She was thinking that if Trixie were there, then Brian would be too.
Seeing the wistful look on Honey's face, Diana immediately apologized. "Oh, Im sorry, Honey. I didn't think about how disappointed you are that Brian wont be here until Thursday."
"Oh, no, Diana. It's okay. I'm used to Brian's schedule problems." Honey tried to sound convincing.
Diana stopped at the table in the center of the main foyer. There was letter addressed to her propped against the vase of flowers. It did not look like a wedding or graduation card. She set down her packages and slit it open with a long fingernail. She pulled out a piece of typing paper and unfolded it. Pasted on it were letters cut from magazines.
Diana showed it to Honey. They both read the words and looked at each other inquisitively. Diana shuddered. "First the driveway and now this? What is going on? Why me? Why my wedding?" She cried out.
When Diana's father learned of the letter he immediately called the police. Captain Molinson responded immediately, took a formal report, and left with the letter and envelope. He assured everyone that it was obviously the work of a prankster, but did question Diana at length about the possibility of someone wanting to ruin her wedding.
Honey noted before he left that the envelope was hand printed in block letters and had a Sleepyside postmark. She knew that the police would almost certainly not pursue this and she was determined that nothing--absolutely nothing--would ruin her friend's wedding.
Mart spent Monday evening at the Lynch house, once again attempting to soothe Dianas frayed nerves. She had enough stress with the wedding and move to Ithaca, but the recent cruel jokes were rapidly pushing her to the breaking point. Recognizing that her mother was only aggravating Diana's condition, he offered to get her out of the house first thing the next morning. They agreed that he would pick her up at 8:00 and, after having breakfast in Sleepyside, they would take a drive up the Hudson River valley. They promised Mrs. Lynch that they would return early enough in the afternoon to complete any errands she might have for them.
The sun was shining brightly when Mart pulled into the Lynch driveway that Tuesday morning. You could barely see where they had scrubbed off the white paint and then covered it with a thin coat of tar. Thank goodness. One crisis averted. Mart thought as he drove across it. Now if we could find out who sent that letter.
Diana was waiting for him when he pulled up in front of the main entrance of the Lynch home, wearing a white sundress that perfectly complimented her hourglass figure and tanned complexion. Mart almost drove off into the grass when he saw her standing there. Diana came running down the steps to the car once it stopped, front tires in the grass and rear tires still on the pavement.
"Hitting the bottle a little early aren't you Mr. Belden?" she said as she pulled open the car door and got in beside her fiancé.
"Drunk in love." Mart said, pulling her to him, thankful that the Taurus had bench seats. He kissed her lightly at first but then pulled her even tighter to him, hoping to force out all her worries. Diana allowed herself to relax for a few moments before pulling away.
"I really don't think this is the place." She said as she scooted back across the seat.
"Martin's Marsh Road?" Mart asked sheepishly, referring to the infamous local 'lovers lane'.
"In broad daylight?" Diana giggled. The sound of her laughter made Mart feel significantly better. Perhaps they would survive the week.
"I guess it's to breakfast, then."
As Mart turned onto Main Street, he noticed Officer Cox of the Sleepyside Police taking down a purple poster from a utility pole. He had several others under his arm. Mart knew that the town had an ordinance about posters and wondered who had violated it this time as he pulled into the lot of the Sleepyside Pancake House. Apparently Diana hadn't noticed. He got out of the car and ran around the front to help Diana when he saw that a purple poster had been tacked up in front of the restaurant. Diana sat in the car, her door open and her feet on the pavement, staring at it.
Belden-Lynch Wedding Cancelled.
No Ceremony This Saturday
Mart and Diana looked at each other, their mouths hanging open. "What the heck is this?" Mart asked. He walked over and tore it violently from the pole. Ripping it in shreds, he headed back to the car. By this time, Diana was crying.
"What is going on, Mart? Who is doing this?" Mart stooped down beside the car and pulled Diana towards him. "I don't know. I don't know Sweetdiana, but I'm sure as hell going to find out." He helped Diana back into the car and buckled her seat belt. Except for the tears running down her cheeks and the occasional mute sob, she was almost catatonic. Mart got back into the car after tossing the torn poster into the back seat. He drove like the angry young man he was to the police station.
Mart squealed the tires of the car as he pulled into the lot. He jumped out of the car and ran into the station house. "Is Captain Molinson in?" He walked past the receptionist without waiting for a response and headed back to the Captains office. He had been summoned back there enough times as a result of Bob White adventures to know the way.
"Have you seen the posters?" He yelled at Captain Molinson as he walked into the office without knocking. "Have you done anything to find out who the hell is doing this?" He was heard yelling as Captain Molinson shut the door behind him. Just then Diana came walking through the office. "Mart? Mart Belden?" She asked quietly as she was directed towards the Captain's office and tapped lightly before going in.
