OTHER CHARACTERS Way in a Manger Patricia Helen Mangan When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Kevin O'Malley (Dan's "Unca"--Owner of O'Malley's pub & friend of Dan's parents) As Real As The Air I Breathe Trooper Dennis O'Connell A Toast Father McMurtrie This Bird Has Flown James Michael "J" Hoover Emily Story (Trixie's housemates) Peter Denton Christopher Tre Anderssen (Trixie's boyfriend)
Woman Debra Marie O'Connell Comer Belden (Brian's wife) Kevin O'Connell (Debbie's father) Marie O'Connell (Debbie's mother) Kevin, Jr., Johnny, Mick, Sean, Ed, & Joe (Debbie's brothers) Maggie O'Connell Bosco (Debbie's sister) Ronnie Bosco (Maggie's husband) Daniel Garrett (Minister who married B&D) |