For the next thirty minutes a large number of Sleepyside Police Department employees waited outside Captain Molinson's office trying to determine what was going on behind the closed door. Most of them had seen the posters around town on their way into work. Most of them knew either the Belden or Lynch families, if not both, and couldn't imagine anyone wishing to harm them in any way. Initially there was a lot of yelling between Mart Belden and the Captain, but eventually things quieted down. Based on what could be overheard, they learned the posters were not the first prank or threat made to Mart or Diana. Finally, the door to the office flew open. The Captain came out, followed by Mart and Diana. Diana was pale and appeared ill and Mart had one hand draped across her shoulders and was holding her hands with the other. They followed the Captain silently through the office and back out to Mart's car. Mart and the Captain helped Diana into the car.
"You'll get her over to Doc Ferris?"
"Yes Captain. I'm sorry about my outburst. I..."
The Captain patted Mart on the back. "I understand. But these appear to be nothing more than pranks and you shouldn't be overly concerned. I recognize you're both already under pressure getting ready for the weekend and you dont need this. I assure you that I will investigate this thoroughly. You just take care of your pretty bride and I'll take care of the pranksters.
Mart shut Diana's door and turned to shake hands with the Captain. "I know you'll do your best, but is that enough?
"Uh, Mart, your sister isn't in town, is she?"
Mart laughed in spite of himself. "No. She and my brother get in Thursday."
"Good. If I don't have to worry about her butting in, I can focus all my energy on this. Now you get Diana to the Doc."
Mart drove directly to the office of Doctor Ferris, but he wasn't in yet. He made an appointment for Diana later that morning and helped her back out to his car.
"Do you want to get something to eat, Diana?" he asked weakly.
"Just take me home."
"Sure." They rode back out to the Lynch home in silence. Fortunately all the purple posters had been removed from the route they took. Diana stared blankly out the car window while Mart tried to make some sense of it all. He came to a private conclusion just as they were pulling into the Lynch driveway. After helping Diana to her room and explaining to her mother what had happened, he excused himself into Mr. Lynch's study to call Honey Wheeler. Fortunately, Honey was at home.
"Honey, how do you feel about solving a mystery for me?" he asked when she came to the phone.
"I can't believe what I'm hearing," She laughed. "Are you serious? You want ME to invesitigate a mystery?"
"Dead serious." Mart's tone convinced Honey that he was.
"Is it the letter?"
"Well, yes. But it's more," Mart sat down in the chair at Mr. Lynch's desk. "Di and I went into town for breakfast this morning and you wouldn't believe what we saw."
Mart told Honey about the posters and his conclusion that someone was determined to spoil the wedding on Saturday. He believed that these pranks would continue until either the wedding was cancelled or the perpetrator was caught. Honey was more than willing to do whatever she could. She suggested that Mart stay with Diana while she made some calls. After he took Diana to the doctor, he could help her if he felt he could leave Di.
"That's exactly what I was hoping you'd offer, Honey. I'm afraid to leave Di alone right now, but I want to do something. If these pranks don't stop, well, Diana just isn't herself."
"You take Di to the doctor and check in with me afterwards."
"Thank you, Honey."
"You know I'd do anything for you; both of you. I hope I can help now," Honey offered. Suddenly an idea came to her. "Mart, do you know where I can get one of the posters? I would guess by now the police have taken them all down."
"I have one in my car. But I tore it up."
"Good enough. I'll be up there in just a few minutes."
Mart was waiting anxiously when Honey arrived. He walked her out to his car and gave her the damaged poster. Honey placed the pieces together on the front of Mart's car. "Good," she said, examining it closely. Mart looked at her inquisitively.
She smiled at him. "There can't be many stores that sell poster board like this, especially purple. And you can see that large boards were cut into these smaller ones, probably making it even more rare. I'm going home to start calling every art and office supply store in the area to see who might carry this," She looked closely at the board. "EUREKA!" She yelled. "There's the manufacturers mark---it'll be that much easier to find who sells this," She hugged Mart and picked up the pieces of poster. "You take care of Di. Hopefully I'll know where the paper came from before you return from the doctor's."
Honey drove quickly back to Manor House, totally elated that she was conducting an investigation on her own and thankful to have something to keep her mind off her absent fiancé. She parked her car in front of the garage and ran to the back entrance of the house with the poster board in her hands. She ran smack into her brother, Jim, as he was coming out the door.
"Whoa! Where's the fire!" Jim grasped both her shoulders.
"Oh! You startled me." Afraid that he might try to discourage her investigating on her onw, Honey tried to keep Jim from seeing the purple paper. "I was just going in to make some calls."
"Well, be careful." Jim laughed as he went down the steps and headed over to the stables.
Honey stopped in her father's study to get phone directories for Sleepyside and White Plains. She went directly to her room and, opening both books to Office Supplies she began making her calls. It took her less than thirty minutes to track down the poster board to a stationary store in White Plains who advised her that they did carry it, but they had sold the last they had in stock just the day before. Honey asked if they remembered who had bought it. The man she spoke to said that their computer records showed that the clerk who made the sale was due in at 1:00 that afternoon. Honey thanked the man and said she would probably be calling upon the clerk later.
After calling the remaining stores in the phone book, none of which carried the paper, Honey decided that there wasn't much more she could do until 1:00 so she went to wait on the veranda until she heard from Mart. She took a notepad and pen to record any ideas she might have. It was just a few minutes before noon when Mart's Taurus pulled up in front of the main entrance to Manor House. Honey saw it coming up the drive and ran up to the car as soon as it stopped. She pulled open the passenger door and reached in to hug Diana.
"How are you doing? Did Mart tell you he called me this morning?"
"I'm fine, Honey. Really I am," Diana protested weakly. "Mart told me about your call and I insisted that you let me help. I want to know who's doing this more than anyone!"
"What did the Doctor say?" Honey asked Mart, who had gotten out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. She stood up so Diana could get out of the car.
"He gave Diana a mild sedative, but she hasn't taken it." Mart rolled his eyes just enough for Honey to see.
"I'll take it tonight. I told you that. But I have too much to do to spend the next few days in a drugged state." Diana argued.
"Well, tell us what you've uncovered." Mart turned to Honey, deciding it was better to change the subject than to argue with Diana.
"The poster board was purchased at Arlington Stationers in White Plains. At least someone depleted their entire stock yesterday."
"I don't believe it! You work fast," Mart was obviously impressed. "Do you have any idea who purchased it?"
"They have computerized records, but it was a cash purchase. BUT the clerk who actually sold it is coming in at 1:00. I was waiting to hear from you before I head over to talk to her."
"I want to go." Diana insisted.
"Di, you have things to do. You need to rest." Mart touched her shoulder gently.
"I'll never rest or get anything accomplished until this is resolved." Diana's jaw was set in a stubborn pout. Mart knew his fianceé well enough to not argue.
"Please, you're both welcome to come. In fact it might help. If the clerk can give us a physical description you might recognize the person immediately."
"Let me call the Lynches and Moms."
The three of them went into Manor House and while Mart called his mother and future mother-in-law, the two women got cold drinks and sandwiches from the kitchen. Mart met them out on the veranda.
"Di, I told your mother you were feeling a little better and we were going for a drive. I told Moms the same thing. Moms asked that we pick up Bobby on the way back. He'll be at the pool."
They quickly ate their lunch and headed out for White Plains. It was shortly after 1:00 when they got to the stationary store. They went into the store and Honey introduced herself to a man working at the front register. He was the gentleman who had spoken to her on the phone.
"Mrs. Rowe just came in. She's still in the back. Oh! Here she comes now." He said referring to a middle-aged woman coming towards them. The man explained to her what Honey had told him. Mrs. Rowe interrupted him before he could finish.
"I remember those girls quite well," She guffawed. "They bought over two dozen large boards and asked if we had more. When I explained that we would have to order it, they thanked me and paid for their purchase. I believe they also bought some black markers."
Honey showed her a large piece of poster board that included several letters. "Could these letters be made by those markers?"
The woman looked at it closely. "Gee, I can't really say But that certainly appears to be the poster board."
"Can you describe the girls who purchased it?"
The woman hesitated, looking from Honey to Diana to Mart and back to Honey.
"I'm sorry, Honey apologized. "Perhaps we should explain who we are. I'm Madeleine Wheeler and these are my friends, Diana Lynch and Mart Belden. We're from Sleepyside. Diana and Mart are getting married on Saturday." The woman smiled at them. Honey knew she had her hooked.
Once Honey explained their intent the woman provided detailed descriptions of the two teen-aged girls who had purchased the poster board and markers, as well as the car they left in. She wasn't certain about the driver, but it appeared to be a teen-aged boy. She noted that the one girl had a nose ring and they both had dyed-blonde hair. Their car was a red compact, maybe a Toyota. Honey couldn't believe her luck in finding a woman with such recall. Of course, the woman said she probably would never have noticed if they hadn't bought such a large quantity of paper and had body piercing.
Honey, Diana and Mart thanked the woman profusely for her help. They reassured her that they did not know the two girls, but her excellent memory might insure that they would find them before they pulled a new prank.
All three could barely sit still for the return drive to Sleepyside. They argued amicably about what they should do next. Mart wanted to share the information with the police. Both young women wanted to proceed with their own investigation.
"Okay, ladies. Exactly how do you suggest we proceed?" Mart asked rather cynically.
"Honey?" Diana recognized the true investigator in their company.
"Let me think about it." Honey said, staring out the window of the car. "How many red Toyotas do you think there are in Sleepyside?" She asked almost to herself.
"We could drive up and down the streets looking." Diana offered.
"We don't have the time," Honey responded. "And it could be parked in a garage or..."
"We could check out all the teen hangouts." Mart was now thinking like his companions. "Or maybe keep cruising the circle like we did in high school."
"Do the kids still do that?"
"As far as I know. Bobby might know for sure."
"Speaking of Bobby, don't you have to pick him up?" Diana reminded Mart.
"Oh, gee. Thanks for saying something." Mart slowed down quickly to make the turn onto Park Avenue. He drove up to the Community Park entrance and into the pool parking lot. All the spaces were filled and cars were even parked on the grass.
"Would you two wait in the car if I park in the loading zone?" He asked. "I'll run in and find Bobby."
He pulled in front of the entrance and hopped out, leaving the engine and air conditioning running. Honey and Diana continued to consider ideas about how to find the red Toyota without going to the Sleepyside Police when Honey noticed a red Toyota Camry pull into the lot. The driver, a young boy with died blond hair, pulled up beside Mart's Taurus and tooted his horn.
"This is unreal," She muttered. "Diana, do you see what I see?"
"Where's Mart?" Diana responded. "Oh no! Look, Honey!" Two girls came out of the pool area and walked past the Taurus. They looked remarkably like the descriptions Mrs. Rowe had provided. Both were wearing swimsuits, but one girl was wearing sandals and the other was wearing Nikes spattered with white paint.
"I told you B#*%** to be waiting out here!" The driver of the Camry yelled at them.
"Oh, F#@** off." One girl yelled back as she got into the passenger seat of the car. The other girl got into the back seat behind her. The driver and first girl proceeded to kiss each other, apparently forgetting what they had just been yelling. Honey and Diana looked straight ahead, watching every move out the sides of their eyes. They prayed the three teens wouldn't notice them.
"Dammit! Where's Mart?" Diana hissed as the young couple pulled away from each other and the driver started up the car. He backed up and started to turn. Diana slid across the seat and put the Taurus into gear. "Sorry, Mart!" She yelled to no one as she followed the Camry out of the park.
Diana continued to follow the teens with Honey riding in the backseat offering suggestions as to how to keep from loosing them without it being obvious what they were doing. The Camry pulled onto Route 9 and headed towards Croton. "On please," Diana moaned. "Why don't you go home to change so well know who you are?" The Camry turned onto Albany Post Road and then onto Glen Road. "Honey! What do you think theyre doing?" Diana asked as she slowed down, allowing greater distance between the two cars. Traffic was always light on Glen Road and she didn't want the teens to recognize them. Meanwhile, Honey was scribbling the car's tag number on the back of her hand.
"They might be headed for your house. If we're lucky well catch them trying to do something." Honey offered. "There! There they are." The Toyota was slowing down. It coasted to a stop at the Lynch driveway.
"What the heck?" Both young women called out in unison as Diana slowed down too. The Toyota pulled into the Lynch driveway. The Camry began backed out of the drive just as the Taurus was passing, with Diana holding her left hand up to hide her face and Honey flattened on the back seat. As soon as the Camry headed back towards Sleepyside, Diana slammed on the breaks. She turned around as quickly as she could on the narrow country road and floored the accelerator. They got to the intersection with Albany Post Road in record time, but the Camry was nowhere to be found.
"Which way, Honey?" Diana asked.
"Oh, gee, Diana, I have no idea." Honey thought for a moment. "Odds are they live in town. Go that way." Diana turned right and headed back towards Sleepyside. They drove all the way back into town, breaking the speed limit and cutting off more than one angered driver, but never found the Camry. Once back into the village, Diana remembered that they had left Mart stranded with Bobby at the pool. She immediately headed back to the park. She and Honey brook out into hysterical giggles when they pulled into the parking area and saw Mart surrounded by young teen and pre-teen girls.
"Where did you go?" Mart came running to the car as soon as he saw it. "I've been frantic."
"Looks like you've been busy." Diana teased.
Mart was frantic, but hearing Diana tease him lifted his spirits somewhat. "Teeny Boppers! They're drooling all over Bobby. Literally! Now, where were you?"
"Calm down, Mart. Once we tell you, you'll understand." Honey offered as Bobby came over to the car. Diana scooted over to let Mart drive and Bobby got in behind him.
Diana and Honey shared where they'd been and what they'd seen as Mart drove back through the park. They hadn't gotten as far as describing the turn-around at the Lynch driveway when they drove through the park entrance and out onto Park Avenue. Instead of turning left to head home, Mart turned right towards the center of town.
"Mart? Where are you going?" Diana asked.
"Straight to the PD." Mart said firmly.
"Oh, c'mon Mart," Bobby pleaded. "I think I know who they are," He looked over at Honey and Diana. "And they absolutely HATE Jan and Jill."
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